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Chronological log of changes to this website

(Most recent at top)

29 November 2023:

- 16 new press items for 2019.

- Seven new video clips.

- Country files: New entry for Ukraine.

- Country files: Updated entries for Barbados (school CP), Botswana (judicial CP), India (military CP), Nigeria (judicial CP), Tanzania (judicial CP).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (USA), with discussion of wording used in interesting cases: several entries updated (with significant new text highlighted in yellow), plus 106 new entries, covering Alabama (2), Arkansas  (1), Missouri (68), Texas (private) (7), Texas (districts A to M) (21), Texas (districts N to Z) (7).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (other countries): new entries for Malaysia (1), Singapore (3), Zimbabwe (1).

- Two new images in Picture Parade.

- External links across the site checked and updated/weeded where necessary.

11 October 2022:

- Five new video clips, including the following scenes of actual CP:

Nigeria: Many senior students get "six of the best" in public for skipping assembly (2017).

Pakistan: Army commandos punished with a belt (2016).

South Korea: A senior female student is given three paddle swats in class (2010).

Tanzania: Mass caning of schoolboys by a government official (2019).

Unidentified Middle Eastern country: Male teenage students bend over for a strapping from their female teacher (2018).

- Country files: Updated entries for Antigua (school CP), Nigeria (judicial  CP), Singapore (judicial and prison CP), Singapore (military CP), Singapore (reformatory CP), Tanzania (school CP), United States (school CP).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (USA), with discussion of wording used in interesting cases: several entries updated (with significant new text highlighted in yellow), plus 11 new entries, covering Alabama (1), Indiana (1), Louisiana (1), Oklahoma (4), Tennessee (1), Texas (districts A to M) (3).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (other countries): new entries for Nigeria (2), Singapore (5), Tanzania (1).

- External links across the site checked and updated/weeded where necessary.

31 December 2021:

- Six new video clips, including the following scenes of actual CP:

India: Seven young men caned in a public park by female police for fraternising between the sexes (2015).

Japan: Canings of students at the cycle racing school (c.2000).

Pakistan: Four senior students made to lift up the back of their blazers to be caned in class (2012).

South Korea: A teenager gets 20 quickfire whacks on the backside from his young lady teacher (2008).

Zimbabwe: In the countryside, a girl and a boy are whipped on the seat by a traditional village chief (2019).

- Country files: New entries for British Virgin Islands (judicial CP), Cayman Islands (school CP).

- Country files: Updated entries for Afghanistan (judicial CP), Afghanistan (school CP), Bangladesh (reformatory CP), Bangladesh (school CP), Botswana (judicial CP), British Virgin Islands (school CP), Brunei (judicial CP), Guyana (school CP), India (judicial CP), India (prison CP), Japan (school CP), Singapore (judicial and prison CP), Singapore (reformatory CP), Singapore (school  CP), South Korea (school CP), Zimbabwe (judicial CP).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (USA), with discussion of wording used in interesting cases: several entries updated (with significant new text highlighted in yellow), plus 70 new entries, covering Alabama (10), Arkansas (11), Florida (2), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Louisiana (2), Mississippi (7), New York (1), North Carolina (7), Ohio (10), Oklahoma (5), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (2), Tennessee (6), Texas (private/charter) (1), Texas (districts A to M) (3).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (other countries): new entries for Malaysia (2), Singapore (16).

- A handful of new external web links about school CP here and here and here.

- External links across the site checked and updated/weeded where necessary.

4 May 2021:

- 19 new press items for 2019.

- Many existing video clips rescued from Adobe Flash oblivion and should now work on all devices. Many more remain to be done. See update here.

- The page devoted to Booneville High School in Arkansas, with video clips from a 2008 TV documentary, has been revised and expanded. The three clips are now working, and two of them have been replaced with higher-quality versions.

- Country files: Updated entries for Afghanistan (judicial CP), Australia (judicial CP), Australia (school CP), The Bahamas (school CP), Bangladesh (judicial CP), Botswana (judicial CP), Ethiopia (judicial CP), France (domestic CP), France (school CP), Peru (judicial CP), South Africa (school CP), Tanzania (school CP), Thailand (military CP), United Kingdom (domestic CP), United States (judicial CP), Zimbabwe (judicial CP), Zimbabwe (school CP).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (USA), with discussion of wording used in interesting cases: several entries updated (with significant new text highlighted in yellow), plus 17 new entries, covering Alabama (1), Arkansas (3), Louisiana (2), Missouri (3), Texas (districts A to M) (2), Texas (districts N to Z) (6).

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (other countries): new entries for Ghana (1), St Lucia (1), Singapore (4), South Africa (1).

- Four new video clips, including the following scenes of actual CP:

The Bahamas: Students strapped by PE teacher. With news item (2019).

Kenya: A boy and a girl caned in the school office (2017).

Tanzania: Two students bend over to be disciplined in the school yard (2014).

Zimbabwe: "House caning day" at a boys' boarding school (2009).

- All external links across the site checked and updated/weeded where necessary.

1 July 2020:

- New article, Corporal punishment in Texas schools: Why Pampa ISD is bringing back spankings (illustrated)

- 14 new press items for 2018.

- 8 new press items for 2019.

- Feature article Corporal punishment in US schools updated, with more recent statistics and other new information, plus some new external links.

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (USA), with discussion of wording used in interesting cases: several entries updated (with significant new text highlighted in yellow), plus 30 new entries, covering Arkansas (2), Maryland (1), Mississippi (2), Ohio (2), Oklahoma (18), South Carolina (1), Texas (districts A to M) (3), Texas (districts N to Z) (1).

- Country files: New entry for Myanmar (judicial CP).

- Country files: Updated entries for China (school CP), Ghana (school CP), Malaysia (judicial CP), South Africa (school CP), Zimbabwe (school CP).

- All external links across the site checked and updated/weeded where necessary.

- Four new video clips, including the following scenes of actual CP:

China: Caning of aviation trainees for lateness (2011).

China: Punishment at Kunyu Mountain Shaolin Academy (2013).

Myanmar: Illegal loggers caned in Burmese tropical forest (2015).

Pakistan: College boys spanked (silent film) (2016).

18 January 2020:

- Online handbooks of schools that say they use CP (USA), with discussion of wording used in interesting cases: many entries updated (with significant new text highlighted in yellow), plus 40 new entries, covering Alabama (2), Arizona (2), Arkansas (1), Georgia (2), Idaho (1), Indiana (1), Louisiana (1), Mississippi (2), North Carolina (1), Oklahoma (6), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (private/charter) (2), Texas (districts A to M) (9), Texas (districts N to Z) (9).

- Country files: Updated entries for China (school CP), Lithuania (school CP), Malaysia (judicial CP).

- All external links across the site checked and updated/weeded where necessary.

- Five new video clips, including the following scenes of actual CP:

  • China: Boys caned on school running track.
  • Peru: Youths judicially whipped.
  • Taiwan: Class caning for a schoolboy.
  • South Korea: High-school girls rulered on seat.
  • United States: A one-swat school paddling.  Main menu page

Copyright © C. Farrell 2010-2023
Page updated November 2023