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Corporal punishment regulations of individual schools or school districts

External links to present-day school handbooks

With comments by C. Farrell

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blob The school handbook links are spread over nine pages:
USA, States A
USA, States C-K
USA, States L-M
USA, States N-S -- this page
USA, Tennessee, Texas (private and charter)
USA, Texas (public) school districts A-M
USA, Texas (public) school districts N-Z
USA, States U-W
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| Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Idaho | Indiana | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Mississippi | Missouri | Nevada | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas (private and charter schools) | Texas (public school districts A-M) | Texas (public school districts N-Z) | Virginia | Washington State | West Virginia | Wyoming |

NEVADA: private schools

Agape Christian School, Fallon
Corporal punishment "consists of paddling a child on his/her buttocks". It is to be administered by the school director.

NEW JERSEY: private schools

Muhammad University of Islam, Newark
Corporal punishment is a "final option" at this Muslim elementary school. "This punishment will be administered by The MUI Director or Dean and witnessed by another MUI Staff Member."

NEW MEXICO: private schools

Gateway Christian School, Roswell
Honor Pledge
Parents must sign the "Discipline Release" clause in the student application form, giving the principal permission to administer paddling.
 In grades 7 through 12, students must sign the honor pledge, in which they acknowledge that failure to adhere to the Code "will result in one or more of the following consequences: correction, rebuke, paddling, detention, suspension and transfer".

New Life Baptist Academy, Albuquerque
"Spanking a student may become necessary." "The female Principal/Superintendent will spank the female students. The Senior Pastor will spank the male students." Parents may opt to witness it. There is a maximum of two licks, applied to "fleshy, meaty areas (i.e. rear ends)".

NEW YORK: private schools

Victory Christian Academy, East Patchogue
"I do support the school's policy to spank my child unless a letter of objection is forwarded by me to the school."

NORTH CAROLINA: private schools

Faith Assembly Christian Academy, Raleigh
"Repeated offenses will result in student being held in detention, paddled, suspended, or expelled."

Flaming Sword Christian Academy, Hope Mills
"Parents and students must acknowledge and understand the Director/CEO may deliver corporal punishment if it should become necessary in the Director's opinion. The parent will be notified through electronic means or written note by the end of the day of the incident."

Hilltop Christian School, Fuquay Varina
"If the administration deems that a paddling is required, the parents will be called to administer corporal punishment at school."

Jacksonville Christian Academy (North Carolina)
"First time paddling offenses" include cursing, fighting, disrespect, and tantrums. Also, for a third cheating offense, "the penalty will be an automatic 'F'; a parent/teacher meeting with the principal; and a paddling".

Liberty Christian School, Durham
"We believe that corporal punishment is both Biblically mandated and unmistakably effective in training of children". It is to be administered by the parents.

Mt Calvary Christian Academy, Hookerton
"Discipline of students in junior and senior high grades is a joint responsibility of the parents, teachers, administrators, and students. [...] When all other methods of discipline have failed and a student requires a paddling, the parents will be called to come to school and administer the correction. If the parent cannot come, the student will be suspended until the correction can be implemented."

Renaissance Classical Christian Academy, Fayetteville
Spanking is to be administered by the parent.

Tabernacle Christian School, Monroe
Parents must sign that "We grant permission to the school authorities to discipline our child and to allow whatever disciplinary measures are necessary, including corporal punishment".

These North Carolina private schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Alamance Christian School, Graham

Christian Faith Center Academy, Creedmoor

Fellowship Christian Academy, Jacksonville

Southview Christian School, Statesville

Star Christian Academy, Smithfield

OHIO: private schools

Adams County Christian School, West Union
"Corporal punishment will be administered by spanking the buttocks, no more than three (3) times, of a student with a flat-surface paddle." Parental approval must be on file beforehand. Parents are invited to witness.

Agape Christian Academy, Troy
"On-going problems will result in severe disciplinary action including corporal punishment, detentions, and loss of privileges [...]"

Apostolic Christian Academy, Toledo
"Corporal correction (Spanking) [...] may be an effective tool in the training process of children [...]." "Administrators and teachers will not take it upon themselves to give a spanking to a student without the expressed written consent of the parent."

Delaware Christian School, Delaware (Ohio)
Go to "Discipline Policies" starting on page 10. Students will be paddled, with parental consent, for persistent offenses.

Hillsboro Christian Academy
Enrollment application: page 5 -- Permission to Spank
"All parents must sign a discipline form at the beginning of each school year. Students in grades 9-12 will sign individual contracts. Corporal punishment is still a possibility, but is used only as a last resort and only with the parent's permission."
  The Permission to Spank form says "Maintaining good student behavior is absolutely necessary for quality education. [...] Although it happens infrequently, we know that there will be occasions when the proper and necessary form of punishment will need to be a spanking". "The spanking will be administered by the school principal in the presence of a witness or the parent. The school paddle will be used."

Lima Christian Academy
Paddling at this K-12 school is also known as "boarding". Lying, cheating, excessive demerits and direct disobedience bring "automatic boarding". "Students having four or more mistakes on pages marked OK will be paddled and put on probation." Also, "The LCA will administer, at the most, three spankings per semester to a student in grades four through twelve. After this limit has been reached, parents will come to school to spank their children."

These Ohio private schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Emmanuel Christian Academy, Akron

Shekinah Christian School, Plain City

OKLAHOMA: private and charter schools

Community Christian School, Norman
Various behavior "will not be tolerated" and one of the consequences is "swats administered to the child's bottom", maximum 3 per day. The principal will administer all spankings, unless parents wish to do it themselves, in which case they must come to the school and apply the swats in the principal's presence.
 This handbook is for the secondary school; the elementary one has identical wording.

Deborah Brown Community School, Tulsa
CP shall be administered by the Administration only. It shall consist of not more than two swats. "Students will not receive two (2) spankings in the same day."

Destiny Christian School, Del City
"When corporal punishment is necessary, it is usually administered by the administrator or his designee and is done in the presence of a witness."

Eagle Point Christian Academy, Sapulpa
Parents have to sign that they permit the school to administer discipline, which "may include corporal punishment".

Lakewood Christian School, McAlester
"Corporal punishment by the principal or superintendent", with parental consent, is one of the disciplinary measures here.

Legacy Christian School, Claremore
"Disciplinary measures may include ... and/or referral to the Administrator which could result in corporal punishment."

OKLAHOMA: public schools

Amber-Pocasset Schools
"If a request for the nonadministration of corporal punishment has not been signed, the administration shall notify a parent or legal guardian that corporal punishment is being planned."

Anadarko Public Schools
Corporal Punishment Form
"Corporal punishment shall only be administered in the principal's office or another location where some degree of privacy exists."
 "Corporal punishment will only be administered as a final effort of corrective action prior to out of school suspension, unless parents/legal guardians request otherwise. Students who do not have a completed corporal punishment form on file, signed by a parent/legal guardian, will be given the option to make contact with his/her parent/legal guardian to request corporal punishment be administered as his/her course of disciplinary action."

Antlers Public Schools, Antlers
Antlers Elementary School
Obuch Middle School [DOC]
Antlers High School [DOC]
At the Middle School, corporal punishment is particularly mentioned as a penalty for tardiness and fighting. It is to be administered in the principal's office.
 The Elementary School handbook goes into less detail, and merely states that CP may be used.
 At the High School (grades 9 through 12), corporal punishment is described as an "alternative method of discipline". It is to be administered in the principal's office. CP is mentioned in particular as a possible consequence for tardiness.

Asher Public Schools
"Corporal punishment is defined as applying a reasonable number of licks to the seat of the pants with a paddle." The principal administers it, and parents are notified beforehand. There is a maximum of one paddling per student per day. "The penalty for truancy is corporal punishment or suspension from school." Swats may also be given for failing to attend detention, sexual harassment, alcohol/drugs and tobacco.

Banner Public School, El Reno
At this K-8 school, "Students can be given In School Suspension (ISS) and/or Out of School Suspension to be determined by Administrator and/or paddling with parent approval."

Battiest Public School
CP may be applied for a first, second or third Level 1 offense.
Stats: At Battiest High School, four boys received swats during 2013/14. The same number of high-school students were spanked in 2015/16, but that year two of them were girls.

Big Pasture Public Schools, Randlett [DOC]
"On an annual basis, a parent or guardian may sign an agreement for the use of corporal punishment." If no such document is on file when a student gets into trouble, the parent is asked to come to the school to sign one. Failing that, the student is suspended.

Binger-Oney Public School, Binger
This school says that CP "is an important disciplinarian step". In particular, "Students who use tobacco receive two swats or a two-day suspension for a first offense and three swats or a three-day suspension for a second offense". Female students are to be paddled in front of a female witness.

Bokoshe Public Independent School District
Teachers may administer up to five paddle swats per occasion on "the seat of the pants". Five swats is also the maximum per student per day. Parents wishing exemption must file a written request each year.

Boswell Public Schools
Mrs Eastwood's classroom rules
"Boswell Schools reserve the right to use various types of disciplinary action, including corporal punishment." CP is to be administered at "a private location outside the classroom". Previous versions said that students could not be exempted from CP, but that language has been removed.
 Mrs Eastwood warns her students: "If I catch you cheating on my class work or another teacher's class work in my classroom you will receive a Zero on the assignment, swats, and the possibility of suspension!"
Stats: During 2015/16, 9 boys and 2 girls were spanked at Boswell High School.

Boone-Apache Secondary Schools, Apache
In addition to the staff witness, the parent may choose to witness the spanking.

Butner Public Schools, Cromwell
Parents who do not want paddling used must agree to come and pick up the student within 30 minutes. "One to three swats will be applied to the buttocks only."

Canute Public Schools
See pages 51 and 55. There is a maximum of three paddle swats on the buttocks for any one offense.

Cement Public Schools
CP is no longer specified for tardies, but it is still available (1 or 2 swats) for leaving campus without permission, and for computer vandalism.

Central High Public Schools, Marlow
Students in grades 3 through 12 may be assigned detention. "Once five (5) days of detention are reached, the student will receive either in-school suspension, corporal punishment, or suspension."
 "Corporal Punishment (max. 2 swats)" is the only penalty specified for a fifth trip to the Principal's office. For a sixth trip, it is 3 swats. Any student who declines to take the paddling for any reason is automatically given short-term suspension.

Cleora Public School
"Corporal punishment will only be administered to a student's buttocks with a finished wooden paddle after the student has emptied his/her pockets. No student will receive more than 3 swats per incident, and no more than 3 swats per day." The witness should "if possible" be of the same gender as the student.

Coalgate Public Schools
"Refusal by parent or student to accept corporal punishment as a discipline consequence for the student will mean advancement of the offense to the next level of consequences."

Colbert Public Schools
There is a maximum of three swats. Parents are notified after the paddling. "In some situations, depending on the circumstances, a paddling may be the first step taken in correcting a behavior problem."

Commerce Public Schools
Alexander Elementary School, Commerce
Commerce High School and Middle School, Commerce
In a change to the rules here, no maximum number of swats is now stipulated (previously 3). "Corporal punishment must be applied to the buttocks only."
 Parents wanting their students exempted from CP must have a written note on file. "Often there are medical or other reasons why a student cannot be paddled. The parent's wishes will be respected." In that event, the offending student must attend alternative education for five days instead. This is set out in both the current school handbooks.

Crowder Public School
At Crowder High School (see pages 16 to 18), the parent "must sign a parental consent form stating their choice of paddling or suspension". There is a maximum of three swats per day. Corporal punishment is specifically mentioned as a penalty for 11 different offenses, including disrespect, fighting, profanity, and skipping class.

Duke Public Schools
The maximum number of swats has been reduced from three to two. "The swats will be given with reasonable force by a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student."

Duncan Public Schools
CP is "applicable to all students regardless of grade level". There is a maximum of "three swats for any single act of misconduct or per school day", except in "extraordinary circumstances".

Eagletown Public Schools
"Corporal punishment is still used in some offenses." It is particularly mentioned as a penalty for a first cell phone violation.

Empire Public Schools, Duncan
This district had let corporal punishment fall into disuse for many years, but in 2012 it was decided to reinstate it in response to parental demand -- see this newsletter [DOC].
 Only administrators may paddle. Parents may veto CP using a permission form supplied, in which case the student is suspended. "The principal or assistant principal will only use corporal punishment if written permission is on file and verbal agreement has been given by the parent/guardian over the phone or in person prior to the administration of the punishment."
 There is a maximum of "3 swats on the buttocks with a paddle", to be delivered in the principal's office, and "the student must be appropriately clothed to receive a paddling". Students who struggle or refuse will not be held down, but are suspended instead. "If a principal/assistant principal is paddling a student of the opposite sex then the witness must be of the same sex as the student."

Erick Public Schools
CP is provided for a range of offenses, including assault, insubordination, profanity, stealing, skipping class, and misbehavior on the bus. For cellphone violations and tardies, paddling may be deployed as a substitute for ISD "where the principal deems appropriate". This is the High School handbook; there does not seem to be one for the elementary level.

Fox Public Schools
Enrollment Packet
"Corporal punishment may be used for serious offenses or for repetitious offenses."
 The enrollment packet notes that there is a maximum of three swats per infraction. Parental consent must be on file.
Stats: During 2013/14, two boys and two girls received paddlings at Fox High School. In 2015/16, seven boys were spanked.

Gage Public Schools
Here there is a maximum of three swats on the buttocks with a wooden paddle; parental permission must be on file in the office.

Hammon Public Schools
CP is one of the "forms of discipline" that "may be used for those students who have chronic tardy problems". It is also mentioned for failing to comply with the In-House Detention rules; for a first offense of assault, harassment, obscenity, skipping class, stealing, or vandalism; for a first or subsequent offense of insubordination or lying; a second offense of violating the bus rules; and a second or subsequent offense of disruption or food on campus, among other things.
 Parents are informed before the spanking is carried out. There is a maximum of three swats per student per day, to be applied "with reasonable force by a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student".

Hardesty Public Schools
"Hardesty School does have the right to use corporal punishment and will do so as long as the law is in effect".

Hartshorne Public Schools
CP is one of the possible penalties for a wide variety of offenses, from unexcused tardies to smoking.
Stats: During 2013/14, 11 students at Hartshorne High School were paddled on one or more occasions (7 boys, 4 girls). In 2015/16, this increased to 13 boys and 4 girls.
History: See a 1981 news item, "School Beauty Queen is Paddled for Kissing".

Healdton Public Schools
Enrollment Form
"No more than 3 swats will be given to a student in a school day. The swats will be given with reasonable force by a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student."
 The Enrollment Form invites parents to check yes or no to "My child may be paddled".
Stats: Nine boys were spanked at Healdton High School in 2015/16.

Hominy Public Schools
"Any violation of the conduct code will result in disciplinary action deemed appropriate, up to and including suspension or expulsion from school and/or corporal punishment." This is the Middle and High School handbook; similar provisions apply at the elementary school.
Stats: 21 boys and 19 girls were officially spanked at the High School in 2011/12.

Idabel Public Schools
Idabel High School
Idabel Middle School
At the High School, "Corporal punishment may be administered by an administrator, or his or her designee, to any student, male or female." Paddling is specified for a first or second Level I violation and for a first offense at Level II, with varying amounts of detention as the alternative.
 The Middle School document says that CP is used only at the specific request of the parent.
Stats: Seven boys and seven girls were paddled at Idabel High School on at least one occasion during 2013/14.

Jennings Public Schools
A signed parental consent form must be on file in the office. There is a maximum of three swats per student per day. "The swats will be given with reasonable force by a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student." CP may be given for tardies or missed detention. "Near the end of the year, if there are not enough days left for a student to complete his/her [detention] obligation, then suspension or swats will replace the detention."

Kingfisher School District
Kingfisher Junior High School
Here, corporal punishment is one of the "alternatives" that "are available for those students who find it difficult to conform to school policies". CP is a level 2 and level 3 discipline step. "Parents will be contacted by phone prior to this and/or a signed permission may also be required." Students who choose not to accept a paddling will be suspended for a minimum of two days. "This suspension can be lifted if the student will receive the corporal punishment." The punishment is to be witnessed by the teacher who sent the student to the principal.

Laverne Public Schools
There is a maximum of three licks per day. "If the student refuses to take the corporal punishment, he/she will be offered an equivalent punishment and reminded that he/she may call home if he/she so desires. If the parents are not reached, the student will remain in the principal's office until they are, or until the end of school that day or until he agrees to take the prescribed discipline".

Leflore Schools [DOC]
Paddling may be applied for excessive tardies. Also, a first offense of classroom disruption incurs "1 swat" (subsequent offenses: 3 swats), while "2 swats" is a penalty for, among other things, a second dress code violation (third or subsequent violations: 3 swats). Three swats may be imposed at the first offense of fighting, harassment, insubordination, lying, profanity or tobacco. "3 swats" is also a consequence for a second bus violation. Written consent for CP is obtained at enrollment.

Lomega Public Schools
Here the rules lay down a maximum of three swats on any school day; in a previous version, it was "for any one offense". Parental consent must be on file. "The swats will be given with reasonable force with a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student".

Minco Public Schools
Here there is a maximum of 3 swats at any one time, to be administered by the building principal only. There should be parental permission either in writing or by telephone beforehand. "The student and/or parent will have the option to choose another form of punishment if desired."

Morris Public Schools
CP is to be administered "in the privacy of the principal's office" and consists of "paddling the student on the buttocks region a maximum of three (3) swats per day".

Mountain View-Gotebo Schools, Mountain View
CP is a level 2 and 3 discipline step. It is described as "a last means of discipline prior to suspension". Signed parental permission is required.

Okemah Public Schools
"Corporal punishment may be considered appropriate for minor offenses." It is also specifically mentioned as a penalty for a first offense of fighting. There is a maximum of three swats.
 This is the handbook for the High School. "Corporal punishment at the high school will not be permitted unless requested by and agreed to by the parent and the student."
 A very unusual and somewhat cryptic provision reads: "When girls are considered for corporal punishment, the type of clothing being worn should be considered." Also, "Circumstances may dictate that a waiting period may be necessary before swats are administered". It is not specified what these circumstances might be.

Oklahoma Union Public School, South Coffeyville [RTF]
"One day of ISS or 2 swats" is the punishment for a first offense of skipping detention, cell phone violation, disrespect, disruption and profanity. This is for the Middle and High School; no handbook for the elementary level was found online.

Perry Public Schools
Here there is a maximum of three strokes with a paddle on the buttocks for any one offense.

Pioneer Public School, Chickasha
See page 14 of this poorly produced and non-searchable document. There is a maximum of three swats with a paddle at this K-8 school.

Pond Creek-Hunter Public Schools
There is a maximum of three swats, to be delivered on the buttocks with a paddle by an administrator in the office.

Preston Public Schools
Parental requests to exempt a student from CP must be submitted in writing annually. The request "will be considered". "Other punitive measures" will be taken instead. Students may be suspended if they refuse to accept a paddling. This is the high-school handbook. The elementary school has a similar provision.

Ringling Public Schools
Parental consent for CP must be on file in the office. There is a maximum of three swats per student per day. "The swats will be given with reasonable force with a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student." This is to be performed by an administrator in the office.

Ryan Public Schools
If parents forbid swats, the student will be suspended for not less than three (3) days.
Stats: During 2015/16 four boys and two girls at Ryan High School received swats. This increased to nine boys and one girl in 2017/18.

Salina Public Schools
"Any student refusing corporal punishment shall be suspended for not less than 3 days." CP is particularly mentioned for a first tobacco offense, for truancy (2 swats at the first offense, 3 swats at the second) and for fighting (2 swats).
Stats: Four boys were spanked at Salina High School in 2015/16.

Sasakwa Public Schools
Corporal punishment may be used when a student accumulates seven tardies (presumably per semester). It is also applicable on a second offense against bus discipline, and for violations of the internet policy. There is a maximum of three swats per offense, and five swats per day and per paddling. Parents who do not wish CP to be used must have a written notice to that effect placed on file each year.

Shady Point School District
"Swats" may be administered for a fourth offense of "mild behavior", a third or fourth "moderate behavior", and a second, third or fourth "severe behavior".

Sharon-Mutual Public Schools, Mutual
There are 12 "offenses for which the maximum penalty will be corporal punishment by the teacher or principal", including tobacco, truancy and "failing to meet the demands of a staff member". Before being spanked, the student is allowed to call home "if he/she so desires, or if he/she refuses to take the corporal punishment". An administrator must be present.

Soper Public Schools
"Corporal punishment (1-3 swats)" is a possible consequence for Level I and Level II violations, including disruption, lying, cheating, failing to attend detention, and inappropriate display of affection. CP is also mentioned for a second school bus offense.
Stats: In 2011/12 at Soper High School (grades 9-12), 12 of the 51 boys, and 6 of the 65 girls, received corporal punishment on one or more occasions.

South Coffeyville Public Schools
"Physical discipline is defined as spanking and shall be confined to the use of a paddle applied to the buttocks through a student's regular mode of dress." This unusual wording applies at all three schools.
 The elementary school provides for "3 swats or 3 days' suspension" for fighting and for leaving the campus without permission.
 At the middle and high schools, for a Level 2 or Level 3 infraction, a student may receive one to three swats, with written permission from a parent.

Spiro Public Schools
"The use of the paddle as a form of discipline" by teachers is approved, provided this is done "in the principal or assistant principal's office with a witness present".
Stats: During 2015/16, seven boys were paddled at Spiro High School.

Sterling Public Schools
At the Junior High and High schools here, two swats or 1 day of ISS is the penalty for a first offense of profanity, and of leaving campus without permission; a second such offense brings three swats or two days' ISS. Fighting, disrespect and use of tobacco all attract a 3-swat paddling on the first occasion.

Stilwell Public Schools
"Corporal punishment is viewed as a severe in-school disciplinary procedure". Parents are notified beforehand. It must be administered by the principal or assistant principal in their office. There is a maximum of three paddle swats. Parents wishing to opt out must supply a notarized written statement to that effect. This is the High School handbook; the Middle School has identical language.

Stratford Public School
Grades 9-12
This is a form on which parents either agree or do not agree to the use of corporal punishment. "While it is not required of school districts to seek permission from parents prior to the administration of corporal punishment, Stratford Schools have chosen to give parents/guardians the opportunity to choose and record their option." Parents are warned that if they disagree with CP, the student "may be sent home on short-term suspension as the only equitable alternative".
 At the High School, paddling may be meted out to students who skip detention.

Stuart Public Schools
Parental permission for CP must be given before a student is paddled. The punishment "shall be applied to the buttocks only".
 "Parents may choose to substitute corporal punishment as part of either detention, in-school Attitude Modification Program (AMP), or suspension.​​ Corporal punishment may take the place of the entire length of detention, but only part of In-School AMP (the Zone) and Out of School suspension. Suspensions for over 10 days must be served with no substitute of Corporal Punishment."
 Additionally, students in grades 7-12 who commit a first offense of fighting may reduce their out-of-school suspension by two days if they opt for a paddling: "Up to five (5) days of out of school attitude modification, or 3 days of out of school attitude modification and corporal punishment."
Stats: Seven boys took a spanking at Stuart High School in 2015/16.

Talihina Public Schools
The Disciplinary Guidelines state that "ATD - Alternative Discipline (corporal punishment)" is a penalty for many kinds of offenses, mostly as an alternative to various amounts of detention or suspension. There is a maximum of three swats per day, to be delivered by an administrator. Written approval by a parent is required; it is not clear whether this means in general or for each specific case. Students may receive a paddling in lieu of detention, but "Students repeatedly missing detentions and accepting corporal punishment will no longer have that option. These habitual students will be required to attend Saturday School rather than corporal punishment".

Tecumseh Public Schools
Tecumseh High School
"Corporal punishment is a policy of Tecumseh Public Schools", but parents may request that it not be administered to their student. Parents are not allowed to administer swats on school premises; only the principal or assistant principal can do it. CP "may be one of the alternative choices given to students". In particular, it may be considered in connection with a second or third offense.
History: See this Aug 2003 news report on the reintroduction of CP by this school district about ten years after it had been abolished.

Thackerville Public Schools
CP "is defined as spanking and will be confined to the use of a paddle applied to the buttocks through a student's regular mode of dress". It is to be administered by the principal in the office. Parents are notified beforehand.

Tushka Public School
At this K-12 school, CP is to be delivered in the principal's office. The paddling of female students must be witnessed by a female staff member. There is no mention of parental contact.

Velma-Alma Public Schools
Corporal punishment is available for a wide range of offenses such as assault, disruption and bullying, and also for misbehavior on the bus. The parent must have signed a CP permission form. There is a maximum of 3 swats per student per day, to be "given with reasonable force by a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student".

Verden Public Schools
There is a maximum of three swats, to be "given with reasonable force by a wooden paddle on the buttocks of the student".

Vian Public Schools
Students "may receive corporal punishment as a disciplinary alternative". Does this mean at the choice of the student? It is not clear. "A signed consent form must be filled out by a parent/guardian for this action to occur."
History: See this Sep 2007 news item.

Waukomis Public Schools [DOC]
There is a maximum of three swats. Parents may opt out in writing. This is the Junior/Senior High School handbook; the elementary handbook mentions CP only briefly.

Wellston Public Schools
There is a maximum of three swats. The person administering them must not be angry or upset. An attempt is made to contact parents beforehand.

These Oklahoma public schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Billings Public Schools

Blackwell Public Schools

Bristow Public Schools

Cimarron Public Schools

Cordell Public Schools
History: See this Sep 2012 news item about a mother filing a police report when her son's bottom was bruised at Cordell Junior High School, even though her husband had given permission for two swats. The police found there was no sign of excessive force, and the District Attorney decided the paddling was entirely within the law.

Felt Public Schools

Goodwell Public School

Howe Public Schools
Stats: During 2011/12, 12 boys and 2 girls were paddled at Howe High School. This increased to 23 boys and 6 girls during 2015/16, who received CP on 34 occasions.

Hugo Public Schools

Jay Public Schools

Keota Public Schools
Stats: 32 of the 44 boys, and 10 of the 50 girls, were paddled at Keota High School in 2015/16.

Madill Public Schools

McCurtain Public School

Moffett Public School

Mulhall-Orlando Public Schools

Navajo Public Schools, Altus

New Lima Public Schools [DOC]
Stats: At the High School during 2013/14, 11 of the 34 boys, and 4 of the 57 girls, received spankings.

Ninnekah Public Schools
History: See this April 2004 news item.

Oilton Public Schools [DOC]

Paoli Public Schools
Stats: No CP was recorded at Paoli High School in 2013/14. During 2015/16, four boys and two girls were spanked.

Pretty Water Public School, Sapulpa

Rock Creek Public Schools, Bokchito
Stats: During 2011/12, 11 boys and 2 girls were spanked at Rock Creek High School. For 2013/14 the figures were 11 boys and 4 girls.

Ryal Public School, Henryetta

Stigler Public Schools
Stats: 38 boys received spankings at Stigler High School in 2011/12.

Vici Public Schools

Wewoka Public Schools

Wilson Public Schools
(This is the Wilson Public Schools in Wilson, not the Wilson Public Schools in Henryetta.)
Stats: 13 boys and 5 girls were spanked at Wilson High School in 2011/12. This increased to 22 boys and 9 girls in 2013/14.

Yarbrough Public School, Goodwell

PENNSYLVANIA: private schools

Calvary Chapel Christian School, Russell
"If the student is sent to the principal for repeating the action, the rod of correction will be administered".

These Pennsylvania private schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Covenant Christian Academy, Harrisburg

Tidings of Peace Christian School, York City

SOUTH CAROLINA: private schools

Lakeview Christian School, Pickens
Parents must sign that if their student misbehaves they will either come and pick him/her up or administer a spanking at school.

SOUTH CAROLINA: public schools

Abbeville County School District
Students here "have a right ... to fair and reasonable physical discipline". Parents submit a form to say whether they wish CP used or not. The paddling must be administered by the principal, assistant principal or designee, who must be of the same sex as the student. CP is particularly mentioned at elementary level for fighting, threats, and abusive language.
History: See this May 2009 article in Newsweek about John C. Calhoun Elementary School, a failing school that was turned around when a new principal revived the use of spanking.
Stats: See this Sep 2011 news item, according to which 62 students were paddled in this district in 2008/09.

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Page updated November 2023