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Corporal punishment regulations of individual schools or school districts

External links to present-day school handbooks

With comments by C. Farrell

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blob The school handbook links are spread over nine pages:

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(1) Most external links on this page are to documents in PDF format, so this is no longer indicated separately for each document.

(2) Where paddling statistics are cited, they come from the US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights online database, unless otherwise stated.

ALABAMA: private schools

Atmore Christian School
Parents must sign that "Should corporal correction be necessary for our child, we understand that the school will ask us to come to the school and to witness the administration of the discipline".

Brooklane Baptist Academy, Hueytown
"We reserve the right to have full discretion in discipline, with corporal discipline (paddling) used when necessary." Also: "A paddling may be substituted for suspensions at the administrator's discretion".

Cahawba Christian Academy, Centreville
"We believe the Bible supports the use of corporal punishment in the discipline of young people." "Parents who enroll their children at CCA do so with the understanding that corporal punishment may be used and they express their support of this tool." Misbehaviors for which a paddling is the appropriate response include damaging school property, repeated disobedience, disrespect, tobacco, and lying.
 New in 2020/21 was the "Corporal Punishment Consent" form (page 31), which the student must sign as well as a parent.

Clarke Preparatory School, Grove Hill
At this K-12 school, "Students/parents/guardians will be given the choices of punishment. No child will be made to receive corporal punishment without parental approval or denial." Also, "Corporal punishment will be administered in a private office or empty classroom".

Conecuh Springs Christian School, Union Springs [DOC]
"The school permits paddling by the administrative staff." Also, "Students can get a conduct referral off with a paddling with the Administrator deciding the number of licks".

Crenshaw Christian Academy, Luverne
Paddling may be used by the Administration, "in the office", for sins such as disrespect or disobedience, rebellious attitude, fighting, bizarre or improper actions, and deliberate damage to property. If parents have forbidden CP in advance, the student receives suspension or Saturday Work Detail.

Escambia Academy, Atmore
This K-12 school "does have the right to administer corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure". For Class I infractions (chewing gum, tardy to class, profanity, skipping class), the penalty for a second, third, fourth and fifth offense is "work detail or paddling".
 Local sources report that paddling consists of up to five licks at one time and is equally applicable to students of both sexes.

Mobile Christian School
"Enrollment of a student at MCS implies consent from parents for appropriate reasonable corporal punishment to be administered by the administration when the situation demands."

Monroe Academy, Monroeville
"Monroe Academy does permit paddling by administrators." Students are subject to corporal punishment after 5 minor infractions. In the case of violations of the cell phone policy, parents can save a lot of money by agreeing to a spanking for their son or daughter: for a second offense, the penalty is "Monetary fine of $50 or Corporal Punishment at the discretion of the parent". For a third or subsequent such offense, the fine rises to $100 "or Corporal Punishment at the discretion of the parent", plus 1 day's suspension.

Morgan Academy, Selma
At this K-12 Christian school, "Corporal punishment may be used when deemed necessary by the Dean of Students or Headmaster". If parents have objected to paddling by sending in a note, the student will be suspended instead. In grades 3 through 6, CP may be used in place of detention hall.

Northside Methodist Academy, Dothan
"Paddling" is a penalty for Class I and Class II offenses. Parents must choose either "Paddle my child with reasonable force" or "Call me ... I will either administer the paddling myself or take him/her with me for the period of suspension imposed". The student him- or herself must also sign this form.

Patrician Academy, Butler (Alabama)
Formal paddling starts at grade 5 and continues through grade 12. In the lower grades (K-4), teachers can apply a ruler to the palm of the child's hands. Written parental objections to CP are honored.

Riverwood Classical School, Tuscaloosa
At this K-12 school, an administrator may "administer punishment in the form of detention ... or licks, as preferred by the parent".

South Choctaw Academy, Toxey
"When corporal punishment is assigned and the student refuses corporal punishment, or the parent objects, a five (5) day suspension becomes automatic."

Sparta Academy, Evergreen
Corporal punishment here may be administered to students in grades K through 12. It is used in cases of disrespect, rebellious attitudes, fighting, or damage to property. The student and parents are given the choice of licks or up to five days' suspension. "When possible men will administer punishment to boys and women will administer punishment to girls."

Trinity Christian School, Opelika
Corporal punishment is used on a student's second office visit. It also applies in cases of profanity, disrespect to a teacher, or physical fighting.

Tuscaloosa Christian School, Cottondale
"Discipline will be strictly enforced", and CP is one of the "forms of correction". Parents fill out a permission form, on which they may elect to administer the paddling themselves in the school office.

Westbrook Christian School, Rainbow City
"Paddling can and will be administered by the Administration only." Parental authorization "is assumed upon enrollment. Students who cannot be controlled through normal methods of discipline shall not be allowed to remain at WCS". CP is mentioned in particular as a penalty for fighting.

These Alabama private schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Athens Bible School

Chilton Christian Academy, Jemison

Coosa Christian School, Gadsden

Restoration Academy, Fairfield

ALABAMA: public schools

Alexander City Schools
  • Code of Conduct
  • Benjamin Russell High School [DOC]
Corporal punishment consists of a maximum of "three licks administered to a student's buttocks". "No student is required to submit" to the paddle, so it is always at the student's choice. The parent may request an alternative punishment, but if this is tried and does not work, the principal will resort to CP even without parental consent.
 In earlier versions of the document, two different paddles were specified, "to be made from a general and smooth wood product", complete with detailed measurements, one for grades K-6 (7½" by 3½", and ¼" thick) and a much larger one for grades 7-12 (13" by 5", 3/8 inches thick), the handle in both cases to be 4 inches long. It is now merely required that the paddle have a smooth surface and be free of holes or cracks.
 The pan-district Code of Conduct says that CP is available for a fourth Class I (minor) violation and for a first, second or third Class II (intermediate) violation. Paddling does not feature in Class III (major) offenses. "Parental approval of corporal punishment shall not be required prior to its administration."
 At Benjamin Russell High School, "most minor infractions will result in a 2-2-1", which means "Student choice of 2 licks (corporal punishment), 2 days of in-school suspension (ISS), or 1 day out of school suspension (OSS)". More generally, "In an event a child or parent chooses corporal punishment for selective disruptive or defiant offenses, the administration and faculty members will obey parental requests".
 In a provision not seen anywhere else, parents must specifically request CP in the case of girls, while boys may opt to be spanked without reference to the parents, who are informed after the event.
Stats 1: In 2013/14, Benjamin Russell High School gave spankings to 20 boys and 12 girls. During 2015/16, use of the paddle tripled, to 65 boys (14% of the male student enrollment) and 30 girls.
Stats 2: In the district as a whole, about 60 students received a paddling in both 2017/18 and 2018/19, or some 2% of the student population, according to this Aug 2019 news report.

Arab City Schools
CP is available for minor (Class I) offenses at the third or subsequent occasion at elementary level and at the second or subsequent occasion in grades 6-12. Intermediate (Class II) offenses attract a paddling in grades K-5 only.

Athens City Board of Education
  • Grades 6 through 12
There is a maximum of three licks to the buttocks. The witness should "preferably" be of the same sex as the offender.
 In grades 6 through 12, CP may be used for Class I offenses.
History: See this May 2005 news item, and this Nov 2016 one, which quotes the Athens City superintendent as saying that the district uses the paddle because it "upholds traditional values".

Attalla City Schools
This district contains Etowah Middle School and Etowah High School, which confusingly are not part of Etowah County Schools.
 Corporal punishment is available for all offenses. A very unclear statement, which we have not seen anywhere else, is "The student's refusal to accept corporal punishment must be contracted [sic] prior to the administration of corporal punishment". Perhaps what they are trying to say here is that if the student intends to refuse to be spanked, he or she must say so before the punishment begins.
 See also this Mar 2018 news item and this Apr 2018 follow-up about a paddling at Etowah Middle School in 2016.
Stats: Attalla City spanked 95 students in 2015/16, of which 31 at the High School (grades 9 through 12) (overwhelmingly boys), 27 at the Middle School and 37 at elementary level.

Bibb County Schools (covers Brent, Centreville, Randolph, West Blocton, Woodstock)
Parents may apply in writing for exemption.
Stats: See this Sep 2013 news item reporting 420 paddlings in Bibb County in 2010/11, 179 of them at Centreville Middle School.

Blount County School System (covers Blountsville, Cleveland, Hayden, Locust Fork, Oneonta)
CP is one of the penalties for Class I and Class II offenses, but not for Class III or Class IV (the most serious). Documentation of corporal punishment must be retained until the student graduates.
Stats 1: Some 1,765 students (22% of the total) were paddled in this district in school year 2004/05.
Stats 2: During 2015/16, 83 boys were corporally punished at JB Pennington High School in Blountsville.

Boaz City Schools
Corporal punishment is one of the penalties for major (Class III) offenses. Parents are not allowed to administer CP at school.

Brewton City Schools
See Policy 6.17. Corporal punishment shall be administered by the principal or designee. It is no longer stated that paddling should not be a first resort. The separate code of conduct states that CP may be applied for type I or II violations, but not for type III or IV violations (the most serious).

Butler County Schools (covers Georgiana, Greenville, McKenzie)
CP is to be delivered with "a Board-issued paddle" and there is a maximum of three licks. An attempt is to be made to telephone parents before the paddling takes place. The acknowledgment form at the end of the document, which the student him- or herself must also sign, allows parents to state that they "do not prefer" paddling to be used, but implies that it might be used anyway, whatever the parents think.
 Paddling is an option at middle and high school, but not elementary school, for a first Class II offense. For a first or subsequent Class III (more serious) offense, CP may be applied at all age levels.
Stats: In 2011/12 there were 488 paddlings at Greenville High (grades 8-12), and 227 at the K-12 Georgiana School.

Calhoun County Schools (covers Alexandria, Anniston, Jacksonville, Ohatchee, Weaver)
Corporal punishment shall consist of no more than three swats on the buttocks with a smooth surface paddle free of holes or cracks. The implement must be provided by the Board's maintenance department. Parents are informed after the event.
 CP may be used for a second or third minor violation, and for a first through fifth intermediate violation. These are "administrative options", which I take to mean that the student does not get to choose the punishment. Paddling is not indicated for major violations.
Stats 1: This May 2010 news report noted that 2,246 official paddlings were provided in Calhoun County schools in 2008/09, most of them in the system's seven high schools.
Stats 2: Alexandria High School paddled just 2 boys in 2013/14. That changed dramatically in 2015/16, when AHS provided a total of 135 spankings to 76 boys and 17 girls.

Clarke County Schools (covers Coffeeville, Grove Hill, Jackson)
[Site is possibly geoblocked-- May need VPN to access from outside USA]
  • Jackson Middle School
Here, corporal punishment is available for Class I and II offenses (i.e. everything except the most serious). There is a maximum of 3 licks to the buttocks. "Corporal punishment shall not be administered in the visual presence of other students."
 At Jackson Middle, "any parent or guardian who wishes to prohibit their child from being paddled must come by the main office to sign a form".
Stats: No CP was recorded at Jackson High School during 2011/12. This school subsequently decided to implement corporal punishment, and during 2013/14, 109 boys and 19 girls received paddlings on one or more occasions. At Clarke County High School, 2 boys were formally spanked in 2011/12. This increased to 13 boys during 2013/14.

Cleburne County Schools (covers Fruithurst, Heflin, Ranburne)
"Upon arriving late to school on the 3rd and subsequent unexcused tardies, students in grades 8-12 will be given a choice of corporal punishment or in-school suspension". CP is also indicated for a first or second bus violation, and more generally for a second or subsequent Class I transgression and for a first or subsequent Class II one.

Coffee County Schools, Elba
Students are referred to the office on a third and subsequent tardy to class per semester. On the second, third and fourth such referral, the student has a choice of corporal punishment or one hour of after-school detention.

Conecuh County Schools (covers Castleberry, Evergreen, Repton)
CP is for Class I, Class II and Class III offenses in all grades, K through 12. Parents are invited to state their preference for or against, but either way must "acknowledge the right of the school ... to use any and all disciplinary measures ... including paddling". The student has to sign this as well as the parent. A "board-issued paddle" is to be used. An attempt is made to telephone parents beforehand. There is a maximum of three licks, and the student must be told how many he or she is about to get.
Stats: During 2013/14, 37 boys were paddled at Hillcrest High School.

Coosa County Schools, Rockford
The principal or his/her representative may paddle students in grades K through 12. "No more than three licks shall be administered to the student's buttock." Parents who deny consent for CP must give a phone number where they can be reached to come immediately and pick up the student.

Crenshaw County Public Schools (covers Brantley, Highland Home, Luverne)
Corporal punishment is not to be administered in the visual presence of other students, so evidently they might hear the swats but not see them. Nor shall CP be given "in the presence of visitors", which most people would surely take as a given. Parents must give prior consent. There is an unusually low maximum of two licks.
 A fourth tardy results in either one day of ISS or corporal punishment; it is not clear whether this means the student gets to choose. CP is no longer mentioned for other minor offenses. Intermediate offenses may be punished corporally at the first occasion. CP does not apply to major offenses.
 See also this Aug 2015 news item about a new code of conduct.

Cullman County Schools (covers Baileyton, Bremen, Cullman, Garden City, Hanceville)
CP is available for Class I and Class II offenses, but not for Class III (the most serious). A decision to administer corporal punishment "will be carefully considered".

Dale County Schools (covers Ariton, Midland City, Newton, Pinckard, Skipperville)
  • George W. Long High School, Skipperville
  • South Dale Middle School, Pinckard
George W. Long High School uses "corporal punishment (paddling)" when deemed necessary and appropriate. There is a demerit system: The paddle may be administered upon the accrual of 1-4 demerits, 5-8 demerits, and 9-11 demerits within a school term. Parents may seek exemption in writing but must do so again every year (no form is provided for this).
 South Dale Middle has more or less the same provisions as GW Long High School.
History: See this Feb 2007 news item, in which Dale County's then superintendent described CP as an attractive disciplinary tool: students were paddled in the hallway and did not waste precious class time in the office or on suspension.

Daleville City Schools
"The Daleville City Board of Education permits reasonable and proper paddling of students for disciplinary purposes." Parents are contacted for verbal approval beforehand. At the High School, CP is particularly mentioned for any second, third or subsequent Class I offense, and any first class II offense.
Stats: During 2011/12, 28 boys and 4 girls were spanked on one or more occasions. This increased to 45 boys and 7 girls in 2013/14.

Dallas County Schools, Selma
(This is Dallas County in Alabama, not the famous Dallas in Texas.)
 "The Board approves the use of corporal punishment." "If the Principal or his or her designee determines corporal punishment is due to be administered, the affected student shall be given an option to accept corporal punishment, or in lieu of accepting corporal punishment, the student shall be entitled to accept a three (3) day suspension from school." Parents are informed after the paddling. There is a maximum of three "strikes" [sic] per day.
 A third Class I offense attracts corporal punishment, as does a second Class II offense. This explicitly applies to all grades, K through 12.

DeKalb County Schools, Rainsville
Due process is required if corporal punishment is used, but the punishment should not be delayed. Students in grades K through 12 who refuse to be paddled will be assigned to alternative school, after-school detention, or suspension. The Board of Education "does not recognize a 'no paddle' list". CP is a possible response to Type I and Type II offenses, but not Type III (the most serious).
History: See this Nov 2010 news item.

Elba City Schools
CP may be given to elementary and secondary students for Class I and Class II violations. It "shall not include more than three (3) licks (per infraction) administered to the buttocks".

Elmore County Public Schools (covers Deatsville, Eclectic, Millbrook, Wetumpka)
An administrator or designee may administer CP, rather vaguely defined as "reasonable use of physical force or physical contact". The student must have been warned previously that CP could result. Unusual due-process requirement: before being spanked, the student not only has the opportunity to state his or her case but may present witnesses in his or her defense.

Enterprise City Schools
  • Junior High Schools
  • Enterprise High School
The handbook for the enormous Enterprise High School (2,200 students in grades 9 through 12) mentions corporal punishment frequently. It is one of the penalties for skipping class. For a fourth tardy to school or a second dress-code violation, students receive 2 licks or two hours' detention. For a fifth tardy or a third dress-code violation, it is three licks or 3 hours. Paddling may also be administered for, among much else, displays of affection, fighting, bullying, profanity, littering, not being off campus by 3.45 pm, and "general misbehavior". Students in grades 9 through 12 who drive a vehicle to school may be spanked (2 or 3 licks) for parking it in the wrong spot, or for reckless driving or speeding. Use of a cell phone brings 2 licks or 2 hours' detention at the first offense. Parents may write a letter to exempt their son or daughter from CP.
 There are similar rules (minus the motoring provisions) at the two junior-high schools (Dauphin and Coppinville).
 See also this Aug 2016 news item, which quotes the district Superintendent as saying that paddling is "really pretty effective".
Stats: About 1,600 students received at least one spanking in Enterprise City Schools in 2004/05, or 29% of the student population. In 2015/16 the equivalent figure was 1,805, of whom 1,653 (92%) at Enterprise High School, or 64% of the high-school enrollment. These 1,653 students in grades 9-12 (1,002 boys, 651 girls) received licks on 2,034 occasions. This averages out to over 11 spanking sessions per school day, possibly a record for a US senior high school in the present era. Conversely, suspensions were relatively few, and expulsions zero.
History: This Aug 2006 news item made clear that use of the paddle for cellphone offenses was then new, and applied at all the schools in the district.

Escambia County Schools (covers Atmore, Brewton, Flomaton)
  • Escambia County High School, Atmore [DOC]
"A standard paddle will be used (no rulers, belts, large boards, etc.). Paddles are not to be carried around and used as a constant threat. A student may be struck only on the seat, not the palm of the hand, back, leg, or any other part of the body."
 At Escambia County High School, "Paddling may be offered to students as an alternative punishment for minor offenses in lieu of OCS".
 See also this Nov 2014 news item and this Apr 2018 news item.

Etowah County Schools (covers Altoona, Boaz, Gadsden, Glencoe, Hokes Bluff, Rainbow City, Sardis City, Southside, Walnut Grove)
  • Policy Manual
Paddling is a disciplinary sanction here for Class 1 and Class 2 violations, but not Class 3 or 4 (the most serious). "The student's refusal to accept corporal punishment will be deemed a more serious offense and treated accordingly".
 The Policy Manual states that CP "shall consist of no more than three (3) licks administered to the buttocks with a smooth surface paddle free of holes and/or cracks".
Stats: According to an earlier Campus Improvement Plan, there were 49 paddlings at Sardis High (grades 7 through 12) in 2012/13.

Franklin County Schools, Russellville
"The board of education endorses the reasonable and restrained use of corporal punishment." CP applies here for a second or subsequent Class I or Class II offense in grades K-4. Students in grades 5 through 12 may be paddled for a second or subsequent Class I offense, and for a first or subsequent Class II offense. It is to be administered by a teacher or principal who was not "involved in the matters leading to the corporal punishment".
 "Corporal Punishment or 1 Day Out of School Suspension (Determined by Administrator)" is specifically mentioned as a penalty for a second tobacco violation.

Geneva City Schools
Corporal punishment, which must be based on a written disciplinary referral, consists of "a paddling with a maximum of three licks to the buttocks". This is mentioned in particular as a "potential consequence" for a first cell phone offense.
 "Students driving motor vehicles to the Geneva High School campus" (grades 9 through 12) may be spanked if they violate the parking and driving rules.

Geneva County Schools
Any request not to use corporal punishment must be submitted annually in writing by parents.
 CP is available for a second and subsequent Class I (minor) or Class II (intermediate) offense. In grades 6 through 12 only, it may also be used for a first Class II offense. Also, it is specifically mentioned as a possible consequence for possessing a cellphone and for misbehavior on the school bus.

Haleyville City Schools
"Corporal punishment (1-3 licks)" is a penalty for a first or subsequent minor offense and for a first intermediate offense.

Houston County Schools (covers Ashford, Columbia, Cottonwood, Newton, Webb, and addresses in Dothan that are not in Dothan City district)
This is Houston County in Alabama, not the famous Houston in Texas.
 "Reasonable and proper spanking/paddling of students" is available for a first intermediate offense and a second or subsequent minor offense. It is not mentioned in connection with major offenses. The parent may make a written request that the student be exempted from CP; this must be delivered in person each year before the first day of school.
History: See this Feb 2007 news item, reporting that there were 535 paddlings in Houston County in 2005, and describing the paddling process used at Cottonwood High School.

Jackson County Schools, Scottsboro (covers Bridgeport, Bryant, Dutton, Flat Rock, Higdon, Hollywood, Pisgah, Princeton, Section, Stevenson, Woodville)
CP (no details provided) is available for all three levels of violations. It is also specified as a possible consequence for misbehavior on the school bus.
Stats: 850 students received a paddling in this district during 2004/05.

Jasper City Schools (Alabama)
Paddling is a possible penalty for a second or subsequent Class I offense and for any Class II offense. Parental approval is not required.

Lauderdale County Schools, Florence
"The Lauderdale County Board of Education authorizes professional employees to administer corporal punishment." Parents wishing to exempt their students from paddling must send a letter to the school each year.

Lamar County Schools, Vernon
It is made explicit that corporal punishment is available in all grades from K through 12. There is a maximum of three licks, to be delivered to the student's buttocks with an instrument that is "wisely selected". The witness should be of the same sex as the student.
Stats: 1,095 students were paddled in this district in 2004/05.

Leeds City Schools
  • Employee Handbook
See p.89 ff. Corporal punishment is available for second and subsequent Class I ("minor") and Class II ("intermediate") offenses in all grades, K through 12. Parents may opt out by signing a form every year. Failure to return the form constitutes permission to use CP.
 Board policy, set out in the Employee Handbook, requires "an adequate statement of the reasons and supporting evidence" to be given orally, "with an opportunity for the student to respond in the presence of a witness". If the situation warrants it, "corporal punishment may then be administered without delay". This is limited to "three licks administered to the buttocks", and to one paddling per student per day. The witness should be "preferably the same gender as the offender".
 See also this Sep 2013 news item and this Oct 2013 follow-up.

Marion County Schools (covers Bear Creek, Brilliant, Guin, Hackleburg, Hamilton)
CP here is a possible response to Class I violations (the least serious) and for a first offense in Class II, but not for Class III. It is also specified for misbehavior on the school bus. It is to be administered only to the buttocks, using a wooden paddle smoothly sanded, without cracks or holes. No more than three swats are to be given for any one infraction or in any one day.
History: See this Oct 2009 news item (with video clip) in which two brothers and their father speak about getting paddled at Brilliant High School.

Marshall County Schools (covers Albertville, Douglas, Grant, Guntersville)
CP may be applied for Class I violations (the least serious). In grades K-8 it is also, at the principal's discretion, a penalty for a first or second offense of fighting.
Stats: Douglas High School paddled 13 boys and 2 girls during 2011/12. This increased to 43 boys and 5 girls in 2013/14.

Morgan County Schools -- District policy (covers Danville, Decatur, Eva, Falkville, Joppa, Lacey's Spring, Somerville, Trinity)
  • Student Code of Conduct
According to the board policy, corporal punishment "is administered by paddling the buttocks only". The counselor should not witness the punishment. CP should not be used "if the student has a physical injury which may be further aggravated".
 The Code of Conduct adds that CP may be applied for a second or subsequent Class I offense (the least serious), in the case of elementary and secondary students alike. For secondary students only, it may also come into play for a first Class II offense.
Stats: At Danville High School in 2011/12, 5 boys and 2 girls were spanked. In 2013/14 this increased to 17 boys and 8 girls.

Oxford City Schools
  • Oxford High School
The pan-district board policy provides for a maximum of "three (3) licks administered to the buttocks", and also says "Care should be taken not to corporally punish the same student more than once in any one (1) day". The witness should "preferably" be of the same sex as the offender.
 The High School handbook says "Corporal punishment is permitted at Oxford High School". In particular, the penalty for a 4th or subsequent dress-code violation is out-of-school suspension, for which CP may be substituted "if appropriate".
Stats: During 2011/12, 47 students (36b, 11g) at Oxford High School were paddled on one or more occasions, and a remarkable 535 students received one or more assignments to ISS. Two years later the school had substantially increased its use of corporal punishment. During 2013/14, 78 students (61b, 17g) were spanked, and ISS assignments plummeted to only 61.
History: See this Oct 2008 news item about a paddling at Oxford Middle School, and this April 2010 report (with video clip) on the paddling at Oxford High School of 17 students who wore "inappropriate" attire to the senior prom.

Ozark City Schools
This district abolished paddling in 1997 and reintroduced it in 2011 (see this Sep 2011 news item and this Nov 2011 follow-up).
 Parents are "responsible for notifying the school principal, in writing, of any physical condition or health impairment that would render corporal punishment inadvisable for the student. Such notice shall not prohibit the use of corporal punishment unless there is written direction from the Superintendent to the educator who administers corporal punishment that the specific student is not to be corporally punished."

Pickens County Schools (covers Aliceville, Carrollton, Gordo, Reform) [DOC]
Here it is made explicit that students not only may, but will, be offered a choice of punishment. "Should a student request corporal punishment, rather than an alternate form of punishment, the teacher may administer the corporal punishment under the guidelines of this policy."
 There is a maximum of "three licks administered to the buttocks" with an instrument that "should be wisely selected. A wooden paddle approximately 24 inches in length, 3 inches wide and ½ inch thick is recommended. Paddles with holes, cracks, splinters, tape or other foreign material shall not be used for corporal punishment". The student is to remove any objects in back pockets and take off outer garments before the punishment begins.
 A teacher who is "not comfortable administering corporal punishment" may ask another teacher to do it. The witness should preferably be of the same sex as the student. Parents shall be given the right to exempt their children, but "should the parent fail to notify the principal, it shall be understood that the student may be corporally punished".

Pike County Board of Education (covers Brundidge, Goshen, Troy)
This district has rewritten its code of conduct. CP is still available for Class I offenses on a first referral to the office (disruptive behavior, tardiness, etc.).
 Previously, if the student professed innocence, the paddling was postponed until parents had been contacted, but would then go ahead unless they signed a written objection. There is no longer any reference to the student's claiming innocence. Written parental objections to CP will now be honored in grades K-3 only. In grades 4 through 12, written objections to CP are no longer accepted. Instead, "Parents and students should discuss this discipline option. If a decision is made not to accept corporal punishment, students are expected to advise the administrator that it is their parent's desire not to have corporal punishment used." In such a case, the student is suspended for one day, followed by a parent conference.
 As before, there is a maximum of three licks for any one infraction, to be applied to the buttocks, and three licks per day. There is no longer any reference to "the Board-approved paddle".
Stats: This Sep 2016 news report stated that Pike County High School paddled 39.5% of its students in 2013/14.

Randolph County Schools, Wedowee
Written parental consent must be on file. "Not more than three (3) licks shall be administered to the buttocks using the School Board approved paddle."

Russell County Schools (covers Fort Mitchell, Hurtsboro, Opelika, Phenix City, Seale)
Corporal punishment is a possible consequence for a class II violation (defiance, fighting, tobacco, truancy, tardies, profanity). CP is to be given by the principal or designee. Parents are informed beforehand.

Selma City Schools
CP "is a consequence for student discipline". Parents may opt their student out. Even if they don't, they must be contacted before the spanking is carried out. The witness should "preferably" be of the same sex as the offender.
Stats: At Selma Middle CHAT Academy, 301 out of the 464 students received at least one spanking in 2013/14, for an "annual CP rate" of 65%.

Sylacauga City Schools
"Corporal punishment (paddling)" is a "disciplinary sanction" for Class I (minor) and Class II (intermediate) violations.
Stats: 180 boys and 88 girls were paddled at Sylacauga High School in the 2011/12 school year. The figures recorded for 2004/05 and 2006/07 had both been zero.

Talladega County Schools (covers Alpine, Childersburg, Lincoln, Munford, Sycamore, Talladega)
Corporal punishment is available for minor and intermediate offenses in all grades, K through 12.
 See also this Nov 2016 news item about an 8th-grader paddled at Childersburg Middle School.

Tallapoosa County Schools (covers Camp Hill, Dadeville, New Site, Notasulga)
Corporal punishment is mentioned as a possible "corrective action" for a wide range of Class I (minor) violations. It "shall consist of no more than three (3) licks administered to the buttocks with a smooth surface paddle free of holes and/or cracks". The witness should "preferably" be of the same gender as the student. Parental requests for exemption "must be accompanied by the offering of an alternative disciplinary method by the parent or guardian that is acceptable to the principal".
 See this news item about a two-lick paddling at Reeltown High School in 2016.
 See this June 2018 news report on a change by the school board in the rules for informing parents that their offspring had been spanked.
Stats 1: During 2011/12, five boys and two girls at Reeltown High School in Notasulga were spanked on one or more occasions, and four boys and two girls were so disciplined during 2013/14. The school then increased its use of CP, and sharply reduced assignments to ISS. In 2015/16, 15 boys and 4 girls received a total of 28 paddlings, while ISS assignments dropped from 107 in 2013/14 to only 14 in 2015/16. Dadeville High School did not use the paddle during 2011/12 or 2013/14, but in 2015/16, seven boys were spanked there.
Stats 2: In Tallapoosa County as a whole, there were 143 spankings in 2018/19, up from 133 the previous year, according to this Aug 2019 news item.

Troy City Schools
  • Policy Manual
  • Code of Student Conduct
A wooden paddle is used, with no holes in it. There is a maximum of three swats per offense and three swats per student per day. These are to be provided in the office, and "reasonable efforts" are made to ensure that the administrator is of the same sex as the student being disciplined. Parents wishing to veto CP must fill out a form each year.
 The Policy Manual says "Swats are to be given on the buttocks area only", whereas the Code of Conduct provides for "swats to the flat of the buttocks", a somewhat curious form of words that we have not found anywhere else.

Tuscaloosa County Schools (covers Brookwood, Buhl, Coker, Cottondale, Duncanville, Fosters, Holt, Northport, Tuscaloosa, Vance)
A maximum of three licks may be administered to the student's buttocks. The instrument used is to be "a smooth surface paddle free of holes and/or cracks". The witness should "preferably" be of the same "gender" as the student. There is no mention of prior parental consent.
 The privacy rule is more limited than in many other administrations: CP shall be administered "out of view of any other students", but evidently it is acceptable for other students to hear it. CP is particularly mentioned as a consequence for tobacco use.

Walker County Schools (covers Carbon Hill, Cordova, Dora, Goodsprings, Oakman, Parrish, Sipsey, Sumiton, and addresses in Jasper that are not part of Jasper City)
Corporal punishment is available for Class II (intermediate) offenses, and (at the High School only) for a fourth tardy per nine weeks. It must be delivered in the principal's office. "A maximum of three (3) taps must be administered to the buttocks." ("Taps", surely a euphemism, is a most unusual word to describe a paddling.) Where all the administrative staff at a school are male, "a female teacher may be designated to administer corporal punishment to the female student". Parents must state in writing "any extenuating circumstances, physical condition or health impairment that would render corporal punishment inadvisable". CP must not be given for poor grades or other academic issues.

Washington County Schools (covers Chatom, Fruitdale, Leroy, McIntosh, Millry)
Unusually, "Written or verbal request from parents or guardians to have their children exempted from corporal punishment will NOT be accepted".
 Corporal punishment is available at elementary level for a second or subsequent Class I (minor) offense. At secondary level, it may be used for a first or second Class I offense. First and second Class II (intermediate) violations may attract CP at any level.
Stats: During 2011/12 at Washington County High School in Chatom, 12 boys and 5 girls received paddlings on at least one occasion. Two years later this figure jumped to 30 boys and 12 girls.

Winston County Schools, Double Springs
  • Student Handbook
"Corporal punishment should not include more than three (3) licks administered to the buttocks."
 The student handbook adds that CP may be provided in response to Class I or Class II violations.
Stats: During 2015/16, eight boys received paddlings at Lynn High School; five boys and two girls got licks at Addison High School; two boys were spanked at Meek High School; and at Winston County High School, 26 boys received corporal discipline.

These Alabama public schools or school districts also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Chilton County Schools, Clanton
Stats: See this Sep 2013 news item, which said there were 374 paddlings in this district in 2011/12, of which 145 at Thorsby High School.

Covington County Board of Education, Andalusia (covers Florala, Red Level) [DOC]

Decatur City Schools
History: See this May 2013 news item.

Fort Payne City Schools

Hale County Schools (covers Greensboro, Moundville, Newbern)

Lawrence County School System

Limestone County Schools (covers Ardmore, Athens, Elkmont, Harvest, Lester, Tanner)
History: See this Nov 2016 news item.

Marengo County Schools, Linden [DOC]

Muscle Shoals City Schools

Scottsboro City Schools

ALASKA: private schools

The Study, Soldotna
"The Study has adopted a common belief that a majority of our families holds: that when the misconduct is harmful or degrading to one's self or to other students, and other reasonable means of discipline have been exhausted, corporal punishment will be the next course of action." Parents who do not want CP to be used must agree to come to the school and take the student away.

ARIZONA: public schools

Country Gardens Charter School, Laveen
This enrollment application form allows parents to choose the "Out of School Suspension Alternative Option", whereby the parent comes to the school to administer a maximum of two swats to the student in lieu of OSS. A standard paddle is used, applied to the clothed buttocks only.

Heber-Overgaard Unified School District #6
  • Mogollon High School, Heber
  • Corporal punishment permission form
This covers grades 7 through 12. Parent permission must be given before CP is applied. "Corporal punishment will be administered by spanking the buttocks, no more than three (3) times, of a student with a flat-surfaced paddle that will cause no more than temporary pain and not inflict permanent damage to the body." An unusual requirement: a period of 30 minutes must elapse "between the referral and the decision to and administration of corporal punishment".

ARKANSAS: private and charter schools

Academics Plus Charter Schools, Maumelle
At this group of three schools, including Maumelle Charter High School, CP is listed as an option for a wide range of offenses. It is to be "administered on the buttocks". There is a form on page 72 where parents may decline to approve it.

Christian Ministries Academy, Hot Springs
"When disciplinary action becomes necessary, corporal punishment will be carried out." Spanking is the only kind of punishment mentioned at this K-12 school, short of expulsion.

Cornerstone Christian Academy, Tillar
Stealing, cheating, lying, insubordination and public displays of affection are some of the specific grounds for paddling students in grades 6 to 12. For a first offense of disobedience or disrespect, the penalty is "3 days suspension or a paddling and 2 days suspension". Parents must sign a pledge to accept "the use of corporal correction should the Administration ... deem it advisable".

Fayetteville Christian School
"Only the approved instruments may be used to administer corporal punishment. Students are always swatted on the posterior. The maximum number of swats a student may receive in an incident is five. Male staff do not swat female students." Parental notification is not required.

Garrett Memorial Christian School, Hope
Parents are contacted prior to spanking. "Corporal Punishment will not be administered without a signed consent form on file and a witness present in the room."

Lee Academy, Marianna
At this K-12 school, CP "must be administered with a Headmaster approved paddle and administered only to the lower posterior". The student "is to be given the reason for paddling before punishment", and reminded of the reason afterwards. "The paddles to be used are only those provided by the school. No other instrument is to be used for corporal punishment." There is also now a Social Media policy, failure to abide by which may result in paddling.

These Arkansas private schools also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Abundant Life Christian Academy, Sherwood

Baptist Preparatory School, Little Rock

Imboden Area Charter School [DOC]

Legacy Academy, Lockesburg

ARKANSAS: public schools

Ashdown School District
"If a parent requests corporal punishment to be substituted for ISS, the administrator may consider the request by the parent based on circumstances and prior infractions." Only an administrator may paddle, and the punishment is to take place "in the office area".

Benton School Board
Corporal punishment must be administered to the "lower posterior". "Parents who prefer suspension rather than corporal punishment may sign a discipline form that is available in the principal's office."

Berryville School District
Corporal punishment is listed as a consequence for tobacco violations.
 In this Dec 2016 news report, the superintendent clarifies that CP is always an option and no student is forced to submit to it. Parents "overwhelmingly" choose three swats in lieu of ISS. A wooden paddle is applied to the student's "rear end".
Stats: According to the same news item, paddlings increased from 139 cases in 2013 to 229 in 2016.

Bismarck School District
  • Bismarck High School
CP at the High School may be applied for a first offense of "on-campus truancy" (i.e. skipping classes), minor stealing, displays of affection, and minor (Category I) offenses generally. It is also a possible consequence for a number of Category II offenses, including insubordination, profanity, internet violations, loitering, forgery and bullying; and for failure to turn in three or more homework assignments. The principal may also paddle students in ISS who fail to follow the ISS rules. Parents wishing exemption must fill out the form at the back of the handbook. See also the "Statement of Responsibility" which the student must sign as well as the parent, acknowledging that corporal punishment is one of the "forms of discipline that may be enforced".
Stats: During 2013/14, 17 boys were paddled at the High School on at least one occasion.

Blevins Public Schools
"Refusal to take corporal punishment will result in automatic suspension."

Booneville School District
At the High School (grades 10 through 12) there is a demerit system. Corporal punishment, detention or Saturday School are the consequences for five demerits in a 9-week period, and again at ten demerits. The same system is in force at the Junior High.
 Also at both HS and JHS levels, a first offense of truancy incurs half a day of Saturday School, 5 days' detention or three swats.
Stats: There were 244 paddlings in Booneville schools in school year 2012/13, according to state statistics. Federal estimates for Booneville High School alone show that 37 boys and two girls received spankings in 2013/14, up from 30 and 2 in 2011/12. In 2015/16 these numbers increased again, to 50 boys and 7 girls.
History: See these three video clips from a TV documentary in 2008 showing students at Booneville High School choosing a paddling in the principal's office (three licks) in lieu of Saturday school.

Brookland Public Schools
Students who "engage in unacceptable behavior" may receive corporal punishment, which "WILL NOT be performed in a cruel or unusual manner". Students may be given the opportunity to serve ISS instead of receiving a paddling. CP is also specifically mentioned as a penalty for a first or second instance of misbehavior on the bus. Parents who veto CP "will be called to come to school to pick up their child immediately, if he/she becomes a discipline problem".

Calico Rock School District
  • Calico Rock Elementary School [DOC]
  • Calico Rock High School
[Site is possibly geo-blocked -- May need VPN to access from outside USA]
Elementary students sent to the office may be paddled.
 At the high school, parents are to sign a form stating that they either do or do not permit the use of CP. Any student who exceeds five tardies in a semester will receive corporal punishment and/or detention. For a second dress-code or grooming violation, students may choose between a paddling and an afternoon detention. Senior (12th grade) students may be disqualified from going on class trips if they have received ISS or paddling on "numerous" occasions. Refusal to be spanked may result in suspension.

Carlisle Public Schools
  • Elementary Handbook
  • High School Handbook
At the elementary level, corporal punishment is a possible consequence for a Level 3 offense or repeated Level 2 offenses. At the end of the book is a form which parents sign to say they have read and understood the CP policy; it does not invite them to opt out of it.
 At the high school there are specific provisions for the use of tobacco: on the first offense, the student is given the choice of "two licks administered by the principal" or two days' detention. Subsequent tobacco offenses incur Saturday School or suspension. Paddling is also a possible consequence for leaving school during the day without signing out, for being tardy to school any number of times from once upwards, and for a wide range of other offenses. Also, "At the principal's discretion, corporal punishment may be used in lieu of detention, Saturday school or any other severe consequence". Refusal to accept CP may result in suspension. Parents may register their objection to CP on a special form.
Stats: During 2017/18, seven high-school boys received spankings.

Clarksville School District
  • Clarksville High School
At the High School (grades 9 through 12), CP is mentioned particularly in the case of "group two" offenses such as bullying, and for a second "group three" (less serious) offense. Also, paddling has been introduced at the High School for being late: where previously the punishment for this was writing essays, students with a second or subsequent tardy may now choose between a spanking and ISS.

Cotter Public Schools
The "Discipline chart" in this handbook provides for CP for a wide range of offenses, from swearing, kissing, failure to do class assignments, and insubordination to "Refusal to cooperate with ISS rules".

DeWitt School District
  • DeWitt High School
On the 7th assignment to Detention Hall in a 9-week period, a student receives one day of ISS or a paddling. Corporal punishment is particularly mentioned as a penalty for disregard of directions, extortion, profanity and forgery. It may not be administered by bus drivers.

Dierks School District
"Your signature below indicates that you understand the disciplinary policies including the use of corporal punishment." The student him- or herself must countersign the parents' choice. They are reminded that the no-CP option entails out-of-school suspension. Paddling is particularly mentioned as a consequence for student drivers who commit traffic or parking violations.

Drew Central School District
  • Drew Central High School, Monticello
  • Drew Central Middle School, Monticello
Paddle lying on desk in the school officeAlthough in Monticello, these schools are not part of Monticello School District.
 The High School no longer indicates that the paddle will be used to punish tardies, but CP remains available in general.
 At the Middle School (grades 5-8), CP is specifically mentioned in connection with truancy, unsatisfactory conduct in the cafeteria, bullying, fighting, disruption, electronic devices, and making threats, among other things.
 This photograph taken in the school office was on the High School's website some years ago. Note paddle lying on desk -- much too small for high-school students, and in fact all three schools share the same address, so probably this is a shared office.
Stats: The Drew Central schools administered 351 spankings in 2012/13, according to state statistics.

Emerson-Taylor-Bradley School District
  • Elementary schools
  • High schools
The elementary handbook mentions corporal punishment 20 times. In grades 4 through 6, CP is available for a third offense of classroom misbehavior or chewing gum, a first or second offense of disrespect, a first offense of verbal abuse or theft or tobacco, and much more. There is a maximum of one paddling session per student per day. "Refusal to take corporal punishment will result in ISS or suspension."
 In the high schools, the punishment for minor infractions, on the first through fifth referral, is paddling, ISS or Saturday detention. "All choices at this level will be made by the principal."

Flippin School District
What were previously separate handbooks for this district's three schools have, from 2017, all been rammed, together with the board policy manual, into a single huge online document, with much loss of clarity.
 The first 128 pages constitute the board policy. Of these, only page 87 is relevant to our purpose (minimal standard Arkansas wording).
 At page 16 of the High School section (the 140th page of the total document) we find that the spankings in grades 9 through 12 are severe: a first office referral means 60 minutes' detention or "six swats with a paddle"; a second referral, 80 minutes or eight swats; a third, 100 minutes or 10 swats. In an unusual provision, any paddling of more than five swats is delivered in two instalments on consecutive days. Further down the same page is a section on "Alternative Discipline", explaining that parents who sign the appropriate form may request that their son or daughter receive swats instead of a detention.
 At the Middle School (p.16 of the relevant section, the 167th page of the whole document), similar rules apply, but with fewer swats: three swats for each of the first and second office referral, and four swats on the third time. Additionally, if there are extenuating circumstances in connection with misconduct on the school bus, each day's suspension from the bus may be replaced by two swats. Misbehavior while in ISS "will result in swats" or OSS. An initial assignment to OSS for multiple days may be replaced, on parental request, by just one day in OSS plus three paddle swats on each remaining day.
 At the Elementary School (grades K-5), CP is listed as a possible consequence for numerous offenses.
Stats: In 2011/12, there were 76 boys enrolled at the Middle School (grades 6 through 8) and no fewer than 62 of them, or 82%, were corporally disciplined on at least one occasion. Eight girls were also spanked.

Fordyce School District
  • Fordyce Elementary School
  • Fordyce High School
Corporal punishment at the High School may be given to any student by any certified employee, in the presence of the principal or his designee. It must be "administered to the lower posterior only". Refusal to be spanked will result in suspension. It is no longer spelled out that students assigned to detention for minor offenses may choose a paddling instead.
 There is similar language at the Elementary School, where CP is particularly mentioned as a penalty for bullying, vandalism, insubordination, and throwing rocks, among other things.

Foreman Public Schools [DOC]
At the Junior/Senior High School, "Disciplinary referral" is the specified consequence for many Level I offenses and means the student must choose either three days' detention or a paddling with parent approval.

Forrest City School District
  • Forrest City Junior High School -- Application for Improvement Grant
Here, paddlings must be administered to "the lower posterior only", and students who refuse to submit "will be suspended", with no makeup work allowed. However, parents may sign a form requesting exemption from CP.
History 1: The grant application (2014) sets out the Character Education Probationary Program (CEPP) for students committing too many infractions. The parents of students in CEPP who fail to make satisfactory progress must either attend a weekly mandatory parent conference or else authorize corporal punishment for the student.
History 2: See this June 2012 news item (with video clips) about the reintroduction of CP in this district after an earlier abolition.

Fouke School District
Teachers as well as the principal may administer CP. Parents may request exemption on an annual basis and in that case the student will receive ISS or suspension instead.

Glen Rose School District, Malvern
There is a maximum of three swats. "The paddle in the principal's office is to be used unless another paddle has been approved by the principal."

Greenbrier Public Schools
For a second offense of misbehavior on the school bus, CP is an alternative to three days' suspension from the bus.
Stats: 23 girls and 87 boys were spanked in this district in 2015/16.

Greene County Tech School District, Paragould
  • Greene County Tech High School
This high-school handbook has an extensive discussion of CP, and specifically mentions it as a possibility for 13 separate offenses, including "overt affection". The student being disciplined must be dressed in "regular school clothes". Refusal to accept a spanking may result in suspension. "Students shall not receive an excessive amount of corporal punishment during a school year. After it has been determined that corporal punishment is not a deterrent, the student will be placed in I.S.S." Parental request for exemption from CP must be delivered to the principal in person.
Stats: In 2011/12, 29 boys and 2 girls received paddlings here on at least one occasion.

Hackett School District (covers Hackett, Hartford)
Administrators may deliver CP; or, if a teacher does it, it must be in front of an administrator. There is a maximum of three swats. Paddling may be given for any offense. Parents who object to CP must have written notice on file in the principal's office. CP is particularly mentioned for a first or second offense of bullying, and a second offense of obscenity or misbehavior on the bus.

Hampton School District
Oddly, the only specific offense for which CP is mentioned at the High School is failure to have all books and materials ready for each class. At elementary level, it is available for much more serious sins such as violence, threats and intimidation, and tobacco use.
Stats: During 2017/18, 12 boys received swats.

Harmony Grove School District, Benton
  • Harmony Grove High School
  • Harmony Grove Junior High School
  • Harmony Grove Middle School
The junior high school and the (senior) high school state that CP may be administered "by the Superintendent or his/her designated staff members".
 The handbook for the Middle School (grades 4-6) goes into more detail. CP is mentioned as a punishment for a first, second or third tobacco offense, as well as a possible consequence for any "routine offenses". There is no longer mention of a maximum of three licks. On the last page, the student as well as the parent must sign the box giving consent for CP.

Hector Public Schools
No concessions to student choice here: "When corporal punishment is an option, the decision will be made by the principal, not the student". It may be used for fighting, destroying school property, skipping class, being disrespectful to a teacher, and speaking profanely, or "other unusual behavior". Refusal to submit to the paddle may result in suspension or other measures. Parental objections to CP must be presented in writing each year "or it will be assumed that the parent accepts corporal punishment as a discipline option for their student". Students may be paddled for misbehavior on the bus as well as in school. This is the High School handbook; the elementary school uses similar language.

Helena/West Helena School District
 • High School Enrollment Form
With 531 paddlings delivered in school year 2012/13 (state statistics), this district has been one of Arkansas's leading exponents of corporal punishment.
 The Enrollment Form allows parents to refuse permission for CP. The paddle is to be wielded by an administrator. There is a maximum of three (3) licks.

Jacksonville North Pulaski School District, Jacksonville (Arkansas)
"Corporal Punishment is defined as punishing a student by striking a maximum of three times on the buttocks with a paddle, which is provided by the school system." It is to be administered by the principal or assistant principal, in a designated private place. The witness may not be a counselor. There is a consent/non-consent form whereby parents can choose which of their children are eligible for a spanking. Refusal to accept CP "will result in suspension".

Jessieville School District
There is a maximum of three strokes. Parents are contacted beforehand. "Judgment must be used to assure that it is a paddling and force of stroke could not be classified as a beating." At the Middle School and the High School, "A student may refuse a paddling. In lieu of corporal punishment, the student will serve ISS or OSS as determined by the parents and administration."

Jasper School District (Arkansas)
CP may be administered by the principal, dean of students, or superintendent. "Three days of noon detention or three swats" is the penalty for a first internet offense.

Malvern School District
  • Malvern Middle and High School
 • Wilson Intermediate School, Malvern
At the Middle and High Schools (grades 7-12), corporal punishment is no longer specifically mentioned as a penalty for minor misbehavior while in ISS, but is available generally.
 Wilson Intermediate (grades 5-6) lays down "parent conference and corporal punishment or up to 3 days ISS" for repeated violation of classroom rules. CP is also listed as a consequence for a first or second offense of conflict between students, a second offense of cheating, gambling, disruption, truancy or disrespect, a first offense of fighting, profanity, and a fourth or fifth offense of failure to complete assignments.
 All three schools stipulate that, if parents want to request exemption from CP, they must personally deliver a written request to the principal. The students concerned will be suspended instead.
Stats: There were 267 paddlings in this district in 2012/13, according to state statistics.

Mansfield School District
  • Mansfield High School
  • Mansfield Middle School
For a second bus offense at both the High School and the Middle School, "The student may not ride any bus in the district for 5 school days or at parent request receive 3 swats".
 Unusually, both handbooks specifically cite the 1977 US Supreme Court judgment that school spanking does not violate the US Constitution.

Marion School District
"Before we paddle any student, we prefer to have the parent's permission to do so." The form for granting this permission says "Yes, ________________________may be paddled if s/he earns a paddling by misbehaving". This has to be signed by the student as well as the parent. This is the handbook for grades 7 through 12; the book for K-6 has an identical page.

Midland Public School District, Pleasant Plains
Corporal punishment is a possible consequence for Level I and Level II infractions, but not Level III (the most serious).
 The 2017/18 handbook stipulated that a student would be sent home for the rest of the day if he or she could not be paddled, but the 2018/19 handbook said the student would receive one day of in-school suspension for each swat (up to three) that otherwise would have been administered. The latest version is silent on what happens in such a case.
Stats: During 2013/14, 41 boys and 2 girls received swats at Midland High School.

Monticello School District (Arkansas)
This district re-introduced the paddle in 2017 after a lapse of two years -- see this July 2017 news item. This is the Middle School handbook. The High School one does not mention CP.

Mountain View School District (covers Fox, Mountain View, Timbo)
 Students in grades 7 through 12 may be spanked for a third Class I infraction, and for a first or second Class II infraction.
Stats: See this Nov 2014 news item (with video clip), according to which there were 195 paddlings in this district in the latest year.

Nemo Vista Schools, Center Ridge
At the Middle and High School, but not at the elementary school, CP may be administered for a fourth tardy in a semester. The paddle is also available for a third cell-phone offense and for misbehavior on the school bus.
Stats: During 2013/14, 29 boys and 14 girls received paddlings on one or more occasions at Nemo Vista High School.

Nevada School District, Rosston
At Nevada High School (grades 7-12), tardies are met with escalating amounts of lunch detention or ISS, but "Students or parents may request that corporal punishment (paddling) be substituted for lunch detention or ISS, but the principal has discretion as to whether or not to honor the request."
 Corporal punishment is one of the "Administrative interventions" available at both the High School and the Elementary School, once a student is referred to the office for any disciplinary reason. "Refusal to take corporal punishment may result in suspension or other disciplinary measures. High school students may elect ISS in lieu of corporal punishment." Conversely, students may be paddled for missing an assigned detention. "The student may take corporal punishment instead of detention at principal's discretion."
 See also this June 2016 news item, which made clear that CP had fallen into disuse but was now being reintroduced.
Stats: 16 boys and 2 girls were paddled at Nevada High School in 2011/12.

Nettleton Public Schools, Jonesboro
"Corporal Punishment shall be administered to the lower posterior only."

Newport School District
Corporal punishment is a penalty at first offense for immorality, fireworks, gambling, public display of affection, tobacco, and cheating, and "misconduct during ISS", among other things. "All corporal punishment will only be administered in administrative offices." The alternative to CP is three days' suspension. This is the High School handbook; the elementary handbook has similar language.
This Aug 2018 news item said that 50% of parents in this district chose the spanking option for their students.
Stats: 49 boys and 16 girls were paddled at Newport High School in 2015/16.

Norfork School District
  • Norfork High School
At many schools that use CP, swats may be offered as an alternative to after-school detention, e.g., for students who have jobs or athletics training to attend. Here, instead, paddling is the presumed discipline, rather than detention: "In special cases, at the principal's discretion, students will be given after-school detention, a form of punishment in those cases where corporal punishment, in or out of school suspension may not be appropriate". Also, "Refusal to take corporal punishment will result in suspension".
 Paddling is mentioned in particular as a punishment for failure to submit assignments or possession of laser pointers, and repeated dress code violations; a first offense of truancy, fighting, tobacco, or profanity; a second offense of leaving the classroom during class, bullying, using a copy machine without permission, having a knife with a blade shorter than 3 inches, or use of school telephone; a second or subsequent public display of affection; a third offense of failure to have the student's name displayed on backpacks, or not being prepared for class; and a first, second or third offense of horseplay.
 Parents must sign a form giving permission for their student to receive swats and/or be contacted by phone to give verbal permission.

Osceola School District (Arkansas)
Corporal punishment may be used for a first tobacco offense and, in grades 5 through 12 only, for a first offense of using a laser pointer, computer misuse, profanity, contraband, or truancy, a second or third cafeteria or forgery offense, and a third or fourth offense of disobedience, disruption or overt affection. There is a maximum of three swats. Parents wishing their student not to be paddled must make a written request to that effect annually. Students who refuse a spanking may be suspended.

Ozark Mountain School District (covers Everton, St. Joe, Western Grove)
CP is available for infractions at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. It may be administered by any certified staff member. "Attention to alternative discipline procedures shall be made before imposition of corporal punishment."
Stats: St. Joe High School spanked 10 boys during 2006/07, but recorded no CP in 2011/12 or 2013/14. Then it brought back the paddle, and made girls also eligible for swats. In 2015/16, 13 boys and 2 girls received corporal discipline. At the elementary school that year, 8 boys and 5 girls were spanked.

Paris School District (Arkansas)
  • Paris High School
At this 9-12 school, CP is administered after consulting the parent. It is particularly mentioned as a consequence for disregard of directions.

Perryville Schools
Teachers as well as administrators may paddle. There is a maximum of three licks. Parents wishing exemption must visit the school in person each year to sign the no-paddling list. For a fourth tardy, and for a first cellphone offense, the penalty is CP or a day in ISS. Students in detention who fail to follow the detention rules may be paddled. Perpetrators of tobacco violations may not substitute CP for ISS. CP cannot be taken for truancy.

Pottsville School District
Paddling must be "administered to the lower posterior only". There is no longer a maximum of five licks. For minor rule infractions such as talking without permission, students are offered the choice of a paddling or writing sentences. CP is also mentioned in particular as a consequence for truancy, bullying, dress-code violations, and being late for school a fourth time. Refusal to be spanked will result in suspension.

Prescott School District
CP is specifically mentioned as a consequence for truancy, tobacco, gambling, and profanity. It is no longer a penalty for tardies or dress and grooming violations.
 See also this July 2016 news item.

Rivercrest School District, Wilson
CP is indicated, mostly as an alternative to noon detention, for a second tardy and for cutting class, disorderly conduct, profanity, and "roaming the halls".
Stats: At Rivercrest High School, no CP was recorded in 2011/12. Two years later, 23 boys and 7 girls were spanked.

Sloan-Hendrix School District, Imboden
  • Personnel Policy Handbook
  • Sloan-Hendrix Elementary School
  • Sloan-Hendrix High School
The personnel handbook states that teachers may use CP to combat classroom disruption, but it must be administered in the principal's presence. "It is recognized that this type of punishment is sometimes very effective, but should not be used so frequently that its effectiveness is lost." The paddle is to be of "standard dimensions".
 The handbook for the elementary level merely gives standard Arkansas language about privacy and witnesses. There is no longer a maximum number of licks (previously five).
 At the High School, paddling is mentioned as a likely consequence for being late to school, truancy, stealing, cheating, and -- a bit unusual, this -- earning a fifth or subsequent detention in a nine-week period.

South Conway County Schools, Morrilton
  • Morrilton High School
  • Morrilton Junior High School
 At the Junior High School, offenses for which corporal punishment may be applied include smoking, six or more tardies, forgery, fighting, profanity, loitering on the wrong campus or while suspended, assault, sexual harassment, and use of cell phone (4th offense). Many but not all of these can also incur CP at the senior High School. There is a form for parental opt-out. Students who refuse to submit to CP may be suspended.
History: See this Oct 2014 news item about the paddling of a 15-year-old at Morrilton High School.
Stats: According to Arkansas statistics, in this district the paddle was wielded on 321 occasions in 2012/2013.

South Side School District, Bee Branch
Paddling is particularly mentioned as a penalty for tobacco, missing 3 homework assignments, truancy, disruptive behavior, misbehavior on the bus, sleeping in class, insubordination or disrespect, profanity, a third tardy, vandalism, and dress-code violations. Class teachers may paddle without reference to the office.
 This latest version of the handbook no longer specifies a number of swats (2 or 3) for each offense.

Spring Hill School District, Hope (Hempstead County)
  • Spring Hill High School
This district has changed from an opt-out system to an opt-in system: "If the district does not receive the appropriate permission form, the use of corporal punishment will be considered to have been denied by the student's parents." Among other things, CP may be the consequence of damage to property or theft; "general misbehavior"; a first offense of gambling, profanity, truancy, gang membership, insubordination, fighting, tobacco; a second offense of having a cell phone; a third dress-code violation; and a first, second, third or fourth offense of disorderly conduct. It is also the alternative to Saturday detention for a third or fourth unexcused tardy.
 For spankings in grades 7-12, the witness shall be of the same sex as the student. Refusal to take a paddling may result in suspension. Near the end of the document is a form on which the parent may stipulate that CP not be used, but in that case out-of-school suspension, with zero grades on work and tests missed, may be imposed.
 A High School senior claimed on in Oct 2013 that students violating the rules in the handbook "have the option of being paddled or Saturday school. Athletes are paddled by the coaches and others are paddled by the principal. No one at the school chooses Saturday school."
Stats: 121 paddlings were meted out in this district in 2012/2013.
History: See this April 2006 news item about a mother complaining after her 13-year-old son was given a paddling to which she had previously consented.

Strong-Huttig School District
Paddling is left to the discretion of the administration, and consists of "No more than three (3) licks given by principal or dean of students" in a "semi-private to private area" if parents have signed the "Corporal punishment consent form" at page 9. The alternative is suspension.

Two Rivers School District, Plainview [DOC]
CP is mentioned in particular as a penalty for insubordination and pornography. Parents wishing their student not to receive CP must notify the principal in writing each year (there is a form at page 96 for this purpose).
Stats: Only two students were corporally punished at the High School in 2011/12. But during 2013/14, 38 boys and 5 girls were officially spanked on at least one occasion.

Valley View Public Schools, Jonesboro
In a hierarchy of penalties applied here, where "suspension from extra-curricular activities" is first, and expulsion last, corporal punishment comes in second. It is specifically mentioned for tobacco use, and, at secondary level, for a second offense of cell phone use. "A student who has received corporal punishment twice, or served two days of suspension, or the combination of corporal punishment and one day suspension the second semester will not be exempt from any semester test." Also, "Every student/ parent has the right to deny corporal punishment".
Stats: 37 spankings were delivered in 2017/18 at Valley View High School (grades 10 through 12).
History: See also this light-hearted photograph from about 2007 showing a senior student allegedly taking his last paddling at Valley View High School, two weeks before graduation, from the Dean of Students, Richard Huggins.

Waldron School District
  • Waldron High School
There is no longer a maximum of three swats, nor is it now stipulated that paddling should be "the last option except for suspension".
 The high school handbook used to say (not mentioned at the lower level) that parents may be requested to be present at the punishment -- an unusual policy for a public secondary school. That provision has disappeared in more recent versions.

Yellville-Summit School District
Corporal punishment may be administered by the Superintendent or designated staff members. There is no mention of parental consent.
 A novel provision is that "Adjustments to the disciplinary plan will be made for students who misbehave during the last few weeks of a semester since all options will not be available". This suggests there may be more paddlings at the end of term than at the beginning.
 At secondary level, corporal punishment or 3 days' ISS is the consequence for a first offense of truancy -- quite an unusual infraction to single out for special mention as attracting this penalty. For all other offenses, CP features towards the "minor" end of a spectrum of penalties going from "a minimum of a verbal warning to a maximum of expulsion".

These Arkansas public schools or school districts also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details:

Augusta Public School District

Camden-Fairview School District

Cave City School District

Earle School District

East Poinsett County Schools, Lepanto

Gosnell School District
  • Secondary School Disciplinary Record
  • Stats: During 2013/14, 19 boys were spanked at Gosnell High School.

Lawrence County School District, Walnut Ridge

McCrory School District

Omaha School District (Arkansas)

Parkers Chapel School District, El Dorado

Piggott Schools

Vilonia School District
  • History: See this Aug 2014 news item.

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Page updated November 2023