(1) "ISD" = Independent School District
(2) This section no longer mentions when handbooks state that parents may opt out of CP, since that is now Texas law for all public schools.
(3) Where paddling statistics are cited, they come from the US Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights online database, unless otherwise stated.
(4) Texas public CHARTER schools are deemed for CP purposes as private schools and listed on this separate page.
(5) Texas law makes school attendance compulsory from age 6 to age 19. With some exceptions, public High Schools in Texas are for grades 9 through 12 (ages c. 15 through 19). "Junior High" (alternatively called "Middle School") generally means grades 5 through 8 or in some cases 6 through 8. Elementary school typically covers grades K through 4 or 5. A few districts also have an "Intermediate School" for grades 5 and 6.
(6) School years are presented in the form 2024/25, meaning the 12 months from August 2024 to late spring 2025.
• Neches ISD, Palestine
Not to be confused with Port Neches-Groves ISD.
Stats: During 2015/16, 5 boys and 2 girls received a total of 9 spankings.
• Nederland ISD
Local sources indicate that swats are administered at Nederland High School the next school day; that students may choose to receive three swats in lieu of one day of on-campus suspension (OCS); and that students may be spanked for such misbehavior as excessive tardies, writing a fake pass, going to the parking lot without permission, or going into a restricted athletics area without the coach's permission.
History: See news reports from Aug 2008 and March 2012 and May 2012.
Stats: Nederland High School (grades 9 through 12) steadily increased its use of the paddle, while making girls as well as boys eligible to be spanked. Here are the statistics: 2006/07: 30 boys; 2009/10: 65 boys, 10 girls; 2011/12: 75 boys, 16 girls; and in 2015/16 a total of 204 spankings were administered to 159 boys and 24 girls. In keeping with recent Texas trends, only a few students were paddled in 2015/16 at one of the district's four elementary schools, with no CP provided at the other three.
• Needville ISD
• Needville High School
• Needville Junior High School
For minor (level I) infractions at the High School, CP may be substituted for detention. "This decision will be made by the teacher assigning the detention."
At the Junior High School, corporal punishment may be applied for major as well as minor offenses, in place of after-school detention, at the request of the student.
Stats: During 2013/14, no CP was recorded at any of the district's schools. But then in 2015/16, at Needville Junior High School, 99 boys and 34 girls were spanked on one or more occasions, constituting 26.5% of the students, the highest percentage of any school in the district.
• New Boston ISD
• New Boston High School
• New Boston Middle School
In the pan-district board policy, a same-sex requirement for corporal punishment applies in grades 6 through 12.
• New Home ISD
"Any student receiving four or more tardies will receive corporal punishment." This is a significant switch towards CP since a previous version, in which five or more tardies meant three days of ISS. Also, "A third dress code offense will result in the student being given sweats to wear and corporal punishment."
Stats: During 2015/16, 27 boys and 4 girls were spanked at New Home School.
• Newton ISD
• Corporal punishment form [DOC]
• Athletic Handbook
Student athletes may be spanked by coach. Students whose parents do not agree with this "should not be involved in athletics". The athlete must sign a form stating "If I do happen to make a poor decision, I can accept the consequences of my behavior". See this Sep 2014 news item explaining that coaches need to be able to paddle errant athletes "because they can't take time out of practice to make them flip tires or run laps".
Stats: During 2011/12, 65 boys and 22 girls at Newton High School received swats. During 2015/16, 40 boys and 10 girls received the paddle in 107 spanking sessions.
• Normangee ISD
• Athletic Code [DOC]
From 2019, the Athletic Code lists corporal punishment as a consequence for rule violations by student athletes. There is no parental opt-out. "Refusal of punishment is grounds for removal from the program."
Stats: Normangee High School (grades 9 through 12) had already increased its use of the paddle: during 2013/14, 6 boys and 4 girls received swats. In 2015/16, the school spanked 27 of the 98 boys, and 14 of the 85 girls.
• North Zulch ISD
• Athletic Handbook
In sports teams, corporal punishment is listed as the second out of ten "types of punishment that can be administered for rule violations".
Stats: In 2011/12, 57 boys and 20 girls were paddled on one or more occasions.
• Nueces Canyon CISD, Barksdale
• Athletic Code of Honor
For members of sports teams, "Violation of these rules may result in penalties at the coaches' discretion. These include and may be a combination of: corporal punishment, extra running, athletic probation, suspension, and possible expulsion from Athletics". CP was mentioned in previous versions, but not explicitly in combination with other punishments.
• Oakwood ISD
• Oakwood High School [DOC]
The board policy has a provision not seen elsewhere: "Parents shall have no right to witness the administration of corporal punishment".
Stats: During 2011/12, no CP was recorded at Oakwood High School, and 27 students received ISS assignments (17b 10g). But then in 2013/14, 11 boys received swats, while ISS assignments declined to only 10 (6b 4g). In 2015/16, CP was extended to the high-school girls. 25 spankings were provided to 21 students (10 of the 44 boys, and 11 of the 46 girls), and ISS assignments dipped further to 8.
• Olfen ISD, Rowena
"Refusing corporal punishment may result in escalation towards other forms of discipline: suspension, DAEP, expulsion or revocation of transfer."
• Olney ISD
• Athletic Policy
A same-sex policy introduced here in 2011 was abolished in 2015.
For athletes, failure to comply with the team rules "may result in corporal punishment", which is defined as "one to three swats with a board witnessed in the principal's office or coach's office". This was new in 2018, changing an earlier policy (dating at least as far back as the 2004/05 athletic handbook) that provided for "Corporal Punishment as a choice". Now, if the coach decides to paddle, apparently the athlete does not necessarily have a say in the matter.
Stats: From 2000/01 through 2013/14, no CP was recorded at any school in the district. But in 2015/16, Olney Junior High School spanked 18 boys, and Olney High School two. There was no CP at Olney Elementary School. During 2017/18, Olney High School again paddled two boys, while Olney Junior High gave 22 spankings, including to 3 girls along with 17 boys. One elementary student was paddled.
• Olton ISD
Local sources indicate that a student may earn a sufficient number of swats to require they be delivered over two consecutive school days. District policy does not prohibit a male administrator from paddling a girl, or a female administrator from paddling a boy.
Stats: During 2013/14, 2 boys were spanked at Olton High School. This increased to 14 boys and 2 girls in 2015/16, and then to 15 boys and 10 girls during 2017/18, who received 53 spankings in total.
• Onalaska ISD [DOC]
• First Day Packet
Here in 2012 were introduced two different "Discipline Management Charts", one for grades Pre-K through 6 and the other for grades 7 through 12. In the upper grades there are over 20 separate offenses listed for which a spanking may be the consequence, either two or three swats. In most cases this is an alternative to In-School Suspension or after-school detention. New in 2016, a secondary student may be paddled for a first or second violation of rules while placed in ISS, as an alternative to extra days in ISS. CP is no longer mentioned for tobacco or dress-code transgressions.
The secondary-level "First Day Packet" informs parents: "Onalaska Independent School District has adopted corporal punishment as one of the consequences for misbehavior in accordance to the School District's Discipline Management Plan. This letter is to inform you that corporal punishment can and will be used as a disciplinary management procedure for the District." The notice gives parents the choice whether or not to allow the student "to be paddled at school to correct behavior".
Tardy policy has changed. Now, for the eighth and subsequent tardies the punishment is 3 days' detention or 1 day in ISS or three swats.
Stats: No corporal punishment was recorded at Onalaska Junior-Senior High School for 2011/12, 2013/14, or 2015/16. The school then joined the 100 other Texas secondary schools that did not use the paddle in 2015/16 but did do so during 2017/18. Administrators gave 125 spankings to 73 adolescents (62 boys, 11 girls).
• Orange Grove ISD
• Employee Handbook
"Corporal Punishment (use of the paddle) is included in the Orange Grove I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct."
The Employee Handbook still states incorrectly that "as per statute" only same-gender paddling is allowed. Texas has no such law. Also, "Students should not be spanked in the presence of other students". Paddlings are to be administered in the office.
• Overton ISD
• Athletic Handbook
Corporal punishment is the first-mentioned penalty for athletes who violate the team rules.
• Paducah ISD
A same-sex requirement for CP was abolished here in 2012.
A 2017 class information page for Math at Paducah High School (grades 9 through 12), no longer on line, said "On the 3rd occurrence of not finishing your assignment, you will be sent to the office for ISS or swats".
• Palestine ISD
Stats: During 2015/16, two boys and two girls received swats at Palestine High School, but in 2017/18, none of the high-school students was disciplined in this way. More students lost class time: incidents of both in-school and out-of-school suspension increased from 2015/16. But new for the 2020/21 school year was a Corporal Punishment Permission Form in the High School Take Home Packet (no longer on line, all registration forms now using the Skyward on-line system). The form provided, "Corporal punishment will be administered by spanking the buttocks, no more than three (3) times, of a student with a flat-surfaced paddle that will cause no more than temporary pain and not inflict permanent damage to the body". "One adult employee" (not necessarily a certified employee) shall be present to witness the spanking. Paddling "may not be administered for academic deficiency or conduct not related to the school." Parent permission slips must be on file, and the school will attempt to notify the parent before the punishment. The addition of the new corporal punishment permission form suggests that high-school administrators have decided to start using the paddle again, no doubt in order to reduce the number of student removals from the classroom.
• Pampa ISD
• Student Code of Conduct
Spanking was introduced here in 2020 for the first time in many years -- See this feature article. The Code of Conduct says: "The Board of Trustees recently adopted corporal punishment as a disciplinary technique within policy FO (LOCAL). Please contact your campus principal to complete forms or ask questions."
Despite the standard Texas wording in the new handbook, no CP opt-out form is included in either the forms packet or the parent packet, so parents who choose not to permit their student to be paddled must submit their own written statement.
• Panther Creek CISD, Valera
Corporal punishment is particularly mentioned as a penalty for dress-code violations at all grade levels. This includes boys with hair untidy or too long or who are unshaven. If within three calendar days a young man does not cut his hair to the proper length, he may be spanked.
See also this Feb 2012 news item.
• Paradise ISD
• Board policy
The Board Policy states that, if the staff member delivering the spanking is not of the same sex as the student, the official witness must be. This change was made in 2012.
Stats: During 2009/10, 15 boys at Paradise High School received swats on one or more occasions. This increased to 23 boys in 2011/12. In 2013/14, paddling was extended to the girls. That year, two girls, and 17 boys, were spanked on at least one occasion at the High School.
• Paris ISD
• Paris High School
• Paris Junior High School
• Athletic Handbook
It is no longer spelled out that students are always given the opportunity to choose between CP and some other penalty.
Paris (formerly Travis) Junior High has simplified its procedure for tardies. Now, at the second tardy per semester, students are offered a choice between one day's lunch detention and an unstated number of paddle swats (earlier versions specified two). Subsequent tardies to school no longer involve the possibility of CP. However, tardiness to ISS results in "a choice of two swats or an additional ISS assignment".
The (senior) High School no longer specifically mentions spanking for latecomers, but CP remains available in general.
See also this Oct 2012 news item, which clarifies that students in grades K through 12 may be paddled, and that the relevant PISD employees are trained in how to administer it -- important, but rarely mentioned.
Stats: 257 students were paddled in Paris ISD schools in 2011/12, up from 180 two years earlier. CP is also used in the district's DAEP program. During 2013/14, seven boys and six girls were spanked at Paris DAEP.
• Pearsall ISD
Stats: No CP was recorded at Pearsall High School during any year surveyed (2000/01, 2004/05, 2009/11, 2011/12, or 2013/14). But local sources report that the high school introduced spanking in September 2014, allowing boys and girls to opt for a 4-swat paddling for each day of ISS. To replace multi-day ISS assignments, swats are given on consecutive days.
• Pecos-Barstow-Toyah ISD
The 2020/21 Student Code of Conduct provided that for the Level One Offenses disruption, insubordination, profanity, or failure to serve detention, the student was offered a choice of corporal punishment or 3 days in ISS. CP was not an option listed for any (more serious) Level Two Offenses. This has now changed. The 2022/23 code has a much longer list of offenses (now covering more than 25 pages), which are now referred to as Level One Misbehaviors through Level Six Misbehaviors. The student choice of swats is no longer mentioned: paddling is now an administrative option at Level Two and Level Three. Local policy provides that CP "shall be administered or witnessed only by an employee who is the same sex as the student". (Local sources indicate that a male high-school administrator paddles both boys and girls.) In December 2018, for example, a female student accepted swats from principal Chris Henson so that the boy with whom she misbehaved would have to serve only three days of ISS rather than five.
Stats: At Crockett Middle School, 322 students (68% of the total enrollment) were spanked in 2011/12. The statistics for the next reporting periods are: 2013/14, 52 students (39 boys, 13 girls); 2015/16, 47 students (33 boys, 2 girls); and 2017/18, 82 students (58 boys, 17 girls), who were spanked on 111 occasions. At Pecos High School, during 2013/14, 37 boys and 4 girls chose paddlings, up from 31 boys and 4 girls in 2011/12. No students received swats during 2015/16. But then in 2017/18, 54 boys and 14 girls were spanked at the high school, making the school one of the 101 secondary schools in Texas that did not use paddling during 2015/16 but did so during 2017/18.
History: See this Feb 1995 news report about the reinstatement of spanking at P-B-T's middle schools, and this March 2005 news report
about the board of trustees' approval of an amendment to the cheer constitution. The amendment gave cheerleaders the opportunity to work off demerits by accepting a paddling. The board minutes (no longer on line) reported: "Pecos High School Principal, Steve Lucas commented on the changes made to the Cheerleader and Mascot Constitution. He stated that either running 2 miles or taking swats by the assistant principal or designee could remove a demerit. The option to deduct a demerit(s) must be done within a 3-day period of receiving the demerit(s)." The board unanimously approved the new constitution after praising the principal for providing the cheerleaders "an opportunity to work off demerits".
• Petrolia CISD
Previous versions stipulated that "the campus principal, Athletic Director, or head football coach must approve all corporal punishment", but that language seems to have disappeared.
Stats: During 2013/14, 15 boys and 2 girls underwent CP at Petrolia Elementary School, but no students at Petrolia Junior High/High School. Two years later, as is becoming more common in Texas school districts, the situation reversed: spanking was eliminated for the elementary students and introduced for the teenagers, as 13 boys were paddled on at least one occasion at the secondary school.
• Pettus ISD [DOC]
Here, the semester exam exemption policy (for grades 9-12 only) requires the student not to have received any swats.
Stats: In 2009/10, 25 boys were paddled on one or more occasions. Two years later, paddling had been extended to female recipients, and had more than doubled: in 2011/12, 46 boys and 13 girls received CP. As in many Texas school districts, CP is nowadays more frequently used at the secondary than at the elementary level. In 2011/12, only 4 boys and 2 girls were spanked at the elementary school.
• Pewitt CISD
At the High School and the Junior High School, "Possible corporal punishment with parental notification" applies to steps 2 and 3 of the disciplinary guidelines.
Stats: Pewitt High School paddled 40 boys and 12 girls in 2011/12, slightly up on 2009/10 (35 boys and 5 girls).
• Pine Tree ISD, Longview
• Board Policy
CP is specifically mentioned as a penalty for a second minor violation of the school bus rules, as an alternative to being banned from the bus.
New from 2018, "Students will be assigned 1½ hours of detention for a minor offense (including tardies). Corporal punishment may be substituted if parents and administrator agree."
The Board Policy lays down that, in grades 7 through 12, but apparently not at the elementary level, the punisher is to be of the same sex as the student being spanked.
Stats: This Feb 2007 news report quoted a Pine Tree ISD spokesperson as saying that in practice CP was hardly ever used. But this Sep 2014 news item shows that, seven years later, the paddle was back in full swing: there were 109 spankings in 2013/14.
See also this Sep 2016 news report, which notes 773 paddlings in Pine Tree in the preceding five years.
• Pittsburg ISD (Texas)
• Football Handbook
The Student Management Plan for Pittsburg High School (grades 9 through 12) provides for corporal punishment at Step 4, but for serious offenses like smoking or vandalism, Steps 1, 2 and 3 (detentions, etc.) may be skipped and a paddling administered straight away.
The Football Handbook states: "Our coaches treat our players like sons. Corporal punishment will be administered in Boy's Athletics. Athletes that prefer not to take a lick will be given running time. Running time will be done on athletes' time, not practice time." For horseplay or profanity, the punishment is "One lick or 200 yd Air Raid". (Air Raid in American football is a technical term for a particular series of moves.) For fighting the consequence is "Two licks or 2 miles".
On the last page of the football document, the player and his parent must both sign that they do or do not "agree to the use of corporal punishment (spanking)".
Stats: 53 boys and 16 girls at Pittsburg High School received paddlings in 2011/12, up from zero in 2006/07.
• Plains ISD
• Plains ISD Athletic Handbook [DOC]
The Athletic Handbook provides that coaches may spank athletes who exhibit disrespect or violate team policies. The only alternative penalty to CP mentioned in this context is "extra work".
• Poteet ISD
In 2015 this district revoked a same-sex requirement for CP.
• Prairiland ISD, Pattonville
• Prairiland High School
"One swat or detention" is now the penalty at Prairiland High School for an eighth tardy and for a second dress-code violation.
The separate handbook for the Junior High School does not mention CP for tardies at all, only detention. Although there are more elementary students than high-school students in the district, during 2011/12 there was more CP at the high school than at the two elementary schools combined. Prairiland, like several other places recently in Texas, appears to recognize not only that more frequent use of paddling can improve high-school student behavior, but also that it may be a more effective discipline tool for teenagers than for younger children.
Stats: During 2006/07, five boys received spankings at Prairiland High School. Within five years, administrators had decided to be much more assertive with the use of the paddle: 61 boys and 11 girls were spanked out of the 350 students at this high school (grades 9 through 12) in 2011/12, giving an annual "CP rate" of 21%.
• Reagan County ISD
• Athletic Policy
The Athletics document warns members of sports teams that if they get into trouble they must take a spanking: "if there is a choice given by the principal, they need to choose swats, not ISS", because "While an athlete is in ISS, they are not able to participate in practice or games".
Stats: During 2011/12, 38 boys and 9 girls received corporal punishment. Two years later, these figures increased to 65 boys and 34 girls.
Specifically, at the High School during 2013/14, the numbers of disciplinary referrals for ISS (which can lead to either ISS or swats) were as follows: freshmen, 26 students received 58 referrals (resulting in 37 spankings and 21 ISS assignments); sophomores, 34 students received 82 referrals (resulting in 50 spankings and 32 ISS assignments); juniors, 24 students received 76 referrals (resulting in 40 spankings and 36 ISS assignments); and seniors (aged 17/18), 30 students received 85 referrals (resulting in 40 spankings and 45 ISS assignments).
• Redwater ISD
• Athletic Handbook
"Possible corporal punishment with parental notification" is a consequence at both Step 2 and Step 3 of the Disciplinary Grid, and may be combined with detention, ISS or OSS. The handbook notes that a paddling is a "more severe" consequence than is an additional day of detention for failing to attend an assigned detention, and may be used for a second such offense. A CP permission form is sent home with students at the beginning of the school year.
Student-athletes are liable to receive corporal punishment "for Student Code of Conduct and non-Student Code of Conduct violations".
• River Road ISD, Amarillo
This district reintroduced corporal punishment in November 2017 after a lapse of over a decade, following a survey of high-school parents, 75% of whom favored bringing back spanking.
• Robert Lee ISD
• Faculty Handbook
The Faculty Handbook tells teachers that Step 4 of the discipline ladder for "minor infractions" is "Office referral with corporal punishment/ISS given".
Stats: Robert Lee High School recorded no corporal punishment from at least 2000/01 through 2015/16. Then it decided to join other Texas high schools that have recently introduced their students to spankings, becoming one of the 101 secondary schools that gave swats with a paddle during 2017/18, having not done so in 2015/16. During 2017/18, high-school administrators spanked 21 boys and 13 girls on 43 occasions.
• Roby CISD
• Athletic Policy
• Roby High School Enrollment Form
For athletes, failure to comply with the training rules "may result in corporal punishment". This consists of "one to three swats with a board witnessed in the principal's office".
• Rochelle ISD
Corporal punishment "at the request of and with permission of the parent" is available for Level II and Level III offenses at this K-12 school. The 2023/24 version adds that parental agreement is required on each occasion.
Stats: 8 of the 92 boys were spanked at Rochelle School during 2011/12. The figure for 2013/14 was 9 boys.
• Roma ISD
• Teacher Handbook
The Teacher handbook describes CP as "spanking with an approved instrument". The word "paddling" is not used.
• Roosevelt ISD, Lubbock
"All students are subject to the corporal punishment policy" unless parents have notified the principal in writing within a week of enrollment.
Stats: During 2015/16, two boys were paddled at Roosevelt High School. Local sources report that in 2016/17 spanking was extended to the high-school girls, including seniors.
See also this Feb 2012 news item.
• Roscoe Collegiate ISD
• Disciplinary Referral Form
Parental permission is not necessary before the spanking is administered. However, every effort will be made to inform parents after the event.
Stats: 11 boys were paddled in 2011/12 at Roscoe Collegiate High School. Meanwhile, this Nov 2014 news report mentioned that the district as a whole had an annual "CP rate" of 25%.
History: See this Feb 2006 news item.
• Rotan ISD
Paddling may be used for Level 1 and Level 2 violations, but not levels 3 or 4 (the most serious). It is also the only penalty mentioned for a fourth and fifth tardy per six-week period.
Stats: No CP was recorded at Rotan High School during 2000/01, 2006/07 or 2011/12 (the three years studied). But in 2013/14, 9 boys and 7 girls were spanked at this very small school (enrollment: 36 boys and 44 girls).
• Sabinal ISD
This school district abolished CP some time before 2012 but had reintroduced it by 2015.
• Sabine ISD
At the High School, corporal punishment may occur at steps 3 or 4 (but not both) of the 10-step Discipline Procedure.
See also this Sep 2014 news item.
• Saint Jo ISD
Discipline for tardies may include corporal punishment.
• Schleicher County ISD, Eldorado
• Athletic Handbook
"Corporal punishment as a choice" is one of the discipline techniques applied to student athletes. "If a player is disrespectful to a coach, teacher, or administrator, or is in violation of athletic policies, he or she will be disciplined. This discipline may be extra physical work and/or corporal punishment."
Stats: At Eldorado High School in 2011/12, a total of 13 boys received a paddling on at least one occasion. The total male student enrollment was 72, for an annual "CP rate" for young men of 18% at this very small grade 9-12 school. During 2015/16, fewer boys were paddled -- only two -- but spanking was extended to girls; two of them received swats.
• Seminole ISD
• Seminole High School
• Seminole Junior High School
• Seminole Success Center
• Ms. Hicks' English I and English I Pre-AP at Seminole HS
At the High School, students who fail to show up for an assigned lunch detention, or for Wednesday detention, may be paddled. These provisions appear only in the high-school handbook.
In Ms Hicks' classroom, a second offense will result in "two days detention or two swats assigned". However, for tardies there is a special punishment tariff: "First Two Tardies - Free; Third Tardy - One swat or one day lunch detention; Fourth Tardy - Two days detention or two swats". Some other teachers have their own similar CP policy.
At the Junior High, CP is no longer specifically mentioned for a second or third tardy, but remains available in general.
Stats 1: At Seminole High School in 2011/12, 168 boys and 67 girls were paddled. Two years later these figures increased to 253 boys and 122 girls, but then in 2015/16 it dropped to only 91 boys and 35 girls. Two years later the school returned to more frequent use of the paddle, giving 613 spankings to 113 boys and 59 girls. The plethora of classroom rules that incorporate swats no doubt helps explain why there is an average of more than three instances of spanking for each student so disciplined.
Stats 2: The Success Center is an alternative high school for students between the ages of 15 and 21. It did not use corporal punishment from 2000/01 through 2015/16. It then chose to introduce the paddle, giving 21 spankings during 2017/18 to 8 of its 18 boys and 1 of its 16 girls, becoming one of the 101 Texas secondary schools to use the paddle during 2017/18 after having not done so during 2015/16.
• Seymour ISD
• Seymour High School [DOC]
Same-sex requirement "to the extent circumstances allow" in the pan-district board policy.
Stats: During 2011/12, 17 boys received swats at Seymour High School. This fell to 4 boys in 2013/14. More recent local information suggests that the high school does now paddle girls too.
• Shamrock ISD
• Athletic Handbook
Misbehaving athletes may receive "one to three swats with a board witnessed in the principal's office or coach's office". Also, "The athletic director has the right to alter punishment when he or she feels that prior punishment was too strict or not strict enough to be effective".
• Simms ISD
Corporal punishment is applied for Level I (minor) offenses, including disrupting class, cheating, profanity, failing to attend detention, and public display of affection. CP is not mentioned in connection with more serious sins. Students may also receive a paddling for a first bus offense.
• Slaton ISD
Local sources report that high-school students may elect to receive a paddling instead of detention, and that even if they choose detention, this does not mean they will escape spanking, as swats are given to students who talk in detention.
Stats: During 2011/12, 9 students were paddled at Thomas Elementary (7b 2g), but in 2013/14 no CP was recorded there. During 2011/12, 16 students were spanked at Slaton Junior High (15b 4g), but in 2013/14 only 4 students (boys) received swats. By contrast, use of the paddle soared at the (senior) High School, from only 2 boys during 2011/12 to 30 students (26b, 4g) in 2013/14.
• Slocum ISD, Elkhart
This district deleted a provision that precluded administrators from spanking students of the opposite sex.
Stats: At Slocum High School (unusually, this covers grades 6 through 12), in 2011/12, 45 boys and 14 girls were paddled on one or more occasions. 45 out of 106 male students means that 42% of the boys were spanked that year.
• Sonora ISD
• Sonora High School
A same-sex requirement previously in the Board Policy document was deleted in 2014.
Stats: Sonora High School recorded no CP during 2000/01, 2004/05, 2009/10 or 2011/12. In 2013/14, however, Sonora High School joined the many Texas high schools that have decided to implement spanking for the older teens. That year 24 boys and 10 girls were paddled on one or more occasions.
• Spring Hill ISD, North Longview
• Spring Hill High School
This Sep 2014 news item stated that Spring Hill allowed CP only at the primary level. That is no longer the case. In fact the situation has been reversed: paddling has been prohibited in grades K through 5 but reinstated at secondary level. Local sources report that students at Spring Hill High School are now offered three swats in place of an assignment to ISS.
• Springlake-Earth ISD
"Parents who choose not to allow corporal punishment as a disciplinary management technique agree to immediately pick up their child when contacted by district staff." Furthermore, if the school decides on suspension in lieu of corporal punishment, each day of out-of-school suspension requires four days of after-school tutorials for makeup work, on each day of which the parent is responsible for picking up the student at 4:30 pm. This must be a powerful incentive for the parent to allow paddling.
In 2016 this district abolished a same-sex requirement for CP.
Stats: During 2011/12, six boys and four girls were paddled at Springlake-Earth High School out of an enrollment of 51 boys and 50 girls.
• Springtown ISD
In 2012 this district controversially deleted a requirement that the paddler must be of the same sex as the student, and it thus became permissible for a man to spank a girl or a woman to spank a boy, as long as there is a witness of the same sex as the student. Most unusually, each spanking must be specifically requested in writing by a parent. This request may not be made more than once per semester.
History 1: See this Sep 2007 news item, and this March 2011 news item, which reported that the paddle had been deployed 103 times in the previous seven months, mostly at the student's choice, and that CP was not being used at the elementary level.
History 2: See this Sep 2012 news item (with video clip) and its follows-up later the same month (with video clip), describing the controversy about male officials paddling female students at Springtown High School.
• Stamford ISD
• Stamford High School
• Stamford Middle School
At both High and Middle Schools, corporal punishment is particularly mentioned as a consequence for a first offense of academic dishonesty, to be combined with automatic zeroes for the work in question.
• Sterling City ISD
• Student Handbook
Stats: During 2000/01, five boys received swats at Sterling City Junior High/High School. No CP was recorded in 2006/07 or 2011/12. Like many other Texas secondary schools, the school then reintroduced paddling, and extended it to the girls. In 2013/14, 16 of the 81 boys, and 4 of the 66 girls, were spanked. This district paddles only teenagers: no CP was recorded at Sterling City Elementary School in any of the years surveyed.
• Sudan ISD
• Sudan High School
At the High School, somewhat unusually for Texas nowadays, "Corporal punishment will not be used to replace ISS". No explanation for this rule is provided.
Stats: This district recorded no CP at any of its schools during any year surveyed from 2000/01 through 2013/14. But then, in 2015/16, nine boys at Sudan High School (grades 8-12) were spanked.
• Sulphur Springs ISD
• Corporal Punishment Permission Form
Effective with the 2021/22 school year, the Sulphur Springs board of trustees adopted an opt-in system for corporal punishment, and a new permission form. A local news story of Aug 2021, "A Few Changes To Note As SSISD Begins The 2021-2022 School Year Today", described the district's changes to its corporal punishment procedures: parents are asked to complete and return a signed form if they agree to paddling. Details such as the number of licks, type of instrument used, or what misbehavior might incur corporal punishment, "should be worked out ahead of time to make sure the parents and administrators are on the same page. Corporal punishment will not be considered unless the annual form is returned to the school."
Stats: During 2017/18, spankings were administered on 24 occasions to 23 boys at Sulphur Springs High School (grades 9 through 12).
• Sundown ISD
• Sundown High School
• Sundown Middle School
The pan-district Code of Conduct discusses CP on page 36. It adds (page 39) that, for gross misconduct such as drug or alcohol use, students are removed to a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) and required to undergo counseling. For a fourth such offense, in addition to a further period of DAEP and intense counseling, the consequences can include "periods of suspension, extra work, and corporal punishment". It is unusual nowadays for CP to be regarded as a suitable response to drug and alcohol use. Truants, too, may be paddled.
In July 2016, this district rescinded a restriction on opposite-sex spanking in place since October 2011.
Students at the High School (grades 9-12) are informed that teachers "are considered your parents during the school day" and must therefore be obeyed. Any student "who chooses to be truant for one or more class periods, tutorials or assemblies" is subject to one of a list of penalties, one of which is CP.
The Middle School handbook (grades 6-8) was previously unusual for a mainstream Texas public school in stating that corporal punishment was to be carried out "by either an administrator or parent", but that has now changed to just "by an administrator". For fighting, the minimum punishment is a choice of 2 days' ISS or 2 swats. There is no longer any specific mention of spanking for tardiness.
Students placed in Saturday School or ISS, or given the option of swats instead of ISS, may not participate in activities or rewards given for that six-week period such as assembly programs, picnic in the park, 8th grade movie night, etc.
Stats: 13 boys and 4 girls underwent corporal punishment at the High School during 2011/12. 27 male and 13 female students were spanked at the Middle School in 2011/12. In 2015/16, 15 boys and 4 girls were paddled at Sundown High School, and 33 boys and 22 girls at Sundown Middle School.
• Sunray Collegiate ISD
It is no longer specified that there is a maximum of three swats per incident.
Stats: No CP was recorded at Sunray High School during 2000/01. In 2011/12 (the next year the district was surveyed), 21 boys and 2 girls in grades 9 through 12 received a spanking on at least one occasion.
• Sweeny ISD
Standard Texas wording on CP, replacing the previous "Discipline Hierarchy".
Stats: 106 boys and 6 girls received swats in this district in 2011/12.
History: In 2012 the High School published a Campus Improvement Plan favoring "discipline consequences that result in corporal punishment, Saturday School, Lunch Detentions [and] After School Detentions" in order to "reduce the frequency / duration students are removed out of their regular classes".
• Tatum ISD
See this Sep 2014 news item, in which a district spokesman said CP was used 22% of the time and that "it does work for some students". Only 5% of parents chose exemption from CP.
History: See this Sep 2012 article from Tatum Middle School's student newspaper, which includes a picture of the then-new paddle.
Stats: During 2009/10 at Tatum High, 25 boys were paddled on one or more occasions. For 2011/12, the school had tripled its use of CP, and extended it to girls: 54 boys and 20 girls were spanked. Then, in 2013/14, 55 boys and 25 girls were spanked.
• Three Rivers ISD
Corporal punishment was reintroduced here in July 2017 after a 6-0 vote by the district's trustees. It had been in abeyance for some years. See this July 2017 news item and also this one (with video clip).
Paddling may be administered only by the Principal or Assistant Principal. "The student will be given one paddling for his/her infraction(s)." Parents must be contacted beforehand to obtain their express consent. Strangely, a district employee of the opposite sex of the student must be present as a witness.
• Tidehaven ISD, El Maton
Here, the paddle had fallen into disuse by 2006. By 2011 it had been restored.
At the elementary schools, students undergoing ISS or corporal punishment automatically receive a "U" (unsatisfactory) for that six-week period.
Stats 1: In 2011/12 at the High School (grades 9 through 12), 53 boys and 45 girls were officially spanked, for an annual "CP rate" of 48%. For the 2015/16 school year, the school reported no CP. But then during 2017/18, Tidehaven High School spanked 22 boys and 3 girls on 32 occasions, thus becoming one of 101 secondary schools in the state to use CP in 2017/18 having not done so in 2015/16.
Stats 2: Tidehaven Intermediate School (grades 6-8) likewise did not use corporal punishment during 2015/16, although it had done so in prior years. During 2017/18, the school paddled 24 boys and 3 girls on 32 occasions, thus also becoming one of the 101 secondary schools just referred to.
• Tom Bean ISD
• Tom Bean High School
A same-sex requirement in the pan-district policy manual was removed in 2015.
It is no longer the case that the principal will administer corporal punishment only on request of the parent or the student. Now, per the standard Texas provisions, the high school can deploy the paddle whenever necessary, unless the parent has previously delivered an opt-out notice.
• Trinidad ISD
Public display of affection is a Level 2 violation incurring "Corporal Punishment or Zero d-hall" on a first offense. This is a "Staff Issued Consequence," i.e. it can be assigned by the teacher who witnesses the offense.
Also, students may be spanked as an Administration Consequence for "Not referring to a staff member or adult with a proper title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Coach, etc.)" and for "Refusal or neglect to reply to a staff member/adult as 'sir' or 'ma'am'." CP is also available for "Disrupting the singing of the school song". Both the required conduct, and the consequences, were new in 2014/15.
For threatening behavior towards other students, and for horseplay, paddling is now specified for the first, second, third and all subsequent violations.
• Trinity ISD
Stats: This Aug 2015 news item reported: "TISD does utilize corporal punishment. It hasn't been used often at the Middle School and High School in the past, but will be utilized in the discipline management plan this year by principals and campus administrators." The statistics now confirm that these schools did exactly that. At Trinity Middle School, no students were paddled during 2013/14. But in 2015/16, 50 boys and 16 girls received 100 spankings. At Trinity High School, no students were spanked during 2011/12 or 2013/14. In 2015/16, nine boys and two girls received swats.
• Troup ISD
• Troup High School
• TISD Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct
A same-sex requirement for the witness was deleted in 2015.
The High School handbook no longer contains a form for parents and students to "opt in" to CP. Parents must now take the initiative to "opt out" if they want their son or daughter exempted from CP.
The Extra-curricular Code of Conduct -- which the student him- or herself must sign, as well as a parent -- covers all sports and also activities like band, choir, FFA and others. It applies at all times, including during summer vacation. "Violations of these standards of behavior that are also violations of the Student Code of Conduct may result in a student being disciplined under both standards." One of the consequences (chosen by the coach/sponsor) of both Category A and Category B offenses -- i.e. all offenses -- is "Corporal punishment in the form of strenuous exercise and/or paddling". Parents are notified of all violations that result in a paddling.
• Tyler ISD
There is a same-sex stipulation here, as also a requirement that parents must be contacted before each spanking.
History: See this Nov 2005 news item, reporting that the school board had considered the question of CP and decided to keep it, and this Aug 2008 report that the matter had once more been considered and that again it had been decided to retain the paddle.
• Tyler County Disciplinary Alternative Education Program
Nothing to do with Tyler ISD (see previous item), TCDAEP is a "discipline campus" in Woodville operated on behalf of five ISDs: Chester, Colmesneil, Spurger, Warren and Woodville. It is "the last step before expulsion". There are strict rules: "We do not want you to want to be here. DAEP is not a fun place".
Both the student and his or her parent must sign the acknowledgment form that includes: "We are aware and understand that one of the provisions in the TCDAEP Handbook Discipline Code indicates that Corporal Punishment may be an option exercised by the TCDAEP Administrator".
• Valley View ISD -- Cooke County
• Valley View High School and Middle School
A previous version of the handbook stipulated: "Corporal punishment shall be administered for students in kindergarten-grade 6 in the principal's office and in the principal's or athletic director's office for students in grades 7-12."
• Van ISD
• Van High School
Corporal punishment may be administered for "minor" and "intermediate" misbehavior but not for major offenses.
Stats: No CP was recorded in 2000/01. But in 2011/12, spankings were meted out to 43 boys and 9 girls.
• Venus ISD
The high-school handbook now requires parents to opt out to prevent paddling, rather than opt in to allow it. Only one high-school student was paddled during 2017/18, but this change possibly implies that a decision was made to increase the use of corporal punishment.
Stats: 32 boys and 7 girls received a spanking on one or more occasions at Venus High School in 2011/12.
• Veribest ISD
This handbook no longer includes a "Corporal punishment consent form" which had to be signed by the student as well as the parent.
Stats: No CP was recorded at Veribest High School during 2000/01, 2004/05, or 2009/10, the only years the district was surveyed. In 2013/14 the high school introduced the paddle. Even though only four high-school boys received swats that year (no girls), the availability of spanking has gone hand in hand with improved student behavior. In 2009/10, 15 students received one or more ISS assignments, but in 2013/14, this dropped to only 6 students. Similarly, during 2009/10, 15 students were assigned to out-of-school suspension, but during 2013-14, only 4 students were.
• Victoria ISD
This school district in 2014 revoked a requirement that paddling had to be performed by a staff member of the same sex as the student.
Stats: In 2011 corporal punishment was introduced for the first time at Mitchell Guidance Center, a 6-12 alternative high school where "no form of violence or disrespect is tolerated", and 86% of the students there were paddled on at least one occasion in 2011/12. Perhaps as a result, the number of assignments to ISS in the district fell by 50% between 2009 and 2011.
History: See this Oct 2014 news item and this companion piece.
• Vidor ISD
• Vidor Junior High School
• Vidor High School
• Vidor Middle School
In 2015 this district abolished a same-sex requirement for CP.
At the Junior High School, parent or student may request a spanking in lieu of ISS, except in the case of fighting. It no long seems to be stipulated that this substitution may be made only once per semester.
The High School and Middle School handbooks state merely that corporal punishment is available. They no longer explicitly provide that students may choose between a spanking and some other punishment.
The elementary schools in this district mention that they may use CP, but vouchsafe no details.
Stats 1: This May 2012 news item said there were 224 paddlings across Vidor schools in the first nine months of 2011/12. In the previous whole year there were 133 CP instances at Vidor High School alone (grades 9 through 12), mostly for either "insubordination" or excessive tardies. The high school did not use the paddle at all during 2015/16. But local sources indicate that in May 2017 many twelfth-graders (boys and girls) were spanked for participating in a senior prank (jumping in a water pit on campus). During the 2017/18 school year, federal statistics reveal, the high school gave 185 spankings to 118 boys and 35 girls. Suspensions out of school were cut nearly in half, from 215 in 2015/16 to 117 in 2017/18. The high school thus became one of the 101 Texas secondary schools that did not spank during 2015/16 but did so in 2017/18.
Stats 2: The junior high school likewise did not paddle in 2015/16 but did so in 2017/18: that year it delivered 107 spankings to 77 students in grades 7 and 8 (61 boys, 16 girls).
• Wall ISD
Corporal punishment is no longer particularly mentioned in connection with tobacco use but, at the Middle School only, "Students may
receive lunch detention or swats due to excessive tardies".
Stats: In 2000/01, 55 boys and 20 girls were disciplined with the paddle at Wall High School. No CP was recorded in 2011/12, the next year the district was surveyed. But in 2013/14, ten boys received swats.
• Warren ISD
This district allows ordinary teachers to paddle, not just administrators. "Corporal punishment will be used to discourage infractions of the Student Code of Conduct." "All students attending Warren ISD will be subject to corporal punishment (paddling)" unless the parent has objected in writing. CP is mentioned in particular for third and subsequent violations of the dress code, as well as for student motorists who park their vehicles in the teachers' parking lot.
Corporal punishment is classified as "minor level" discipline along with detention, as against "major" penalties such as suspension or DAEP.
Stats: No CP was recorded during 2011/12 or 2013/14 at any of Warren ISD's four schools. Then the district introduced the paddle, but only at the high-school level. In 2015/16, 21 boys were disciplined at Warren High School (grades 9-12) in 35 spanking sessions.
• West Orange-Cove CISD
"Corporal punishment may be administered with written parental consent."
• West Rusk County CISD, New London
• Elementary/Intermediate handbook
• Secondary handbook (Junior High and High Schools)
A demerit system was started at the Junior High School in 2017. Three classroom offenses earned one demerit. Each of the first three demerits brought noon detention or corporal punishment. For the fourth and fifth demerits, the student received detention or CP or Saturday school or a combination of these. However, the latest handbook does not mention this demerit system.
Stats: At West Rusk Junior High (aka Middle) School, CP was cut in half, from 104 students (69 boys, 35 girls) in 2013/14 to 52 students (44 boys, 8 girls) in 2015/16; at West Rusk Intermediate School (grades 3 through 5), CP decreased from 36 students (27 boys and 9 girls) in 2013/14 to 27 students (20 boys and 7 girls) in 2015/16; and at the Elementary School, CP was eliminated in 2015/16 (and only 4 boys and 2 girls had been paddled during 2013/14). But the story is different at the High School (grades 9 through 12). While 30 students (24 boys and 6 girls) received swats during 2013/14, in the next survey year the school doubled the number of students it paddled: in 2015/16, 53 of the 170 high-school boys (31%), and 9 of the 164 girls (5%), received spankings.
This reflects what seems to be a Texas trend: decreasing use of the paddle to discipline younger students, but increased spanking of, especially, boys in the later teens.
West Sabine ISD, Pineland
• Student Handbook
• Athletic Handbook
The latest version of the student handbook sets out a more detailed paddling policy than previously. At the High School campus (grades 7 through 12), a second dress-code or grooming violation attracts "Corporal punishment / ISS (2 for 2)", and a third " Corporal punishment / ISS (3 for 3)". Presumably this means two swats or two days, etc. Similar provisions are in place for a third and fourth tardy per semester, and for use of cell phone or other device.
The Athletic Handbook states that "Athletes will be administered Corporal Punishment or conditioning for minor infractions" (emphasis in original).
• Whitehouse ISD
• High School Athletic Handbook
Each student-athlete, before being allowed to participate, must sign the "High School Athletic Policy Parent/Athlete Acknowledgement Form" that states, "I understand the consequences that are involved if I choose an inappropriate behavior or action that violates this policy". Corporal punishment is listed as one such consequence.
• Whitewright ISD
• Athletic Handbook
New for 2019/20, the district introduced corporal punishment in its athletic programs: "Whitewright coaches may use this option of discipline." However, coaches will not paddle if the parent files a written request with the Athletic Director not to use CP, or if the "athlete requests no corporal punishment". Since the coach determines the amount of playing time, it seems unlikely that many athletes will request not to be spanked if that is what the coach has decided is best.
• Whitney ISD
• Code of Conduct
• Athletic Handbook
This district used to specify "Corporal punishment (only if the student's parent or guardian has provided a signed statement requesting its use. Administration has authority to deny the request)". But that "opt-in" position is reversed in the latest version of the Code of Conduct: "All students are subject to the corporal punishment policy unless a parent has provided a written, signed statement to the campus principal indicating that corporal punishment must not be used with the parent's child or children."
New in 2018, the Whitney athletic program (for the High School only) introduced "corporal punishment under consent of parent" as phase 2 of its disciplinary system, immediately after "verbal warning". "Misconduct by athletes will be dealt [with] directly and immediately." Both the student athlete and his or her parent have to sign a form to accept or decline the spanking option.
Stats: During 2011/12, no CP was recorded at Whitney High School. But 7 boys received swats in 2013/14.
• Wills Point ISD
• Wills Point High School
The High School handbook no longer states that parental consent is required before the administration of corporal punishment. Also deleted is a remark that students are not allowed to choose a spanking instead of office detention.
Stats: The statistics show no use of CP at any school in the district from 2000/01 through 2013/14. Then, eight boys and four girls were paddled at Wills Point High School during 2015/16. No CP was recorded at any other school in the district, again illustrating that some Texas administrators are increasingly regarding spanking as more appropriate for high-school boys and girls than for elementary children.
• Wink-Loving ISD
• Plagiarism Agreement
The student, as well as a parent, must sign the Plagiarism Agreement, accepting that the possible consequences of copying others' work -- or allowing others to do so -- include "swats".
History: See this Mar 2011 news report, which refers to middle- and high-school students at Wink receiving 3 days' ISS and three swats for certain offenses. At that time, these included theft, profanity, vandalism and smoking.
Stats: Wink High School administered the paddle to two boys during 2011/12. In 2013/14, this figure increased to 30 boys and 13 girls.
• Winnsboro ISD
• Student Code of Conduct
• Winnsboro High School
The latest pan-district Code of Conduct sets out in detail (page 42 onwards) the consequence for every possible infraction in terms of Steps 1 through 7. At page 41 we see that any Step 2 or Step 3 violation can incur "Corporal Punishment with parental notification".
At the High School, a third, fourth or fifth tardy in a nine-week period brings a choice of either detention/ISS or respectively "one, two or three Corporal". Presumably this means one, two or three swats with the paddle.
Local sources confirm that 12th-graders are spanked as well as younger high-school students, if they so choose; that the HS principal offers repeated latecomers a choice between ISS and the paddle, exactly as set out in the handbook; that the swats are generally delivered the following school day, first thing in the morning before classes begin; and that prior to the adoption of the written consent form, the principal would telephone the parents for approval if the student requested paddling.
Stats: No CP was recorded at the Elementary School in 2011/12 or 2013/14. But the high school introduced paddling: during 2011/12, 49 boys and 16 girls received swats on at least one occasion. In 2013/14, 41 boys and 9 girls in grades 9 through 12 were spanked. During 2015/16, no CP was recorded at either the Elementary School or the Middle School, but the paddle continued in use at the High School, where 16 boys and 2 girls received spankings. During 2017/18, the high school continued to spank (20 boys, one girl). Also in 2017/18, Winnsboro Middle School re-introduced CP, paddling 18 boys and 2 girls, thus becoming one of the 101 secondary schools that paddled during 2017/18 having not done so during 2015/16. Corporal punishment remained unused at the elementary school, consistent with an increasingly common Texas practice of using a paddle only on teenagers.
• Winona ISD
• Registration packet
The registration packet contains a parental preference form which describes CP as "Corporal punishment (spanking)".
Stats: No CP was recorded at Winona High School in 2013/14, but 11 boys and 2 girls were spanked in 2015/16.
• Woden ISD
• Athletic Handbook
No form is provided for parents to opt out of CP: they have to compose their own letter to the campus principal.
In athletics, the first line of disciplinary action is "Corporal punishment (POP - Piece of Pine)". This is particularly mentioned as a penalty for not being dressed ready by the required time.
• Woodville ISD
• Woodville High School
• Registration forms
• Woodville Eagle Athletic Program
Here, a same-sex requirement for CP was eliminated in 2016.
The Registration Forms include a "Corporal punishment statement" that both the student and his or her parent must sign. The statement has them acknowledge that, in order to opt a student out from CP, the parents must submit a handwritten statement to the principal.
In the athletic program, "physical activity and corporal punishment" are the only two disciplinary actions before suspension.
• Wortham ISD
• Athletic Handbook
Introduced in 2016, the Wortham High School Point System gives students points for various disciplinary consequences, with the accumulation of too many points leading to DAEP. Students receive 4 points per day of ISS, and 3 points for a spanking.
Stats: During 2004/05, 15 boys were paddled at Wortham High School. No CP was recorded in the next years surveyed (2011/12 and 2013/14). The high school reinstated spanking during the 2015/16 school year, with six boys and two girls receiving swats. Meanwhile the district eliminated spanking for elementary school students (19 of whom had received swats during 2013/14), and drastically reduced spankings, from 18 to only 1, at the middle school.
• Yantis ISD
This district introduced paddling from November 2016, having until then prohibited all CP since at least 2000/01. See this Oct 2016 news item.
Stats: The 2016 (re-)introduction of CP was reflected in the 2017/18 statistics for the district's two schools, Yantis Elementary (through grade 5), and Yantis School (grades 6-12). In line with recent Texas trends, only one elementary student received swats. For the adolescents it was a different story. At Yantis School 17 of the 99 boys, and 2 of the 90 girls, received a total of 34 spankings. As has been the experience at many other Texas secondary schools in recent years, introducing the school's teenagers to the paddle went hand in hand with a dramatic reduction in the use of in-school suspension, from 73 ISS assignments during 2015/16 to 21 in 2017/18. Yantis School is thus one of the 101 secondary schools in the state that gave paddlings during 2017/18 having not done so in 2015/16.
• Yoakum ISD
• Yoakum High School
• Yoakum Junior High School
• Yoakum Intermediate School
The (senior) High School confirms that CP may be used, but gives no details.
• Yorktown ISD
As in a growing number of Texas districts, the paddle in Yorktown is used to discipline only high-school students. The document incorrectly states that the administrator must be of the same sex as the student. In fact this provision was rescinded here in March 2018.
The following Texas public schools (school districts N to Z) also state that they use corporal punishment, but give few or no details beyond one or other version of the Texas School Boards Association model text (CP "is restricted to spanking or paddling the student" and shall be administered with an approved instrument, etc. Routine provisions on witnesses and documentation. Parents' requests to opt their student out must be made annually in writing). In many cases, but not all, either the paddler or the witness must be of the same sex as the student:
Navasota ISD
• Stats: No spankings were recorded at Navasota High School (grades 9 through 12) during 2006/07, but by 2011/12 the high school had introduced the paddle: 18 boys and 2 girls received swats that year. Then during 2015/16, 31 boys and 4 girls were dealt with in 49 spanking sessions.
Nazareth ISD
New Caney ISD
Newcastle ISD
New Diana ISD
New Summerfield ISD
New Waverly ISD
• New Waverly High School
Nixon-Smiley CISD
Nocona ISD
• Stats: Five high-school boys were paddled during 2000/01. This increased to 17 boys in 2011/12. The district was not surveyed in the intervening years.
North Lamar ISD, Paris
• Stats: 18 boys and 6 girls were paddled at North Lamar High School in 2011/12.
Northside ISD-Wilbarger County, Vernon (not to be confused with Northside ISD in San Antonio)
Nursery ISD
O'Donnell ISD
Orangefield ISD, Orange (Texas)
• Stats: According to this May 2012 news item, there were 103 paddlings here in the first 9 months of 2011/12.
Ore City ISD
Paint Rock ISD
Palacios ISD
• History: See this July 2005 news item.
• Stats: During 2011/12 at Palacios High School, two boys were paddled. Two years later, 14 boys and 2 girls received swats.
Palo Pinto ISD
Panhandle ISD
• Stats: During 2000/01 paddling was in use in all this district's schools. No CP was recorded in 2004/05. In 2011/12, the elementary school and the junior high maintained their non-use of CP, but the paddle returned to the high school: 15 boys in grades 9-12 were spanked.
Patton Springs ISD, Afton
Peaster ISD
Penelope ISD
Perrin-Whitt CISD
Perryton ISD
• Stats: Perryton High School did not paddle any students during 2013/14 or 2015/16. It then reinstated corporal punishment, giving 37 paddlings to 22 boys and one girl during 2017/18, becoming one of the 101 Texas secondary schools paddling during 2017/18 but not during 2015/16. Bringing back the paddle apparently deterred serious student misbehavior: out-of-school suspensions dropped from 22 in 2015/16 to only 3 in 2017/18.
• History 1: See this Nov 1998 news story in Perryton High School's magazine about a then new tardy policy called "three or three" -- a choice of three days' suspension or three paddle swats.
• History 2: In this Nov 2008 radio interview,
the superintendent discussed the district's approach to corporal punishment, declaring "certainly that is one of the techniques that can be used".
Petersburg ISD
• Stats: Petersburg School gave nine boys swats during 2011/12.
Pleasant Grove ISD, Texarkana
Pleasanton ISD
Plemons-Stinnett-Phillips CISD
Ponder ISD
Port Arthur ISD
• Stats: According to federal statistics, no secondary students received corporal punishment in 2011/12, 2013/14, or 2015/16. Then two of the district's schools joined the many Texas secondary schools that recently decided to wield the paddle: during 2017/18, Memorial High School paddled three boys, while Lincoln Middle School gave 21 spankings (16 boys, 4 girls).
Port Neches-Groves ISD
• Stats: See news items from March 2012 and May 2012 -- 90 paddlings in the first 9 months of 2011/12.
Post ISD
Poth ISD
Pottsboro ISD
Prairie Valley ISD
• Stats: 13 boys and 2 girls received swats at Prairie Valley High School in 2011/12.
Princeton ISD (Texas)
Pringle-Morse ISD, Morse
Progreso ISD
Quanah ISD
• See also this May 2012 news item (with video clip) about a paddling at Quanah High School.
Quinlan ISD
Ralls ISD
Ranger ISD
• Stats: During 2013/14, 9 students (7 boys, 2 girls) were spanked on one or more occasion at Ranger High School. The same number of students received swats in 2015/16, but the mix changed to 5 boys and 4 girls.
Rankin ISD
Raymondville ISD
Red Lick ISD
Refugio ISD
• Stats 1: No corporal punishment was recorded at Refugio High School from 2000/01 through 2013/14. Then the school introduced the paddle. In 2015/16, 19 boys and 2 girls received swats in grades 9 through 12. During 2017/18, the High School paddled two boys on four occasions.
• Stats 2: No corporal punishment was recorded at Refugio Junior High School from 2000/01 through 2015/16. Then administrators decided to join the (senior) high school in spanking students. During 2017/18, the Junior High paddled eight grades 7 & 8 boys on nine occasions, making it one of the 101 Texas secondary schools to begin giving swats by 2017/18 having not done so during 2015/16.
• History: See this Nov 2008 news item.
Richards ISD
Richland Springs ISD
Riesel ISD
Rio Grande City CISD
• Stats: Grulla High School did not use corporal punishment during 2011/12. The school then implemented paddling; in 2013/14, the school paddled 2 boys and 2 girls. During 2015/16, 11 boys and 2 girls were spanked. This increase was accompanied by a reduction in ISS assignments, from 136 in 2013/14 to 100 in 2015/16.
Rio Vista ISD
• Stats: Rio Vista High School paddled two boys during 2011/12. In 2013/14, 14 boys received spankings.
Rivercrest ISD
• Stats: During 2015/16, 8 boys received a total of 10 paddlings at Rivercrest High School (grades 9-12).
Riviera ISD
Robstown ISD
Rockdale ISD
• Stats: Rockdale High School paddled four boys during 2011/12. In 2013/14, 14 boys received swats on at least one occasion.
Rocksprings ISD [DOC]
Ropes ISD, Ropesville
• Stats: During 2011/12 at Ropes School, 15 boys and 2 girls received spankings.
Rosebud-Lott ISD
• History: See this June 2009 news item.
Royal ISD, Pattison
Rule ISD
Runge ISD
• Annual Performance Report 2015
• Stats: No CP was recorded at Runge High School in 2011/12 or 2013/14. Local statistics in the Performance Report, however, show a major change in disciplinary practices between 2013/14 and 2014/15. CP was eliminated at Runge Elementary School (12 students spanked during 2013/14, none in 2014/15), but introduced at Runge High School, where 27 students (24 boys, 3 girls) received spankings. Of these, 16 were in grades 6-8 and 8 in grades 9-12.
Rusk ISD
• Stats: During 2013/14, 20 boys were spanked on one or more occasions at Rusk High School. For 2017/18 this figure increased to 30 boys.
S&S CISD, Sadler
Sabine Pass ISD
Saltillo ISD
• Stats: Ten boys were spanked during 2011/12, or eight percent of the boys enrolled at this small school.
Sam Rayburn ISD, Ivanhoe
San Augustine ISD
• History: See this Nov 2009 news item.
• Stats: During 2009/10, 20 boys and 5 girls were paddled at San Augustine High School. In 2011/12 the school recorded no corporal punishment. In 2013/14 paddling was restored, and 28 boys and 10 girls were spanked on at least one occasion.
Sands CISD
San Isidro ISD
Sanford-Fritch ISD [DOC]
San Perlita ISD
San Saba ISD
• Corporal punishment notification and permission form
Santa Anna ISD
Santa Rosa ISD
Santo ISD
Savoy ISD
Schulenburg ISD
Scurry-Rosser ISD, Scurry
Stats: No CP was recorded at Scurry-Rosser High School in 2000/01. A decade later this had changed, 39 boys receiving spankings. Also in 2011/12, at the Elementary School, two boys were paddled; at the Middle School, 19 boys and 5 girls.
Seagraves ISD
Shelbyville ISD
• Stats: Shelbyville School (grades K-12) did not paddle any students during 2011/12 or 2013/14, although it had used CP in earlier years. In 2015/16, corporal punishment returned: 51 boys and 11 girls received a total of 126 spankings.
Shepherd ISD
Shiner ISD
Sidney ISD
Sierra Blanca ISD [DOC]
Silsbee ISD
Silverton ISD
Sivells Bend ISD, Gainesville
Smithville ISD
Smyer ISD
• Stats: 25 boys were paddled at Smyer High School in 2011/12.
Snook ISD
Snyder ISD
Somerset ISD
Southland ISD
Southside ISD, San Antonio
Southwest ISD, San Antonio
Spearman ISD
Splendora ISD
Spur ISD
• Stats: During 2015/16, 25 boys and 4 girls received paddlings on a total of 28 occasions.
Spurger ISD
• Stats: During 2000/01, 35 students were paddled at Spurger High School. No CP was recorded in 2006/07 or 2011/12. The high school then reintroduced CP. Although only two students were spanked during 2013/14, disciplinary incidents plummetted.
Stanton ISD
• Stats: During 2011/12, 9 of the 114 boys were paddled at Stanton High School. Two years later this figure doubled to 17 boys.
Stephenville ISD
Stratford ISD
• Stats: During 2004/05, no CP was recorded at Stratford High School. In 2011/12, the next year the district was surveyed, the paddle had been introduced and 8 of the 104 boys enrolled in grades 9-12 received spankings. During 2015/16 also, 8 high-school boys received swats, while no students were spanked at either Mary Allen Elementary School or Stratford Junior High School.
Sweetwater ISD
• Stats: No CP was recorded at Sweetwater High School in 2009/10, while 80 students had to serve OCS. Two years later, 38 boys and 21 girls were paddled in grades 9 through 12, while the number of students placed in OCS declined by 56% to 35. None of the district's schools reported any paddling during 2013/14. In 2015/16, 13 boys and 4 girls were paddled at Sweetwater High School; 27 boys and 2 girls at Sweetwater Middle School; and, in keeping with modern Texas practice, no students at East Ridge Elementary. During the 2018/19 school year, according to local sources, Sweetwater High School gave spankings more frequently and, following an October 2018 board-policy change, students may now be disciplined by an opposite-sex administrator, removing a same-sex requirement dating from seven years earlier.
• History: According to earlier reports from local sources, on 16 November 2011 all members of the Sweetwater High School girls' basketball team were spanked for team misconduct (except one girl who had missed the previous evening's away game). The "Lady Mustangs" received a total of 45 swats, possibly the greatest number of students spanked or swats ever given on one day at Sweetwater High.
Taft ISD
• Stats: During 2011/12, 7 boys and 2 girls were paddled at Taft High School. This increased to 9 boys and 4 girls in 2013/14.
Tahoka ISD
• Stats: Tahoka High School has seen an increase in CP for the boys, and an extension of CP to the girls. During 2011/12, 9 boys received swats. In 2013/14, spankings were administered to 24 boys and 6 girls.
Tarkington ISD
Teague ISD
• History: As of the 2016/17 school year, Teague Junior High School introduced a new form (no longer on line, although possibly available during the electronic registration process). Instead of opting a student out of corporal punishment, the form lets the parent opt the student out of Saturday School, asking that he or she be spanked instead. This is for dress-code, tardy and cell-phone violations.
• Stats 1: From 2000/01 through 2011/12, no CP was recorded at Teague High School. But then 16 boys and 2 girls were paddled in 2013/14. During 2015/16, the school paddled 18 boys. In 2017/18, the figures were 17 boys and 1 girl.
• Stats 2: During 2015/16, Teague Junior High School paddled 10 boys. In 2017/18, this increased to 22 spankings (16 boys, 5 girls).
Texline ISD
Thorndale ISD
Thrall ISD
Throckmorton Collegiate ISD
Timpson ISD
• Stats: During 2011/12, Timpson High School paddled 9 boys. In 2013/14, 11 boys and 2 girls were spanked.
• History: A mass paddling of seniors for a prank at Timpson High School was reported in this Oct 2002 news item and this Nov 2002 follow-up.
Tioga ISD
Tolar ISD
Tornillo ISD
• History: See this Feb 2007 news report that CP was reinstated after having been abandoned.
Trent ISD
Stats: This K-12 school did not use corporal punishment in 2011/12, 2013/14, or 2015/16. Then, as has happened across the state, administrators decided to spank, at least at some grade levels (we do not know which). Eight boys received swats during 2017/18.
Trenton ISD (Texas)
Troy ISD
Tulia ISD
Turkey-Quitaque ISD
Union Grove ISD, Gladewater
Union Hill ISD
• Stats: In 2011/12 at Union Hill High School, 12 boys and two girls were paddled on one or more occasions.
Utopia ISD [DOC]
Uvalde CISD
Valley Mills ISD
Van Vleck ISD
Vega ISD
Vernon ISD
Waelder ISD
• Stats: This K-12 school did not use corporal punishment in 2013/14 or 2015/16. Three boys were paddled during 2017/18.
Walnut Bend ISD
Walnut Springs ISD
Waskom ISD
Water Valley ISD
Stats: At Water Valley High School, 15 boys received one or more paddlings in 2000/01. In 2004/05 through 2009/10, no CP was recorded. Then the paddle returned: during 2011/12, 13 boys and 2 girls were spanked.
Waxahachie ISD
Weatherford ISD
Weimar ISD
Wellington ISD
Wellman-Union ISD
Wells ISD
Westbrook ISD
West Hardin County CISD
Westhoff ISD
Westphalia ISD
Westwood ISD, Palestine
Wharton ISD
• Stats: During 2011/12, no CP was recorded at Wharton Elementary School, Wharton Junior High School, or Wharton High School. In 2013/14, again no students were paddled at either the elementary or the junior high. But the High School brought back the paddle. In 2013/14, 27 boys in grades 9 through 12 received swats. In 2015/16, corporal punishment was extended to the high-school girls: 16 boys and 2 girls were disciplined in 22 spanking sessions.
Wheeler ISD
• Stats: The CP rate here rose sharply, against the national trend. During 2009/10, only five students were paddled. By 2011/12 this figure had risen to 94 students.
Whiteface CISD
• Stats: 11 boys and 5 girls were paddled at Whiteface High School in 2011/12.
White Oak ISD
• See also this Sep 2014 news item.
• Stats: There were 51 paddlings here over five years, according to this Sep 2016 news report.
Wildorado ISD
Wilson ISD
Windthorst ISD
Winters ISD
Wolfe City ISD
Woodsboro ISD
Zavalla ISD
• Stats: During 2011/12, 47 boys and 11 girls at Zavalla High School were spanked on one or more occasions, out of a total student population of 221 boys and 227 girls.
Zephyr ISD