Corpun file 5136

The Associated Press, 7 October 1981
Bright and Brief
School Beauty Queen is Paddled for Kissing
A rule against kissing at Hartshorne High School has been repealed after it led to punishment for the homecoming queen and her escort.
School officials say from now on school queens and their escorts can kiss without being punished. This year's high school football queen and the football captain were not so privileged.
Homecoming Queen Frankie Mass and her escort, football team captain Forrest Kirkes each received three licks from Principal Carl Butler's paddle for a congratulatory kiss at the ceremony before a Sept. 25 football game. The pair had been told before the game not to smooch.
School Superintendent Harold Latham said school board members later voted to allow students to kiss at such events if both are willing.
The no-kiss rule which had been in effect since 1979 was to benefit students who would rather not kiss during the ceremonies, officials said.
"We thought it was a good rule but it was causing too much pressure on the kids," Latham said. "A lot of their peers were telling them they were chicken if they didn't kiss and during the ceremony all the students and about half the fans were hollering, 'Kiss her, kiss her.'"
In future coronations, Latham said, "If both people involved agree to the kissing, then we will have it."