www.corpun.com : Archive Index |
THE ARCHIVE is an ever-growing collection of news and media items about corporal punishment. Think of it as an electronic press clippings library, now containing over 5,000 clippings.
Within each year or group of years you choose the country you want to research, and the items are then classified by type of CP and month.
The Archive -- 1648 to 1975 (993 items)
The Archive -- 1976 to 1995 (485 items)
The Archive -- 1996 (188 items)
The Archive -- 1997 (222 items)
The Archive -- 1998 (194 items)
The Archive -- 1999 (387 items)
The Archive -- 2000 (246 items)
The Archive -- 2001 (364 items)
The Archive -- 2002 (367 items)
The Archive -- 2003 (385 items)
The Archive -- 2004 (524 items)
The Archive -- 2005 (556 items)
The Archive -- 2006 (397 items)
The Archive -- 2007 (316 items)
The Archive -- 2008 (280 items)
The Archive -- 2009 (210 items)
The Archive -- 2010 (185 items)
The Archive -- 2011 (194 items)
The Archive -- 2012 (153 items)
The Archive -- 2013 (174 items)
The Archive -- 2014 (128 items)
The Archive -- 2015 (93 items)
The Archive -- 2016 (78 items)
The Archive -- 2017 (77 items)
The Archive -- 2018 (57 items)
The Archive -- 2019 (43 items)
Please note: At present, the most recent items in THE ARCHIVE are running more than five years behind the current date. If you are desperate for the latest news reports on corporal punishment, try searching Google News.
Possibly useful search terms include: "corporal punishment", paddling punishment, paddle swats, paddle licks, cane strokes, school caning, rotan strokes. Warning: you will have to wade through a lot of irrelevant material.
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Copyright © C. Farrell 2001-2023
Page updated November 2023