Corpun file 22175
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta, Canada, 18 November 1952
Airline Hostess Caned by Boss, Who Gets Fired
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SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia (Reuters) -- Airline operator
Robert G. McCoy was convicted of assault Saturday because he
punished a hostess with six strokes of a cane, even though she
agreed to it. He was fined £50 or 50 days in prison.
Hostess Silvia Banfield testified that McCoy caned her because
she remained on her feet during a landing instead of fastening
her safety belt.
Despite her consent, police went ahead with the prosecution
when they heard what happened.
Testimony showed Miss Banfield took off her girdle and
received the caning on panties and slip, her dress tucked up to
her waist out of the way.
Afterwards McCoy gave her a cigaret and took her home.
McCoy said the incident was "only a silly piece of
fooling with no harm meant to anyone. I used no force at