Corpun file 23819
Miami News, Florida, 20 October 1975, p.10
Teachers reign over parents on spanking
Combined Miami News Services
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WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court ruled today that public school
teachers may spank a pupil against the wishes of the child's
The court affirmed without comment a decision of a three-judge
federal court in North Carolina upholding corporal punishment and
spelling out procedures to be followed.
Florida law and Dade School Board policy already permit paddling
in public schools under guidelines similar to those contained in
today's decision. Parental permission, while taken into
consideration in Dade, neither is requested nor required before a
child can be paddled.
The lower court said the pupil must be informed beforehand that
specific punishment might cause a spanking and that a written
explanation should be furnished to a parent on request.
It also required that paddling not be resorted to unless other
means of discipline had failed, and that a second school officer
must witness the punishment.
The decision was appealed by Virginia Baker of Greensboro, N.C.,
on behalf of herself and her son, Russell, a sixth grader who was
paddled in December, 1973 for throwing a kickball outside of
designated play time. She said she had asked school authorities
not to use corporal punishment because she was opposed to it and
Russell was a frail child.
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