Corpun file 25138 at
The Mountain Eagle, Whitesburg, Letcher County, Kentucky, 4 February 1971, p.6
15 Paintsville High girls face paddling or expulsion
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Fifteen girls will be expelled from Paintsville's Johnson
Central High School -- unless they agree this week to allow
Principal Herschel Conley to paddle them.
This situation has developed from an incident which saw the
fifteen girls intentionally defy a dress code which prohibits
them from wearing long pants, no matter how cold the weather.
About 25 girls, acting upon a suggestion passed among them in the
school's rest-room, showed up a week ago yesterday wearing long
pants rather than skirts or dresses; and Principal Conley showed
up to say that they would have to be paddled for it.
Conley told The Mountain Eagle that he'll do the paddling
himself, using a slat-like board. "This punishment isn't at
all out of the ordinary," he declared. His position is that
the girls "deliberately violated the rules." The
girls, on the other hand, contend that the "rules"
violate common sense.
Diana Nichols, 16, president of the school's student council,
told a reporter the reason for the action: "I catch a bus at
7 in the morning and you can imagine how cold it is at 7 in the
morning. Some of these kids have to walk down long hollows and
then wait for the bus. I'll tell you that pant-suits are a lot
Mr. Conley was asked whether such cold weather might justify the
girls' desire to stay warm: "Listen," he told The
Eagle, "those people have been told they can wear slacks to
their buses and then change into their school clothing. Besides,
not too many of them live very far away."
Conley is upset about the publicity this issue is getting.
"I don't think it's the girls making a protest out of this
thing -- it's the news media that's doing it," he insisted.
"The punishment for this is just like for any ordinary
He explained that he favors paddling for a whole number of
violations, "such as skipping school, leaving the building
without permission, being in the corridors without a note."
He claims he "gets results" this way.
It's not clear just what kinds of results he gets. Miss Nichols
said that she has heard of some students "who have quit
school rather than take a paddling." She says she knows of
paddle victims who have been hurt and bruised.
Conley says that it is his discretion who gets punished how.
"But we have this dress code and it must be enforced,"
he proclaimed. What's wrong with pant-suits, he was asked.
"Well, some of them just don't wear them respectably or
decently." Conley said he really couldn't explain what
standards he used to gauge this, but he did imply that
"sometimes they've been wearin' 'em pretty tight."
The girls say they will come to school with their parents, and if
necessary will appeal to Superintendent of Johnson County Schools
Virgil Porter. Porter told the Eagle that the county
"doesn't have a written policy regarding kinds of
He said that he too is upset at the press attention to the
problem. "Why, they've had everything wrong," he stated. Such as? "Well, the papers were saying that all the
girls were seniors. Now that just isn't true. But it's typical of
present-day reporting."
Porter also said that he "wouldn't necessarily" support
the paddling of the 15 girls, although Conley said that Porter
has assured him of support. The Superintendent also insisted to a
reporter that Conley "definitely has not decided that
they'll be paddled."
Conley, however, said that he definitely does plan to stand by
his original policy. "It's up to us to make sure they learn
as soon as they can that they have to follow the rules," the
principal declared.
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