Corpun file 22381

The New York Times, 8 November 1898
The Rod in Public Schools.
Cincinnati Girls to Escape Altogether -- Chastisement for the Boys.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 7. -- Superintendent of Schools W.H. Morgan is taking steps to put a stop to the chastising of school children by the application of the rod to the hands. He also forbids altogether the chastisement of the girls with the rod.
In the case of boys, Superintendent Morgan says it is wrong to shame them by slashing them on the hands, and that it is a great deal more effective to apply the rod to the hips. The Superintendent said Saturday that he had taught school seventeen years and had never applied a rattan to a pupil's hands. Principal Disque of the Fifth District School, said that he, too, found that the application of the rod to the hips was the better scheme.