Corpun file 19675

The New York Times, 20 March 1894
Debate on Corporal Punishment.
New-Jersey House Says Newark Teachers Shall Not Use the Rattan.
TRENTON, N.J., March 19. -- Two hours of the time of the House to-night was devoted to a warm debate on corporal punishment in schools. The debate was precipitated by a Newark bill.
Assemblyman Eisele of Orange was the spokesman for the bill. He had much to say about Newark bad boys. Even little ones not taller than the school desks openly defied their teachers, he said.
The bill provides that no child shall be whipped in school unless his parents or guardians shall give permission. Dr. W.L. Wilbur of Mercer said it would expose children who did not have thoughtful and careful parents to the cruel discrimination of the teachers.
Assemblyman Wilson of Warren County said the city boys might need corporal punishment, but the country boys were improving fast since the school officers had got rid of "Yankee" teachers and hickory rods, and turned the children over to the persuasiveness of women teachers.
Assemblyman Lewis of Passaic said that the picking out of one lot of boys to be flogged and another lot to go free would have a bad effect on school discipline. Then, too, every parent too lazy to chastise his own child would turn him over to the school teacher. A dozen Assemblymen took part in the debate.
When the vote came 41 were against the bill and 11 for it.