Corpun file 21768
Chicago Daily Tribune, 2 March 1921
The Inquiring Reporter
Every Day He Asks Five Persons, Picked at Random, a Question.
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Today's Question.
Should the whipping post for wife-beaters be reestablished?
Where Asked.
La Salle between Randolph and Washington streets.
The Answers.
Velda Thompson. 180 West Washington street, secretary -- Yes;
while there are many women who deserve a whipping, a man who
would strike a woman certainly should be sentenced to the
whipping post. I think that would stop a lot of men from using
their wives as punching bags.
Florence Carter, 2619 Warren avenue, dancer -- Yes. Although a
nagging woman is an awful evil, that does not justify a man
striking her. We need some good old fashioned correctives in this
country. The male sex is becoming too careless in its treatment
of women.
Mildred Hillery, Washington hotel, model -- Yes, I would even go
further. I think a wife beater should be hanged. Some men seem to
think, when they swear to take a woman for better or for worse,
that the latter stands for worse treatment.
Mme. Verona, 515 North Clark street, magician -- Sure. A man who
would beat his wife needs a good, snappy punishment. The whipping
post would supply a form of punishment he would not soon forget.
It ought to be reëstablished right away.
Labon Summers, 4016 South Michigan avenue, dancer -- It all
depends on the wife. Some women render a husband desperate.
Their tongues seem to be hung in the middle and they never stop
wagging them. Maybe we ought to try the ducking stool before we
try the whipping post.
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