Corpun file 22942
The Modesto Bee, California, 2 February 1952, p.12
Highway Officer Praises Hotrod Safety Work
McClatchy Newspapers Service
FRESNO, Feb. 2. -- State Highway Patrolman Ezra M. Ehrhardt of Lodi today praised the work of organized hotrod drivers in correcting highway safety hazards which flourished a few years ago.
Speaking before members of the American Hotrod Conference in the Hotel Fresno, Ehrhardt said too often young drivers erroneously are depicted as hotrodders.
"Press accounts recently in San Francisco referred to 44 hotrod drivers being cited for traffic violations," said the officer, "when actually most of the boys were driving papa's car. Actually a hotrod is an automobile that has a souped up engine."
Ehrhardt estimated there are nearly 185,000 hotrod drivers in California and that among the organized groups the accident rate has been reduced materially.
Liquor Not Tolerated
He said the clubs do not tolerate liquor with their driving activities and that some clubs require members who receive traffic citations to appear before the club board for further penalties ranging from a "paddling to a fine".
State Highway Patrolman C. A. Pollard of Anaheim, who, with Ehrhardt, are in charge of the patrol's safety education section, declared hotrod drivers along the highways no longer are a major problem.
"The organized groups are co-operating with the patrol in every way to promote safety," Pollard said.
Mostly Disappeared
"A few years ago the hotrod drivers raced over the street and highways, but that has mostly disappeared and the boys today use the drag strips."
Pollard said the strips are located in San Diego, Saugus, Fontana, Santa Ana. Fresno, Lodi, San Jose and Salinas. He attributed education along with strict enforcement as the factors resulting in the reduction of accidents among the hotrodders.