Corpun file 22741
Walsall Observer, 10 February 1967
'Parents will act if tawse is used'
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COUNCILLOR C.J. ANDREW, who this week finally lost his fight
against the tawse, has said that parents have told him they will
not hesitate to take action if the tawse is used on their
Moreover, he refuted the accusation made by Alderman C.L.
Tomkinson (see report on page 11) that his raising of the
question of the tawse was calculated to obtain the maximum
publicity for himself.
"I only raised it at the request of some head teachers
and managing bodies in Willenhall by whom the tawse is regarded
as barbarous and horrific, compared with more civilised methods
used when these schools were administered by Staffordshire County
Council," said Councillor Andrew.
"With the teaching and medical professions strongly
represented on the Education Committee, what other decision could
be expected?" asked Councillor Andrew, who has missed recent
committee meetings because of illness.
The questionnaire sent to head teachers and staffs was
described by Councillor Andrew as ridiculous -- especially, he
said, in view of the fact that teachers at infants schools where
corporal punishment was forbidden, were also asked to answer it.
"Walsall educationalists would do well to study the
recommendations of the Plowden Report and act upon them
voluntarily before they are faced with compulsion," he said,
adding that in the meantime, it could only be hoped that tawses
in schools would be conveniently lost or hidden away.
Corpun file 22742
Walsall Observer, 10 February 1967
Teachers are trusted to use tawse 'in the right way'
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WALSALL Education Committee on Tuesday endorsed a
sub-committee decision to retain the triple-thonged leather tawse
as the standard instrument of corporal punishment in the town's
primary and secondary schools.
Only one of those present -- Councillor Mrs. D.L. Purcell --
spoke against use of the tawse. Councillor C.J. Andrew, who
initiated the controversy, was not present.
The minute recording the sub-committee's decision to adhere to
existing regulations on corporal punishment noted that 58 of the
73 primary and secondary school heads who had replied to a
circular were in favour of the tawse.
In 59 of the schools the majority of the staff were in favour
of retention, 675 teachers voting for the tawse and 228 against.
Corporal punishment is, of course, not permitted in infants'
schools. It was pointed out that corporal punishment was at the
discretion of the head teacher, and that it was in fact rarely
used in primary schools.
The sub-committee had discussed the tawse with the Medical
Officer of Health, and reference was made to the Plowden Report
which called for the abolition of corporal punishment in primary
schools. It was decided, however, that in this instance the
sub-committee were concerned only to recommend whether the tawse
or some alternative form of corporal punishment, such as the
cane, should be authorised for use in Walsall.
Councillor Mrs. Purcell said she wished to reaffirm her
previous remarks that she was appalled to see such a thing as the
tawse and to know it was in use in schools.
Alderman C.L. Tomkinson, vice-chairman, said the way in which
the issue had been raised was calculated to arouse interest and
to obtain the maximum publicity for Councillor Andrew.
Not indiscriminately
He said members had been assured that the tawse was not used
indiscriminately but was kept locked away in a cupboard most of
the time. He was surprised, however, that the sub-committee had
not recommended the abolition of corporal punishment in primary
schools in accordance with the findings of the Plowden Report.
"In the long run an ultimate deterrent has to be
used," said Alderman Tomkinson. "I would like to think
there was some other method, but the tawse is not used in a
sadistic or brutal fashion. It is used in the minimum way in
which it can be brought home to a child that he has done
Councillor R. Spooner said it was when people asked what was
the alternative to corporal punishment that one really had to
think. He suggested that the answer lay in the provision of a
full complement of psychologists and psychiatrists in the town.
Mr. E. Alison said the sub-committee had not been asked to
consider whether or not corporal punishment should be abolished
but merely to decide between the tawse and the cane. The tawse
might look bad, but it was not nearly so harmful or vicious as
the cane with which they had been asked to replace it.
Dr. M.H. Dale supported the Medical Officer of Health in the
view that the tawse was less harmful than the cane, and said he
thought it almost impossible for the tawse to deform someone's
fingers, as was alleged by a London man in last week's
The headmaster of Willenhall Comprehensive School (Dr. N.C.P.
Tyack) said that in the last analysis the committee was bound to
depend on the integrity of its teachers, some of whom quite
genuinely felt the need for a deterrent. The fact that turbulent
spirits knew the deterrent existed had the right sort of
influence upon them.
Councillor J. Davis said the hullabaloo about the tawse had
been "knocked on the head" by the opinions of the
people who administered it. "I have sufficient confidence in
the integrity of the teaching staff to be sure they will use this
deterrent in the right way," he said.
Summing up, Councillor P.H. Musgrove, chairman, pointed out
that a headmaster need not use the tawse at all if he did not
want to.
"Councillor Andrew had said he believed in corporal
punishment and that it was the tawse he objected to. I can only
assume that he wanted it replaced by the cane. It is obvious that
the tawse properly administered does not do any harm, and the
opinion of the Medical Officer of Health substantiates
this," added Councillor Musgrove.