Corpun file 24648 at
Daily Mail, London, 10 July 1950, p.5
Cane here and sign the book
By Daily Mail Reporter
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TEACHERS in Middlesex may soon have to refer to "caning
laws" before they make young Johnny bend over.
The County Education Committee will be asked today to adopt a
compulsory ten-point correction code telling which parts of the
child can be hit and whether to use a cane or an open hand slap.
Corporal punishment must be inflicted only by headmasters,
headmistresses and specially authorised teachers.
Boys can be caned on the hands or buttocks. Girls should be given
corporal punishment only in exceptional circumstances, and on the
hands only.
Punishments banned include boxing the ears, rapping knuckles and
"any forms of correction likely to affect adversely mental
or physical development."
If the code is adopted a Punishment book will be kept in each
school. Every caning will be logged with the names of the
punisher and the child.
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