Corpun file 25199 at

Daily Express, London, 17 May 1958, p.5
Give erring Teddy Boys a haircut says Old Etonian
Express Parliamentary Reporter
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MAGISTRATES should favour "a little less binding over,
and a little more bending over" for lawbreaking youths, an
M.P. urged yesterday.
Other suggestions from the M.P., Mr. James Dance (Tory,
Bromsgrove), a 51-year-old Old Etonian:--
IMPOUND the "revolting" suits of trouble-making Teddy
Boys until they pay their fines.
CUT OFF their "revolting Teddy Boy curls" -- and go on
cutting them until they have paid.
The House of Commons was debating a Bill to amend the
Metropolitan Police Act (1839) by increasing the maximum penalty
for threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour -- at
present 40s. -- to £10 for a first offence, and £20 for
subsequent offences.
Parents pay
Mr. Geoffrey Stevens (Tory, Langstone) said that fines on
young people were often paid by their parents.
Mr. Dance agreed that there was something to be said for this,
because parents were themselves often to blame for their
children's conduct.
But the guilty youths should be made to suffer too -- and he
suggested an addition to the Bill to let the fines be taken from
their pay packets.
The Bill was given a third reading.
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