Corpun file 5550

Daily Mirror, London, 13 June 1953
Give us a good hiding
THE older generation is to blame for the increase in juvenile delinquents, not teenagers themselves. If those who brought us up had given us a jolly good hiding when we deserved it, we might have more respect for them -- and the law.
Parents who can't control their children have only themselves to blame.
-- John Ballard (16 years), Black Notley Hospital, Braintree, Essex.
Truant Treatment
A GOOD flogging until they scream for mercy, followed by a stiff sentence, should be given to those who illtreat their defenceless children.
A mere fine of a few pounds, such as was imposed on the father of Michael Roe for assaulting the boy for playing truant, is not enough.
-- Believer in Justice, Birmingham.