Corpun file 19974
Brighton Evening Argus, 11 March 1947
Gave Men Lift -- They Left Him In His Pants
Prison And Birching Sentence On Soldiers
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HOW a motorist who gave a lift to two soldiers on
Boxing Day was knocked down, threatened with a pair of scissors
and then forced to strip to his underpants was described to Mr.
Justice Brynne at the Sussex Assizes at Lewes to-day, when the
two men, John Wilkinson, 33 and Eric Temperton, 23, who had
pleaded guilty to robbery with violence, were each sentenced to
12 months' imprisonment and six strokes with the birch.
According to Mr. Anthony Harmsworth (prosecuting) the two men
were in the Crow and Gate public house at Poundgate on 26th
December when Mr. William Henderson, an Essex veterinary surgeon,
called there.
All three got into conversation and had drinks together, and then
Mr. Henderson gave the accused a lift in his car.
Wanted His Money
At Maresfield, Mr. Henderson stopped the car and they all got
It was alleged that the men then said they wanted his money.
Mr. Henderson gave them some small change, and Temperton said it
was not enough.
Mr. Henderson then gave them £8 or £9 in notes.
Later, it was alleged Mr. Henderson was hit in the mouth and
knocked down.
Temperton, kneeling on his chest, took a pair of
scissors from Henderson's pocket and held them to his throat
saying, "I will bump you off."
The men said they wanted the man's clothes and Mr. Henderson
gave them his mackintosh. The accused said they wanted his other
clothes as they were deserters and wanted civilian clothes.
Trousers Pulled Off
Henderson's jacket and trousers were pulled off and Wilkinson
put them on.
Henderson ran away and went to a house in his underpants.
The police were informed of what had happened and they found
the accused men standing beside Mr. Henderson's car.
False Name
Wilkinson pretended to be drunk and Temperton gave a false
One of the men was ultimately found asleep in a hut and the other
in camp at Crowborough.
Replying to the Judge, Mr. Harmsworth said Mr. Henderson was
more frightened than hurt.
Supt. Manby said there were no previous convictions against
Temperton. He had, however, had a suspended sentence of three
years' penal servitude imposed by a Court Martial for desertion,
and was awaiting military charges of striking an officer,
wounding with intent and escaping while in confinement.
Military Records
Supt. Manby said there was one previous conviction against
Wilkinson, who had been sentenced by a Court Martial to three
years' penal servitude for desertion. He was awaiting military
charges of wounding with intent and escaping while in
In reply to the Judge, Supt. Manby said the men had been
drinking at the time of the offence.
Defending, Mr. O'Connor described the crime as
"one of the clumsiest that could be imagined." It was
due to the fact that the men were drunk.
Passing sentence of 12 months' imprisonment, with six strokes
of the birch on each of the accused, the Judge said it might have
been three years and twelve strokes.