Corpun file 21630

The Times, London, 12 March 1932, p.4
Robbery With Violence
Young Men Sentenced
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Before the RECORDER (Sir Ernest Wild, K.C.), at the Central
Criminal Court yesterday. GEORGE WALTER GARDENER, 26, engineer,
and DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD WHITEHOUSE, 18, clerk, were found Guilty on
a charge of robbery with violence on Mrs. Olwen Timothy and
stealing from her a ring and other articles and about £1 15s. in
money. The prisoners pleaded "Not Guilty." HARRY
REGINALD JACK RICHARDSON, 18, traveller, pleaded
"Guilty" to the robbery, but not to violence.
Mr. Eustace Fulton prosecuted; Mr. A.C. Douglas defended
Gardener; and Mr. Marston Garsia defended Whitehouse. Mr. J.J.
Davies appeared for Richardson.
The case for the prosecution was that the three prisoners went
to the shop of Mrs. Timothy in Farringdon-road, E.C. Richardson
went into the shop, and it was alleged that he struck Mrs.
Timothy on the head with a vase and a milk bottle, seriously
injuring her. While she was in a dazed condition Gardener and
Whitehouse went into the shop.
Gardener and Whitehouse denied the charge.
Whitehouse pleaded "Not Guilty" to another indictment
charging him with breaking and entering the house of Miss Amy
West, an artist, of Elm Cottage, Bourne-road, Bushey, and robbing
her with violence of a silver tea set and other articles. The
prisoner Richardson pleaded "Guilty" to the charge of
breaking and entering, but pleaded "Not Guilty" to the
charge of robbery with violence.
After Richardson had given evidence for the prosecution, Mr.
Garcia, said that Whitehouse would alter his plea to one of
"Guilty" to burglary and simple robbery without
Richardson was sentenced to three years' penal servitude for the
offence against Mrs. Timothy and to 18 months' imprisonment, with
hard labour for the offence against Miss West, the sentences to
run concurrently, the RECORDER saying that he was unfit to
receive corporal punishment.
Gardener was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment with hard
labour, and 15 strokes with the birch. Whitehouse was sentenced
to nine months' imprisonment and 15 strokes with the birch for
the offence against Mrs. Timothy, and to nine months'
imprisonment for the offence against Miss West, the sentences to
run consecutively, making 18 months in all.
The RECORDER directed that a reward of £5 be paid to Mrs.
Timothy and a reward of £3 to Miss West, in recognition of the
courage they displayed.
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