Corpun file 11842 at

The Times, London, 27 August 1904, p.8
Corporal Punishment.
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A return of all sentences of corporal
punishment inflicted under 26 and 27 Vict., c.44, upon persons
convicted of offences against section 43 of the Larceny Act,
1861, and section 21 of the Offences against the Person Act,
1861, in England and Wales for the year 1903 has been issued as a
Parliamentary paper [296] in continuation of Parliamentary Paper
185, of Session 1903.
The return states the place and date of trial, the initials of
the prisoner, his age on committal, the name of the Judge or
Commissioner, and the number of strokes ordered. Out of the 16
cases in the year four were for robbery with violence, 12 for
robbery with violence by persons in company.
There were no cases of robbery with violence by persons armed or
of offences against section 21 of the Offences against the Person
Act. In no case was the whipping ordered to be inflicted more
than once. In 14 cases the "cat" was used, in two the
birch-rod. The number of strokes varied from six to 24, and the
age of the culprits from 16 to 30. Of the 16 cases two were tried
at the Central Criminal Court before the Common Serjeant; five at
the Central Criminal Court before Judge Rentoul; three at Chester
County Assizes, at Chester, before Mr. Justice Lawrence; one at
Kent County Assizes, at Maidstone, before Mr. Justice Darling;
and one at York County Assizes (West Riding), at Leeds, before
Mr. Justice Darling.
In addition to these sentences, four sentences of whipping were
inflicted in 1903 at quarter sessions under the Vagrancy Act,
1835, for grossly indecent exposure of the person.
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