Corpun file 25196 at

Daily Express, London, 17 August 1950, p.5
Spanked wife says 'I deserved it'
Express Staff Reporter
A YOUNG woman who jumped out of a window to avoid being spanked by the man with whom she was living told Stratford, E., magistrates yesterday: "I thoroughly deserved it."
Mrs. Ivy Mary Hawken, of Longbridge-road, Barking, appeared in court on crutches.
She was said to have married, while he was on remand, the man who spanked her. She told the Bench:--
I would like to plead for my husband. I had been aggravating him a good deal."
Mr. G.O. Lane, prosecuting, said Mrs. Hawken came in late. Her husband laid her across his knee and spanked her soundly.
She ran to her bedroom and jumped 15ft. into the garden. She broke her ankle.
Mrs. Hawken, whose pyjamas had been torn off, then crawled naked to a neighbour's house and broke a window to attract attention, said Mr. Lane.
Defending, Mr. Leonard Halpern said it was a case of a couple very much in love. The chastisement administered by the husband was the good, old-fashioned kind.
Pleading guilty to assault, 42-year-old Frank Edward Hawken was discharged conditionally on payment of three guineas costs.