Corpun file 23803 at
The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, 3 July 1930
Punishment of Girls
Use of the Strap
N.Z. Board Removes Ban
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The ban on corporal punishment of girls under 12 years of age
imposed by the Auckland Education Board at a recent meeting has
been removed (says the New Zealand "Herald"). The Board
has reversed, by seven votes to six, its decision to abolish
corporal punishment of these girls.
The original by-law was as follows: --
"Corporal punishment may be inflicted by the head teacher or
by an assistant with his approval, but it should be used as
sparingly as possible. Its frequent infliction in a school is to
be accounted an indication of defective discipline. Corporal
punishment should not be inflicted for trivial breaches of
discipline, for failure or inability to learn, or for neglect to
prepare home lessons, but should be reserved for deliberate
breaches of discipline and for wilful faults. The corporal
punishment of girls of 12 years of age and over is prohibited,
while it is expected that in infant departments, and as far as
all the girls of the school are concerned, corporal punishment
should be rendered unnecessary by the teacher's methods of
Deputation of Teachers.
"Girls are not to be subjected to corporal punishment
unless in exceptional circumstances, and then, if possible, at
the hands of a woman teacher. When corporal punishment has been
administered, particulars as to date, name, nature of the
offence, and the amount of punishment shall be entered in a book
kept for the purpose."
Thus, under this by-law, teachers were definitely restricted to
corporal punishment of girls under 12. At a recent meeting, the
Board agreed to go even further, and it decided that the corporal
punishment of all girls should be abolished. At the time the
decision was opposed by some members, and one prophesied that the
Board would change its view.
At the next meeting of the Board, a deputation from the Auckland
branch of the New Zealand Educational Institute voiced strong
objection to the decision to abolish corporal punishment of
girls. The speakers, all teachers of experience, said they did
not advocate such punishment, but they felt that teachers were
being deprived of a very desirable means of securing discipline
Even the mere knowledge that it could be strapped influenced a
child. It was stated that the Board's decision had had an
immediate effect in that one girl had addressed to its teacher
the remark "Yah, you cannot punish me."
Close Voting on Motion.
At the last meeting, consideration was given to a notice of
motion by Mrs. V. Donaldson that the original by-laws should be
reinstated, with a further provision that "a copy of the
entries in the punishment book shall be forwarded with the term
returns by the head or sole teacher to the Education Board at the
end of each term."
The discussion was taken in committee, and the motion was carried
by seven votes to six.
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