Corpun file 21866
The Wanganui Chronicle, 8 September 1896
Locking Up Schools and Thrashing Boys.
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Mr Stanford, S.M., gave a decision at Feilding last Friday
which is of some importance to teachers, parents, and pupils. Mr
John C. Hill, headmaster of the Feilding State School, was
charged by Mr John Toy with having punished his son, Edward James
Toy, with undue severity by caning him. It appears that young
Toy, who was in the third standard, was kept in after school to
do some sums by way of punishment, but that he marched off home
without leave, and repeated the offence on another occasion. The
teacher reported the matter to the headmaster, Mr Hill. Mr Hill,
in his evidence, says:--
"On Friday morning he was in the room when the boy came
in, and Miss McDonough then told him that Toy had left the school
without her permission the previous evening; questioned the
teacher, and then asked Toy if he had left without permission;
then proceeded to cane Toy; gave him two cuts and found out that
he had a cushion in his trowsers; took him into the lobby, where
he found the boy had about a dozen stockings in his trowsers;
thought it necessary to punish him to show that he (witness) was
not to be duped; then proceeded to cane Toy, to whom he gave six
cuts, two of which had no effect; after the punishment the boy
went back to his place; the boy went away again without
permission on Friday morning; told the boy on Monday morning that
he couldn't come to school until he (witness) had seen his father
and Mr Carthew (the chairman of the School Committee). If a boy
were allowed to defy a teacher it would ruin the discipline of
the school; saw nothing else but to cane him as witness had done;
considered it better to cane a boy on that part of the body in
preference to caning on the hand; did not consider the punishment
unduly severe: Toy had committed the same offence on other
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Under cross-examination, Mr Hill said he "had asked
medical men on several occasions as to the least dangerous part
of a body to cane, so that he should not inflict permanent
injury, and they agreed that that was the best place to cane a
boy; had ceased to give severe caning on the hand for the past
twenty years; the offence was the greatest a boy could commit;
the question was, was the boy to walk out of school when he
pleased, or was he to obey his teacher?"
Dr Johnston and Constable Tuohy were examined as to the
severity of the punishment. Dr Johnston said that he examined the
boy on the Friday, and "found on the left hip two marks
about four inches long, and about half an inch wide; there were
four marks on the right hip; there were severe bruises and
laceration of the skin from two of the marks; there was swelling
around the lower bruises."
Constable Tuohy deposed to the father bringing the boy to him
on the Friday for examination, and to his finding marks on the
boy's hip, which appeared to have been bleeding.
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The Magistrate supported the master. His Worship held
"that punishment was necessary for the discipline of large
schools, and that an offence of this kind should be vigorously
punished. The boy had to be whipped, and he could not say that
the whipping was more than he deserved. He would dismiss the
case, with costs."
The decision is a very important one. Had the magistrate
failed to support the master, the discipline of the school would
have completely broken down, and the scholars would have marched
out and in as they liked, and have obeyed or disobeyed the
commands of their teachers at their pleasure.
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