Corpun file 17048

Sun St.Kitts/Nevis, Basseterre, 1 April 2005
Corporal punishment to be retained in schools
By Corliss Smithen
Corporal punishment will be retained in the Federation's schools.
This was disclosed by Minister of Education Sam Condor, as he piloted the Education Bill, 2005.
"Many parents and teachers cautioned against the abolition of corporal punishment. The problem of school discipline is one we intend to address head-on.
"We have retained corporal punishment as a disciplinary means but we intend to use it as a last resort and we have outlined clearly how it should be used, when it should be used and by whom ... . St. Kitts and Nevis, being a signatory to the UN convention on the Rights of the Child, is under tremendous pressure from that institution to abolish corporal punishment.
"We are aware of the rights ... and we don't want to violate our UN convention and so we also make provisions for the abolition of corporal punishment if it becomes necessary but we believe as a first step with this new bill it should be part of it ... ," Condor said.
The government is also exploring alternative effective disciplinary measures.
He added that the bill, which originated out of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), emphasises the development of self-worth and self-esteem through a positive education environment, promote importance of the family and community and emphasises a need for all people to be able to reach their maximum potential.
"The bill will be amended to ensure that parental control of children is in no way compromised ... and to make sure that parents live up to their responsibilities and play their role as parents," Condor reiterated.
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Corpun file 17053

Sun St.Kitts/Nevis, Basseterre, 5 April 2005
Keeping corporal punishment good move
Dear Editor:
The retention of corporal punishment in the nation's schools is a very good move especially in these days where our youngsters are "getting out of hand."
I do believe, though, that it should be administered by one person, particularly the principal.
It was disheartening when I heard that corporal punishment would be outlawed in the schools. Thank God the Minister of Education Sam Condor has decided to retain it, maybe that's the only way of saving our youth.
L. Morris
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Corpun file 17052

Sun St.Kitts/Nevis, Basseterre, 6 April 2005
Examine all sides of the punishment
Dear Editor:
There must be mixed feelings around the Federation that government has announced it will be holding on to corporal punishment in our schools.
Some will say that is a good move, which will aid in the discipline of our young people and help to keep them focused on what they are supposed to be doing at school, which is learning their lessons.
On the other hand, many believe that any semblance of violence teaches just that, and our young people will indeed become a bit more aggressive because of corporal punishment dished out to them at school.
I think both sides have their strong arguments but as far as I am concerned, if the parents do their work at home in giving their children the right foundation, there will be no need for corporal punishment in school. That belongs in the home and I think this is where it should stay. To keep it in the school opens people up to reprisals and maybe even legal action.
The government and the schools have really got to be careful on this one.
George Francis.
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Corpun file 17051

Sun St.Kitts/Nevis, Basseterre, 6 April 2005
Corporal punishment will not kill
Dear Editor:
Could you please allow me some space in your widely read newspaper to join the debate as to whether or not there should be corporal punishment in the schools of our country?
In my estimation, many of us, who have risen to become model citizens, had our fair share of the cane and it did not destroy us. We did not become violent criminals and we do not go about beating our children half to death as many would want to suggest happens after a person has been exposed to corporal punishment.
Everything can be very useful but the key word always has to be "moderation."
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