Corpun file 23630
South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 10 October 1951
Prison and Cane
Snatcher With Police Record Convicted
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Two years' imprisonment and six strokes of the cane was the
sentenced passed by Mr W.H. Poon at Central yesterday on Ma
Chung-shum, 18, unemployed, who snatched a gold necklace and
locket, valued at $70, from the neck of a 13-year-old girl, Chan
Sau-fong, in Queen's Road West on Sunday.
Ma was seen by some detectives, who caught him after a short
chase. The necklace and locket, which Ma threw away during his
flight, were recovered.
Ma had three previous convictions for larceny, aiding and
abetting a larceny from the person, and receiving stolen
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