South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 5 April 1951
Amah Tied Up And Threatened At Point Of Knife
Six Years For Robber
Kowloon Flat Ransacked
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Six years' hard labour and 12 strokes of the cane was the sentence passed by Mr Justice Gould at the Criminal Sessions yesterday on Lam Ting-por for robbery with aggravation. The Jury of five men and two women deliberated for five minutes before returning a verdict of guilty. It was alleged he stole a wrist-watch, a Parker pen and HK$240. Mr J. Reynolds, Crown Counsel, assisted by Det-Sub-Inspector March, prosecuted. Crown Counsel said the amah, Kwan Kamsing, was employed at 3, Cameron Road, ground floor, Kowloon. On the afternoon of January 23, during the absence of her mistress, a strange Chinese entered by the back door and pointed a knife at the amah. The man, alleged to be the accused, was joined by another person and, in fear of her life, the woman handed over four $10 notes to them. The men, said Mr Reynolds, then tied her up and asked her where her mistress kept her valuables and her keys. She replied she did not know. The men then threatened her by pointing the knife at her chest, where they also struck a few blows. The intruders looked in a handbag and found keys with which they opened various drawers and the amah saw one of the men take a black purse and from it extract red coloured banknotes. After ransacking the flat the men left. Shortly after the mistress and her friend returned and found the amah tied up. The mistress also discovered that a gold wrist watch, a Parker pen and about $240 were missing. The watch was pawned at a pawnshop in Shanghai Street. The accused was arrested at 2 a.m. on January 27 in an unnumbered hut on the hillside in Hunghom. At an identification parade the amah picked out the accused as the man who had pointed the knife at her. In his defence, defendant said he was very surprised that the amah had identified him as he was not at 3 Cameron Road. The watch was given to him by someone who owed him money. He pawned the watch and considered the old account settled.
Corpun file 22721
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South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 5 April 1951
Stole From Baby
Wong Ah-kan, 34, unemployed, who snatched a gold ring, valued
at $20, from a two-month-old baby, was sentenced to two years and
ordered 10 strokes of the cane by Mr Latimer at Central yesterday
after pleading guilty to the charge. In snatching the ring,
defendant cut the child's right hand middle finger.
Corpun file 22722
South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, 11 April 1951
Eight Years For Robber
Amah Relieved Of Jewellery At Hollywood Rd
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Unanimously found guilty by a Jury of five men and two women
on two charges of robbery with aggravation and possession of arms
and ammunition without a licence, Yan Chew, alias Yan Pui, 36,
was yesterday sentenced by the Chief Justice, Sir Gerard Howe, to
eight years' hard labour and 12 strokes of the cane.
Yan was charged, together with Yip Ming-hau, 28, and others
not in custody, with robbing Ng Sheung-ngor of a lady's gold
necklace, a gold ring set with jade and a wrist watch, Ng
Ting-pong of a propelling pencil, Tam Choi-wan of $320 and a gold
bracelet, and Liu Lau-sze of a pair of gold earrings at No 215
Hollywood Road, second floor, on December 27, last year. A second
indictment alleged he was in possession of a revolver and 12
rounds of ammunition without a licence on January 11.
Yip Ming-hau, 28, who had earlier pleaded guilty to the armed
robbery count, was sentenced to seven years and 12 strokes of the
cane, the term to take effect from the conclusion of one year he
is now serving for larceny.
Mr. J. Reynold, Crown Counsel, who prosecuted, assisted by
Det.-Insp. F. Roberts, said there was nothing known against Yan,
but Yip had a previous conviction, having been sentenced by Mr
Thomas Tam at Central some weeks before for larceny.
The Chief Justice, in the course of his summing up, remarked
that the charge of possession of arms and ammunition without a
licence was regarded as very serious in the Colony.
He expressed his entire agreement with the Jury when they
later returned their verdicts.
An order was made for confiscation of a revolver, 12 rounds of
ammunition and three knives produced in evidence in the course of
the trial.
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