Corpun file 19692

The New York Times, 25 September 1910
Special Correspondence
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PARIS, Sept. 16. -- All Paris is discussing the Apache
problem, and many suggestions are forthcoming for the punishment
of the street criminals who are committing crimes now merely for
the sake of killing and to count another victim of their daggers
or revolvers. M. Raynaud's measure for the institution of
Corporal Punishment for Apaches has the support of many citizens
and the press.
Le Temps says that "the adhesion of so many people to a
proposal which would have caused scandal ten years ago is a fact
worthy of great attention. The public has had enough of this want
of protection, and it will not content itself with the
explanations that are given in newspapers generally unfavorable
to the police and advocates of the status quo."
While Le Figaro, also favorable to corporal punishment, regrets
the attitude of the "humanitarians" in Parliament:
"Alas! between the Apaches and their victims there lies a
parliament, that is to say, an assembly of sensitive Democrats
who would not care to admit that after forty years of Republican
reign a human creature should be struck or thrashed, at all
events in the name of the law. The British have not such
scruples, and yet it is known that in no country, not even in our
own, is respect for the dignity and independence of the
individual carried so far. But our neighbors make a distinction
between the human creature who accepts the state of society and
the human creature who does not accept it. The first is held
sacred, and is protected; the second is whipped. It is considered
that any one who has wilfully placed himself outside the bounds
of society cannot be treated in the same way and in accordance with
the same principles as if he remained a member of that society.
The point of view may be disputed but there can be no dispute
concerning the fact, which should make us reflect somewhat that
before the institution of the whip there were 'Apaches' in
London, and that since the institution there are no more."
M. Barthou, Minister of Justice, has also come in for a certain
amount of criticism since announcing his intention to amend
various clauses in regard to the punishment of Apaches, for, as
certain persons in authority, including M. Lepine, the Prefect of
Police, assert, the law as it stands is explicit and clear
enough, although some change might be made in its interpretation
and application.
For example, the question of carrying firearms, &c. It is
suggested that law-abiding, well-reputed citizens should be
permitted to carry some weapon of defense, while, on the other
hand, criminals known to be such should be punished according to
their offenses.
Statistics just published show that within the limits of Paris
and its suburbs there were during August 47 attacks with
revolvers and 53 with the knife, while in July there were 52 with
revolvers and 59 with the knife. Shooting caused 11 deaths and
stabs 4 in August, as against 6 each by revolver and knife in
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