Corpun file 19451

The Times, London, 17 October 1894, p.5
The Flogging Scandal In The Cameroons.
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It will be remembered that the rising which took place last
December against the German authorities in the Cameroons was
largely ascribed to the misconduct of Herr Leist, a subordinate
official who was unfortunately entrusted for the time being with
the functions of acting governor. He was charged with having
provoked the revolt by gross excesses, for which he has had to
answer today before a Court of Discipline.
The prosecution, represented by Herr Rose, Secretary of
Legation, who was sent out by the Foreign Office to make an
inquiry on the spot, charged him with undue cruelty in causing
women to be stripped and flogged; with improper conduct,
accompanied by acts of violence towards other woman left in his
charge as hostages and with having thereby caused a rising
against the Imperial authority and impaired the prestige of the
German Empire. On these counts Herr Rose demanded the dismissal
of the defendant from the public service.
Herr Leist pleaded that the flogging was absolutely necessary,
as he had exhausted all other methods of punishment, and he
claimed that it had been administered as humanely as possible in
the circumstances. In the eyes of the natives no special
indignity attached to being stripped naked. In East Africa
flogging was the recognized form of punishment, and Herr von
Soden himself had been obliged to apply it. He acknowledged being
guilty of the improper acts, but denied violence, and claimed
that, considering the lax views of morality which prevailed in
Africa, the offence could not have excited public reprehension
there. He also denied that his conduct had been the cause of the
In spite of a vigorous address by the prosecutor,
insisting that the flogging was unnecessary; that, as
representing the Emperor, Leist could not claim to be judged by
the standard of African morality; and that his conduct had
brought shame and disgrace on the German name, the Court
acquitted the defendant on all the counts except that of improper
acts, and considered that his offence under that head would be
adequately met by his transfer to another post with a reduction
of 20 per cent on his salary. The Court was of opinion that in
causing the women to be flogged he had not exceeded his powers,
and that his conduct had not been the cause of the rising. In
meting out punishment, it took into account his long and
excellent previous services.
Such an extraordinary finding defies comment. It may be good
law, but it will certainly not be endorsed by German public
opinion. -- Our Own Correspondent.
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