Corpun file 24936 at
The Toronto Daily Star, 13 March 1931, p.32
Lake Shore
Order Boy Strapped for Theft of Cars
Juvenile Took Two in Attempt to Escape From School
Serving Four Years
Long Series of Offences Began When Prisoner Only Ten
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New Toronto, March 13. -- A juvenile offender with a long list
of offences dating back to 1926 when he was only ten years old
appeared on three charges before Magistrate Davidson yesterday.
Two of the charges were for theft of motor cars and one was for
the attempted theft of another.
The three offences were committed on the same day, March 4, in
the boy's efforts to escape when he ran away from the industrial
school. Because the lad had just been committed to the industrial
school for four years in the Toronto juvenile court, the
magistrate give him suspended sentence with 10 strokes of the
strap which were to be administered that afternoon.
In passing sentence his worship gave the lad some sound advice
and pointed out the error of his way. When the boy expressed his
willingness to receive the punishment, which he admitted he
deserved, the magistrate said, "I just want to make you
think and the strap sometimes helps boys to think."
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