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Judicial CP - August 2007
![]() Borneo Bulletin Weekend, Bandar Seri Begawan, 4 August 2007Two get jail and lashes for rape and escapeBy Rol Ezam The High Court Thursday sentenced two Indonesian men to 14 years and six months imprisonment and 14 strokes of the cane and 15 years in jail and 16 strokes of the whipping respectively after the two men pleaded guilty to raping a foreign woman and escaping from custody. The defendants, Aan Junaedi, 25, who worked at a car wash, and Iswahyudi, 26, worked as a personal driver appeared to be unrepresented in the court before Judge Dato Paduka Steven Chong. Iswahyudi received a heavier sentence after he also pleaded guilty to a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to a policeman. The prosecution was led by the Deputy Public Prosecutor Aldila Hj Md Salleh who was assisted by DPP Nor Hafizah Ahmad and DPP Hjh Emeralda. The court heard that at about 11 pm on February 4 this year, the two had taken turns to rape the victim, identified as Miss X, at a room in a flat. At about 2 am on February 5, Miss X managed to escape from the room and contacted a friend who contacted the police who arrested both defendants on the same day. Both defendants were then brought to the Magistrate's Court the next day where they were charged with the rape and then remanded by court order at Berakas Police Station for further investigations. However, on the afternoon of March 6, the defendants managed to escape while being escorted by the police from the court building towards the police vehicle to be sent to Jerudong Prison. Before entering the police vehicle, both defendants suddenly ran towards the exit road heading towards the main road. The police escorts gave chase and managed to rearrest Iswahyudi but Aan managed to run away. However, the police managed to rearrest Aan upon receiving information at a workers quarters later that same day. Copyright © 2007 Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. All right reserved. BruDirect.com, 22 August 20079 Years Jail & 12 Strokes For ConvictBy Rol Ezam (extract)Bandar Seri Begawan - The High Court yesterday sentenced 34-year-old Malaysian; Farley Anak Libau, to nine years' imprisonment and 12 strokes of the cane for his involvement in gang robberies at a house in Mukim Kilanas and ATM machines located in Jalan Kebangsaan four years ago. The defendant, who appeared before Judge Hairol Ami Hj Abd Majid, was convicted to one amended charge and two additional charges while four other charges, including one count of housebreaking by night and three gang robbery charges with stolen goods worth more than B$3 million, were taken into consideration under section 13A of the Criminal Procedure Code, Chapter 7. Farley, who hails from Miri, first pleaded guilty to committing theft of items worth about B$100,000 with four others, who are still at large, and in committing the theft he wrongfully restrained a man and thereby committed an offence of gang robbery. At the time of the incident, one of them was armed with a knife, which is an offence punishable under section 395 of the Penal Code, Chapter 22. He also admitted to two counts of committing theft of cash with ten others, who are still at large, from Baiduri and HSBC Bank ATM machines respectively located at the Supasave Mabohai complex and in committing the theft, some of them wrongfully restrained two security guards. Facts of the case heard in the court yesterday stated that the defendant was approached by several persons, still at large, at his home in Miri and wanted him to come along with them to commit robberies in Brunei to which he agreed. The defendant and four others, still at large, entered the country on July 15, 2003. The defendant entered Brunei through the Immigration Control Post in Sungai Tujoh while the rest entered the country illegally. [...] Copyright © 1999-2005 Brudirect.com All rights reserved. ![]() Borneo Bulletin, Bandar Seri Begawan, 28 August 2007Over 1,000 foreigners deportedBy Za'im Zaini (extracts)A record number of foreign nationals have been deported from the country over the last eight months. The country sent home 1,251 foreign nationals believed to be involved in several cases - 981 immigration cases, 135 police cases, nine narcotics cases, 30 religious cases, seven for health reasons, three Customs cases, 82 labour cases, four fisheries cases and one corruption case. The deportations are the highest recorded so far. From January to June last year, only 284 foreigners were deported. In 2005, 736 foreigners were deported. The figures were revealed in a recent statistics released by the Law Enforcement Section, Department of Immigration and National Registration. [...] The number of people slapped with compound fine so far stands at 787 amounting to $275,600 in total. From January to June last year, a total of $195,000 in fines were collected from 545 people and in the same period the year before, $138,000 in fines were collected from 362 people. The number of offenders charged with overstaying and were subsequently sentenced to strokes of the cane stands at 53. The number of Bruneians including permanent residents charged with immigration offences stands at 144. Copyright © 2007 Brunei Press Sdn Bhd. All right reserved. |
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Copyright © C. Farrell 2007
Page created December 2007