Corpun file 24332 at
The Advertiser, Adelaide, 21 March 1961
Vandals to be whipped
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Two boys were each sentenced yesterday to a whipping of 10
strokes for having wilfully damaged the Taperoo High School on
December 29 and 15 strokes for having maliciously set fire to the
school on February 9.
Ordering the whippings in the Port Adelaide Juvenile Court, Mr.
L.F.J. Johnston, SM, released the names of the boys for
They are Michialo Romanowycz, 15, junior porter, of Ventura
avenue, Taperoo, and Gediminas Poperinskas, 14, student, of
Military road, Taperoo.
The magistrate said the instrument with which the whipping would
be administered would be prescribed by the Sheriff. The whippings
would be private and might given on more than one occasion, at
the Sheriff's discretion.
Having regard to a previous case from the Adelaide Juvenile Court
a few months ago, the magistrate said he understood that a cane
would be the instrument used.
The defendants were committed to the Magill Reformatory until
they are 18.
Releasing their names for publication, the magistrate said he
could imagine no greater justification for exercising this power
than the offences to which they had pleaded guilty.
They had been responsible for losses, through theft and damage,
totalling £33,600.
In addition to the offences with which they had been charged, it
had been asked that five other offences for breaking and
entering, larceny and wilful damage, be considered.
Addressing the defendants, the magistrate said, "Since
November 20 you have embarked on a career of crime, and the
damage done to the school before you set fire to it was vandalism
at its worst.
"You have become menaces to the community and need a sharp
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