Corpun file 22998
The Argus, Melbourne, 31 July 1925, p.15
Two Youths to be Whipped.
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Whippings were ordered by Mr. Justice McArthur in the Criminal
Court yesterday for two youths, each of whom had pleaded guilty
to a charge of having committed a serious offence against a boy.
A third prisoner, charged with a similar offence, was released on
a bond to be of good behaviour. The youths are Leonard Woodman,
aged 18 years; Peter Kenny, aged 16 years; and Frederick George
Hammond, aged 15 years.
Mr. Justice McArthur said that the prisoners were very young,
but he would punish them in such a way that they would remember
it for the remainder of their lives. Woodman was sentenced to
imprisonment for 14 days and to 10 strokes of the birch. Kenny
was sentenced to imprisonment for seven days, and a whipping of
seven strokes of the birch. Hammond was released on a bond to be
of good behaviour for three years, and to come up for sentence
when called upon. Mr. Justice McArthur added that he intended to
ask the authorities not to permit Kenny and Woodman to associate
with other prisoners.
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