Corpun file 22638
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, New South Wales, 16 February 1884
The Recent Assault at West Maitland.
Three of the Prisoners Flogged.
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The case against the four young men charged with having
committed a cowardly assault on Mr James F. Kerr, proprietor of
the Adelphi Hotel, West Maitland, on Sunday evening last, has
resulted in the infliction of corporal punishment on three of the
offenders -- Michael Stapleton, aged 18 years; William Cush, aged
17; and Henry Hannigan, aged 17 years. A full report of the case
appears on another page.
The three prisoners, with two others -- Frederick William
Browne and William Lawler -- came to Mr. Kerr's Hotel on Sunday
evening about 10 o'clock, representing themselves to be
travellers, and demanding to be supplied with refreshments. Mr
Kerr was in bed at the time the call was made, and on the
strength of the prisoners' statement that they were travellers he
opened the bar for the purpose of supplying them with
refreshments. Lawler stood in the hall, and the other four
entered the bar. He had served Stapleton and was drawing some
beer for Browne when the others rushed out of the door. Mr. Kerr
afterwards missed three bottles of spirits from the shelf, and
went in search of the fellows. He found them, with two others
lying in a paddock some distance away, all apparently under the
influence of drink. On proceeding close to them for the purpose
of identifying them Stapleton rushed at him and struck him with
his fist twice. He afterwards picked up a brick and struck Mr.
Kerr on the arm, the power of which he lost for a time. Another
brick hit him in the head, leaving a wound. The brick cut the hat
Mr. Kerr was wearing. A third stone passed over his shoulder.
Feeling cause for alarm, Mr. Kerr took to his heels, and was
followed by four or five of the fellows. Browne apparently took
no part in the assault, but he was convicted of being concerned
in the theft, and was sentenced to be imprisoned for two months
with hard labour.
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The bench found Stapleton, Hannigan, Lawler, and Cush guilty
of the assault, and ordered Stapleton to be detained in custody
for ninety-six hours and to receive twenty lashes; Hannigan to be
detained for a similar period, and to receive eighteen lashes;
and Cush to be detained for a like period, and to receive eight
lashes. There was no previous conviction in Lawler's case, and be
was ordered to he detained for six hours, and to find a surety in
£40 for his good behaviour for six months. The bench pointed out
that other modes of punishment having failed, flogging had become
a necessity.
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The castigation took place yesterday in Maitland Gaol, and the
instrument was used by the castigator with great discretion, and
there was an entire absence of brutality. The three prisoners had
been detained at the West Maitland lockup up to 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, when they were conveyed to the gaol in the
prison van. About 60 persons, chiefly boys, had assembled in
front of the gaol to await the arrival of the three prisoners.
The triangle and horse were erected in the outer yard at the rear
of the hospital, and the punishment was witnessed by about
twenty-five persons -- magistrates, policemen, gaol warders, and
representatives of the Press. Mr. H. Maclean, Comptroller-General
of Prisons; Dr. Blackwell, Government medical officer; Mr.
Abbott, P.M, the Governor of the Gaol; and Dr. R.J. Pierce, J.P.,
were among those present. At twenty minutes past 5 o'clock Cush
was brought forward and strapped to the horse -- a wooden bench.
Cush evidently dreaded the punishment, and he cried very bitterly
during the process of strapping. A leather band was placed round
each arm and leg, and his buttocks only were exposed. A strap
containing nine thongs was used. In Cush's case the punishment
was not severe, owing to his youth. After the first stroke he
called out "murder," and declared that he was innocent
of the crime and others could swear it. He appeared to feel the
chastisement very keenly. Hannigan was then lashed to the horse.
At the first he appeared to be unconcerned, but after the leather
had been applied three or four times he flinched and appeared to
suffer some pain. He is a strong robust fellow for his age. His
buttocks were very much marked, though there was no breaking of
the skin. He will probably feel the effects of the lash for some
days to come. After the eighteen strokes had been administered he
exclaimed, as he was being released from the bench, "I am
innocent of this." Stapleton was strapped to the triangle,
and his back was quite bare. The instrument used for the
infliction of punishment in his case was the real cat-'o-nine
tails, made of whip cord with knots at the lower end. He remained
perfectly cool till the first stroke was given, when he began to
flinch severely, and cried "Oh, my God." The strokes
were rather severe, and Stapleton uttered a succession of groans.
The cat was laid on the back, and by the time the last stroke was
given, the skin was very much contused, though there was no
actual cut apparent. One of the tails struck him under the jaw,
from which he seemed to suffer some pain. It will doubtless be
some time before the bruises will disappear. After the
castigation had been concluded, Dr. Blackwell visited the
prisoners in the gaol surgery, and examined them. Each of them
appeared to realise the degrading nature of the punishment, and
suffered anguish. The flogging lasted about twenty minutes. While
Hannigan was being punished the male prisoners, who had all been
locked up by five o'clock, began to hoot, but the disturbance was
soon quelled.
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It is sincerely to be hoped that the castigation the three
young fellows received yesterday will have a beneficial effect on
their future lives and conduct, and that it will act as a warning
to others. The punishment is degrading, and painful to witness,
and it is greatly to be wished that its repetition may not be
necessary. If young men of the class to which the prisoners
belong could only realize the ugliness of the punishment
administered yesterday, we venture to think that they would
consider well before committing offences which may lead to the
application of the lash. Imprisonment has not been found a potent
remedy to check the growth of lawlessness in the colony, and the
infliction of the cat has become a dire necessity. The prison
system has been found to be far from reformatory in most cases,
and more repressive measures have had to be taken in the
interests of society.
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