Corpun file 20913

The Times, London, 3 February 1852
Latest Intelligence. (By Electric Telegraph.)
(From our own correspondent.)
Vienna, Jan. 28.
The sentence passed on the youth for not taking off his hat when the Emperor passed, as related in my letter of the 25th, is thus mentioned in the Wiener Zeitung of yesterday: -- "Louis Danzmayer, shopman, 20 stripes with a rod, and eight days' arrest in a military prison, for inflammatory demonstrations in a public place." As my report was true to the very letter, you may suppose what indignation the wording of the sentence has occasioned.
In the list of those tried and condemned by the military court during the last week, I find "Eve Demmelhart, for inflammatory expressions, 20 stripes with a rod and eight days' military arrest (irons on both feet), during two of which she is to have nothing but bread and water."
About a fortnight ago you were informed that several ringleaders in "a strike" had been arrested. Six have received 25 blows each with a stick, one 20, and fourteen 15 blows. Four persons are sentenced to punishment with the stick for opposing the police, and 13 others, whose names are not even mentioned, are sentenced "to short terms of imprisonment or less severe corporal punishment."