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Eyewitness News, Cape Town, 20 April 2019
Ferlon Christians calls for implementation of moderate spanking at schools

While on campaigning in Lavender Hill, ACDP Western Cape leader Ferlon Christians says learners need to be disciplined by way of spanking.
CAPE TOWN -- African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) Western Cape leader Ferlon Christians says corporal punishment in schools will be re-introduced should he be elected to the highest office in the Western Cape.
Christians was campaigning in Lavender Hill, outside Cape Town, on Saturday where he told supporters that learners need to be disciplined by way of spanking.
"There are enough laws when it comes to the protection of children, but we believe we must have some discipline and that moderate spanking at schools should be implemented."
In 1996, laws were passed banning the use of corporal punishment in schools.
Despite the ban over 20 years ago, social media has been hit with videos of teachers hitting pupils at schools and those of pupils fighting each other.
Corpun file 26791 at

The Mercury, Durban, 24 April 2019
Punishment necessary for good behaviour
SPARE the rod and spoil the child? A reader weighs in on the topic of corporal punishment.
DURBAN -- There was a debate on SAFM the other day about reintroducing corporal punishment, because current forms of punishment are not working.
And some pupils are dangerously out of control.
I'd like to put in my two cents worth.
I saw on Carte Blanche a while ago some teachers' interpretation of corporal punishment. A teacher was chasing a female student around the classroom thrashing her with a cane. That is not corporal punishment, that is thoughtless savagery. The other clip showed a pupil sitting at his desk while the teacher thrashed him about the shoulders. That is not corporal punishment either.
Let me tell you how it worked when I was at school. If you did something wrong in class and the teacher thought it was punishable, he wrote a note and sent you down to the headmaster's office.
If he thought it necessary, you'd bend over and he would give you a few swipes on the bum with a cane. Let me tell you, you didn't mess about in class again. There were consequences for your actions.
There are none today. A pupil can stand up in class and flash a knife, and there is nothing a teacher can do.
There have to be consequences, or how will a pupil learn how to behave?