Corpun file 26713 at (WTOK-TV), Meridian, Mississippi, 23 July 2018
Holmes County School District bans corporal punishment
Souce: MGN
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- Corporal punishment will be outlawed in Holmes County School District.
The Clarion Ledger reports the rural school board of the newly merged 3,000-student district voted last Wednesday to eliminate the practice.
Superintendent James Henderson asked the board to change the policy. He cited research that corporal punishment can be emotionally harmful to children.
Henderson says unruly students will not be tolerated and there will be discipline in the schools.
Staff will be trained in positive behavior interventions and supports. This type of behavior intervention emphasizes prevention as opposed to punishment.
Under Mississippi law, corporal punishment can be "administered in a reasonable manner" but it's unclear how many school districts permit the practice.