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Ottawa Sun, 7 June 2012
Spank You! Don't come again
Fed-up shopkeeper peppers, paddles would-be robbers
By Michael Aubry
Screen grab from security camera footage shows shopkeeper holding the robber bent over the counter and spanking his bare buttocks.
OTTAWA -- When two masked men walked into Zhen Yang's Gatineau, Que., convenience store Tuesday night, at first he thought it was a practical joke.
He was just closing up the store around 10:30 p.m., eager to get back to his wife and kids waiting for him in their upstairs apartment.
But as the men whipped out short knives and demanded cash from the register, he knew it was no farce.
"Nobody takes out a knife to make a joke," he said. "At that point, I got a little bit scared."
But on security footage obtained by QMI Agency, he appears calm and composed as the men point at the register with their knives and demand him to open it.
But as the men became more agitated and one of them tries to get behind the counter, Yang knew his life might seriously be in danger.
Yang searched the shelves behind the counter for something, anything he could use to fend off his assailants.
"I need to find something to defend myself, I cannot use my pencil, right?" he said as he relived the experience.
Then Yang remembered he had a can of bear spray tucked away. The spray had been sitting there unused for years.
Yang let the two thieves have a full dose to the face. He said his skin is still burning from the spray, which clouded the air.
While one man fled the scene, Yang managed to grab the other as he leaped over the counter, repeatedly spanking him with a closed fist.
Soon after his wife, Bi Liang, and a customer came in and helped him subdue the suspect until police arrived.
Liang heard the scuffle because they have monitors set up to hear the children upstairs.
Interrogating the first suspect led to the arrest of the second, and both men are being charged with robbery, wearing a disguise and possession of a concealed weapon.
This isn't the first time the couple has been robbed.
Since buying the store six years ago, they've been robbed at least three times, once when Liang was pregnant and got pepper-sprayed by a thief while working alone.
Liang said she's had enough with the robberies.
"I hate all robbers," she said. "We did the right thing. You come in first to rob my store then to kill my husband, I try to protect myself and my family."
Despite their actions, Gatineau police warn all store owners not to take the law into their own hands and listen to the demands of thieves.
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Three-minute video version of the above news story from the Ottawa Sun. This includes the footage from the CCTV surveillance tape, during which for a few seconds we see the splendid store-owner getting one of the young would-be robbers stretched across the counter, pulling his pants down and spanking his bare bottom. This is quickly eclipsed by a rather more serious level of retribution from the owner's wife, who gives the culprit a well-deserved kicking before help arrives.
IMPORTANT: Copyright in this video material rests with the original copyright holders. This brief excerpt is reproduced under the "fair use" doctrine
for private, non-profit, historical research and education purposes only. It must not be redistributed or republished in any commercial context.
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Page created October 2012