Corpun file 24110
The Voice, Francistown, 25 May 2012
Chief's son convicted of theft
Escapes prison sentence as jails are full
By Daniel Chida
 LUCKY: Kabelo Seemeko |
Son of Etsha 6 Chief Joseph Seemeko was this week arraigned
before Maun Customary Court facing a single count of theft.
Kabelo Seemeko, 23 an employee of Sefalana Cash and Carry
wholesalers recently stole six bottles of perfumes worth P89.70.
He did not waste any time as he pleaded guilty and agreed to
whatever was said in court.
He however asked the court to be lenient with him saying he
has a four-year old child to look after. He also asked this
reporter not to publish the story as it was going to shame him
and his family in Etsha.
Kabelo is said to have stolen the perfumes towards knocking
off time and was arrested by alert shop security personnel.
He was given five strokes on bare buttocks as his sentence.
 Click to enlarge |
Still in the same court one Bongani Mkhwanazi of Boseja ward
was also given five strokes for stealing a 750ml bottle of Omega
Espado Tequila at the same wholesale.
The 23-year old told the court that he did not deliberately
steal the alcohol but failed to say what lead him to commit the
Court President Charles Letsholathebe told the two accused
persons that he wanted to send them to prison but was recently
told that the two prisons in Maun are full.
"You are lucky, if it was not that the prisons are full,
I could be sending you there now," he said.
Copyright © 2012 The Voice. All rights
Corpun file 24109
The Voice, Francistown, 25 May 2012
Habitual criminal awaits sentence
By Chenjenali Baraedi
 CONVICT: Dipelaelo |
A criminal with 10 previous convictions was yet again
found guilty of raping a 13-year-old minor at Dukwi village in
Diketso Dipelaelo, 30 of Botshabelo ward was on Monday this
week sent to High Court for sentencing after a Francistown
magistrate Siziba Sijabuliso convicted him of raping his primary
school going sister's playmate.
The convict who has a crime record ranging from theft,
burglary, stock theft and assault committed between 2000 -2004 is
said to have lured the little girl together with his sister to
put up in a tent which he used as his bedroom at Dukwi village.
 Click to enlarge |
In the middle of the night while his sister was fast asleep
Dipelaelo raped her friend.
Pleading for mercy before he was convicted for molesting the
girl, Dipelaelo who had earlier on pleaded not guilty to the
offence, asked the court to backdate his sentence from the day he
was thrown behind bars after committing the crime.
"I have been rooting in prison for ages, so I humble ask
this honourable court to consider back dating my sentence to the
time I was first thrown behind bars," said Dipelaelo who is
now waiting for his sentence.
Oteng Selalame from Dukwi Police prosecuted.
Crime Sentence
Theft Three
Assault Two strokes
Theft Five
Theft P50
or two months
Three months
Burglary/theft Three strokes and six months
Assault Three
Assault Four
Burglary Nine months
Theft Four
Copyright © 2012 The Voice. All rights