Corpun file 23959
Kuensel, Bhutan, 16 April 2012
Zero tolerance to indiscipline
Having strict polices to handle indiscipline does not mean
corporal punishment is back in schools
By Sonam Pelden
Additional reporting by Namgay Tshoki
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The education ministry is revisiting its way of handling
disciplinary problems in schools and has asked schools to frame
strong penalties for students who do not abide by the school's
code of conduct.
The decision to relook the policy comes at a time when
corporal punishment is banned and schools in urban Bhutan are
grappling with a growing indiscipline problem among its students,
who many a times come in conflict with the law.
The revised discipline policies will be implemented next
Schools in Thimphu have already met with education ministry
officials and discussed ways to handle indiscipline and criminal
problems by its students.
Education secretary Sangay Zam said it's high time the society
inculcates a culture of law-abiding citizens. "Until and
unless this is dealt with seriously and firmly, we might reach a
situation where things may become unmanageable," the
secretary said. "Disciplinary problems will be dealt firmly,
uniformly and consistently without any fear or favour and if it's
a criminal act then the law should take its course."
While soft disciplinary actions such as counseling work for
some students, education officials said some students continue to
think that they can get away with anything.
"So I think we need to make children realise that there
is a consequence to their action and if they have done something
wrong, then they should face the music," Sangay Zam said.
A principal of one the schools in Thimphu said that there are
discipline problems everyday in his school such as pushing the
teacher or bullying students or fighting.
"Now students are not afraid to come to school after
drinking and going against the teacher has become a trend,"
the principal said. "There is no fear at all."
Counselling and detention, which replaced corporal punishment
in schools, do not work in Bhutanese schools and students, the
principal said. Students use their broken families excuse to
"emotionally blackmail" teachers during counselling.
"May be there were weaknesses among teachers to go about
implementing them that these strategies did not work," he
To handle indiscipline problems, Bajothang high school and
Punakha higher secondary school, for example make their students
take an oath every morning about the norms, visions and
expectations of the school.
If a student is found misbehaving repeatedly or more than
twice, these schools suspend the student and give lot of
assignments and projects with a strict deadline.
Schools will now have written down polices, making
distinctions between indiscipline behaviour and criminal acts and
categorise them accordingly. The degree of offenses and sanctions
for each indiscipline act will also be framed and punishments may
range from giving additional assignments to detention to
suspension and depending on the severity of the case, may be even
expulsion. The school will deal with these problems.
Changangkha lower secondary school feels that their revised
discipline policies would work. "I feel it should because
it's not made to spoil the children and parents should understand
that its done in favour of their children," the school
principal said.
Among others, the school is planning to have a
"character" subject that the student needs to pass to
go to a higher class. The subject would have about 10 components
such as punctuality and behaviour. "If the student fails in
this but passes academically, he would still be considered
failed," the principal said.
Schools said these changes in handling indiscipline problems
would also alert parents who so far have not given enough support
to schools in handling their children's behaviours.
But if it's a criminal act like assaults and battery, then the
case will be handled as per the law. The education ministry has
taken a stand to have a multi pronged approach to handle
disciplinary problems.
"Now we have to take a serious stand otherwise we are
becoming too accepting and complacent," the secretary said.
"The ministry has empowered the schools, teachers and from
our side if all these things are done in a transparent and fair
manner, we'll not entertain any appeals from parents."
The education ministry has also decided to stop transferring
"problem students" from one school to another, as is
the practice today. Now, if a school asks a student to leave, the
student or the parent will have to find another school.
"The ministry will not facilitate any transfers due to
disciplinary problems," the education secretary said.
"Its not working because everyone is taking it very easy and
they can get another school."
Education ministry however made it clear that their stand of
"zero tolerance to indiscipline" does not mean corporal
punishment is back and that teachers can go back to caning
"We believe that if discipline improves in our schools,
academics performance would also improve because attendance will
be regular and children will pay attention in class," the
secretary said.
Doing away with corporal punishment was a drastic change
leaving teachers inadequate to handle discipline problems in
schools, said education officials.
"What we found during our interactions with teachers was
that 'no corporal punishment meant no punishment'," the
secretary said. "But that is not the case, we're not allowed
to beat but there are other ways of penalising bad
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