www.corpun.com : Archive : 2011 : SG Judicial May 2011 |
The Straits Times, Singapore, 31 May 20114 years' jail and caning for rioterBy Elena Chong
The Gi Hai Khim gang had showed up for that April 2009 meeting seriously outnumbered, forcing its members to accede to the other side's demands. The Gi Hai Khim gang then decided that an attack on the other side was in order to avenge the humiliation. Nine of the gang members, led by Poovaindran Murugan, then 25, set upon a member of the other gang, who was at a bus stop with a friend. Of the nine, Poovaindran was armed with a pole while another member of his group had a spanner. The attack on April 29 left Arifudien B. M. J. Abideen, then 17, so badly beaten up that he had to spend a week in hospital with head injuries. His right eyeball was ruptured, and he is now blind in that eye. Yesterday, Poovaindran was jailed four years and ordered to be given 12 strokes of the cane for rioting. He was also handed down nine months for being part of an unlawful assembly. The two terms will run concurrently.
The other eight members of his group have already been dealt with in court. A gangland attack in Downtown East which took place more recently -- last October -- left a 19-year-old polytechnic student dead. Eleven men have been charged with his murder. |
Country files: Corporal punishment in Singapore |
Copyright © C. Farrell 2011
Page created August 2011