Corpun file 22028
Botswana Gazette, Gaborone, 27 January 2010
Police Commissioner to hand two flogging dockets to DPP
As Attorney General explains the customary law
By Aubrey Lute
The Commissioner of Police, Mr Thebeyame Tsimako has informed
the Attorney General's Office that they are investigating a
number of cases that have been reported to Police relating to
flogging of persons in the Kgatleng District.
He has told the AG that they are ready to hand over at least
two dockets to the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to
consider whether charges should be laid against the suspects.
The Attorney General, Dr Athaliah Molokomme has said she finds
it appropriate, in the light of recent developments in the
Kgatleng District, the ensuing public debates on the issue, and
following enquiries, to inform the public on the legal position
with respect to the administration of corporal punishment in
Botswana. Explaining the application of customary law in relation
to the general law of the country, Molokomme said "The
fundamental law of Botswana is the Constitution; all laws are
subordinate to the Constitution and should therefore be
consistent with its provisions."
She said the Customary law in Botswana is recognised and
applied within certain clearly defined parameters. It is defined
as: " relation to any particular tribe or tribal
community, the customary law of that tribe or community so far as
it is not incompatible with the provisions of any written law or
contrary to morality, humanity or natural justice". In other
words, customary law is recognised subject to its compatibility
with the Constitution, any written law and as long as it passes
the test of morality, humanity and natural justice.
The AG said customary courts are also recognised by law, and
are regulated under the Customary Courts Act, which also imposes
certain restrictions on their jurisdiction and procedure,
especially in criminal cases.
She cited the Customary Courts Act which provides that a
customary court shall administer customary law and the provisions
of any written law which the court may be authorized to
administer..., and in so doing shall give effect to the
provisions of section 10 of the Constitution of Botswana..."
 Click to enlarge
In addition, she said Section 10 of the Constitution lays down
clear rules for the conduct of a fair trial, and provides that no
person shall be convicted of a criminal offence unless that
offence is defined and the penalty therefor is prescribed in a
written law (except for contempt).
"Most importantly, customary courts are required to
follow clearly defined written procedures contained in the
Customary Courts (Procedure) Rules for both civil and criminal
cases. These are the minimum national standards against which all
customary courts in Botswana, without exception, are bound, by
law, to operate," said the AG.
Molokomme said Corporal punishment in Botswana is one of the
punishments a Court properly constituted may pass after a trial
or plea of guilty. She said these punishments are clearly
provided for in the law, which also lays down the offences to
which they apply, the courts which are competent to apply them
and the manner of their execution.
"With respect to corporal punishment, there are certain
requirements and restrictions to which this punishment is
subjected, which can be found in a number of statutes. These
include section 10 of the Constitution, section 28 of the Penal
Code, section 305 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act, and
section 3 of the Corporal Punishment Regulations (under the
Customary Courts Act)."
The AG also explained the main restrictions that apply and the
procedures to be followed with respect to the administration of
corporal punishment to convicted persons:
i) the punishment shall be carried out in a manner and with
a cane of a type which has been provided for in Regulations;
ii) the punishment shall not be administered until a
medical officer has certified that the convict is fit for such
punishment, and should be administered in the presence of a
medical officer or magistrate;
iii) the punishment should be carried out privately in a
prison, or a recognized customary court, except for convicts
under 18 years whom the court may direct that it be done in
some other place by some other person in the presence of his/or
her parent/guardian;
iv) the administration of corporal punishment on females,
and on males above the age of 40 years as a punishment by a court
is prohibited;
v) where lawfully sanctioned, corporal punishment shall be
inflicted on the buttocks only and on no other part of the body;
vi) no instrument other than a cane or thupa shall be used,
and a sjambok or other type of whip is prohibited;
vii) where a cane is used, protection shall be placed over
the kidneys before such punishment is inflicted;
viii) if the convicted person indicates a desire to appeal
the sentence, the caning should not be administered pending the
ix) Corporal punishment at schools is regulated by the
Education Act, which lays down written requirements for its use;
x) In addition the Children's Act, which was adopted by
Parliament, assented to by the President in 2009 and will
commence shortly, contains clear provisions limiting the number
of strokes to be administered on convicted children to six
strokes. This Act also requires compliance with the provisions of
the Penal Code and Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act earlier
referred to.
Molokomme said the above general rules restrictions presuppose
the existence of a fair trial, a conviction and lawful sentence
of corporal punishment. "They apply throughout Botswana and
are meant for the protection of everyone; they are minimum
standards below which no one can legally act. No person, group or
tribe, is exempted from, or above the law."
She said customary law in Botswana is defined subject to
consistency with the written law, thus no belief, custom, tribal
practice, or customary law is superior to the written law.
"In other words, in the few instances where there might be a
conflict, the written Law takes precedence."
The AG further said the flogging or caning of people without
their consent, outside the foregoing legal framework, is illegal
and offenders can be charged with criminal offences for assault
and other offences, as well as being sued in civil proceedings.
"I would like to reassure the public that they have the
full protection of the law as enunciated above, and should not
hesitate to report offenders, or be intimidated from cooperating
with the police and other legally sanctioned law enforcement
agencies, to ensure compliance with the rule of law,"
concluded the Attorney General.